Martial Arts World

Chapter 145: Outside Hengshan City

   The sun in the sky is blazing, bringing infinite light and heat to the world.

On the official road leading to Jiangxi in Fujian, a large convoy was moving slowly under the scorching sun. The mighty teacher on the banner held high in the forefront of the convoy was particularly conspicuous. The word “Fuwei” embroidered on the other banner let it run through the rivers and lakes. The solo riders know that this is the team of Fuwei Dart Board!

   The team has a large carriage of ten or two, lined up and spread a full distance of half a mile, and dozens of elite darts guards on both sides guarded the tour, and the majestic majesty made people dare not underestimate.

   "This trip to the two provinces of Fujian and Jiangxi is the most dangerous, but my son can't be careless!"

   In the middle of the large luxury carriage, Mrs. Lin Wang was dressed up and was carefully instructing his son Lin Pingzhi.

   "Relax, mother, the baby knows the size!"

   One of Lin Ping's faces solemnly and solemnly said, his face was a little more mature and steady, and a little bit of the young people's unique flying free and easy.

The change of the Lin family quickly cooked up the young master of the Fuwei Dart Bureau, so that he clearly felt the dangers of the rivers and lakes. If after this change, he still has no heart and no lungs and only knows to play, it is estimated that the Lin Zhennan and his wife have taken him away at this time. Instead of going to Hengshan's convoy on a ship going overseas.

   Yes, Lin Zhennan finally decided to relocate the headquarters of the Darts Bureau. Before Lin Sha prepared to rush to Hengshan to attend the Liu Zhengfeng Golden Basin Hand Washing Conference, he hurriedly packed up the important gold and silver in the family and everything, and traveled together on the day of Lin Sha’s departure.

  The family of three was shocked by the previous changes. If they did not keep up with such a great master like Lin Sha, I would be afraid that they would be anxious.

   Lin Sha didn't have any objection to this, and it's just a matter of seeking benefits and avoiding harm, as long as he didn't hinder him from helping him.

   "Mr. Lin does not need to be too nervous. At this time, most of the masters of the right way gather in Hengshan. Unless the masters of the Sun and Moon gods are sent out, otherwise our trip will not be too troublesome!"

   On the other side, Lin Sha and Lin Zhennan were riding side by side, and they laughed and comforted Lin Zhennan, who was full of sadness.

   "That's right, but..."

   Lin Zhennan opened his mouth, but the last half of frustrated words still had no exit.

   At this time, his mood was definitely not good. He was forced to relocate the headquarters of the bureau and give up the foundation of his ancestors for many years. Before Hengshan wanted to recover, the scenery was basically impossible in his life.

Hengshan is no better than the empty province of Fujian, where the Wuyuejian faction’s core nest is located. It is good for Fuwei Dart Bureau to have a place to stay, but it is impossible to want such prestige as in Fujian. Too.

   "Nothing is wrong, I am Lin Sha protecting you all the way!"

   Lin Sha waved impatiently, and was not in a mood to continue ink with Lin Zhennan.


   As expected by Lin Sha, the journey was smooth and calm. There were no accidents either in Fujian Province or Gan Province. Fuwei Dart Bureau and his team successfully entered the Hunan area through the boundaries of the two provinces.

  Here, no matter whether it was the three sons of the Lin family or the guards who were in charge of the guards, they could not help but relax, and the look on their faces eased as they slowed down.

The closer you are to the Hengshan area, the more people you meet on the road. When you arrive outside Hengshan City, almost half of the pedestrians on the road are dressed up by people from the rivers and lakes. All of them are armed with swords and swords, and they are not easy to provoke. Character.

  Fu Weibo Board's team is naturally very conspicuous, attracting many celebrities and curious eyes.

   Lin Zhennan also has to face, naturally, he will not lead the convoy to Hengshan, wouldn't it be a ruined settlement in trouble?

When the convoy was parked in Chenzhou, it was divided into two. All the dartsmen left their rest and rested, and most of the cars were also left. Lin Zhennan’s family of three brought a valuable gift of a car and will rush to Hengshan alone with Lin Sha. Participated in Liu Zhengfeng's Golden Basin Hand Washing Conference.

  Chenzhou is bordered by Hengshan, which is also the sphere of influence of the Hengshan School. The face of Linsha is very good at the local Hengshan disciples. The general people in the rivers and lakes are not afraid to make trouble here.

   Moreover, those forces and masters who peeped at Lin Family's "Evil Sword Spectrum" did not look down on Lin's property. They wanted sacred skills, and their eyes had been fixed on Lin Zhennan's family of three.

  Without the Lin family's three sons, the dart master who stayed in Chenzhou was safer.


On that day, Lin Sha and his party arrived in a stretch of forest outside Hengshan. This place is quite remote and there are few pedestrians. Only every half of the column of Kung Fu has a few people walking in a hurry, as if there is nothing unknown in the dense and dark forest. .

   A cool breeze blew past, so Lin Zhennan and his son riding on the horse could not help but fought a chill.

   "Help, help..."

   Lin Sha's ear moved, and heard a rumbling cry for help from the depth of the nearby Lin Zi.


   He stretched out his hand, and the horse and carriage immediately stopped on the official road. The father and son of the Lin family looked over and did not know what Lin Sha wanted to do.

   "Have you heard the cry for help in the forest?"

   Lin Sha Zema was close to the dense and dark woods beside the official road. Hearing the sound of crying for help still he must ask in echo in his heart.

   "Is there a call for help, I didn't hear it!"

   "Have heard nothing!"

  Lin Zhennan and his son shook their heads together, looking at the dense dark forest next to them, and Lin Sha listening at the ear, and wondering what made him tremble.

   "What is your expression?"

  Lin Sha turned back just to see the strange face of the father and son, and rolled his eyes angrily: "Are you waiting here or are you going to explore with me?"

   "What, Linsha, are you going into Linzi?"

   Lin Zhennan exclaimed loudly, then shook his head and waved his hand: "As the saying goes, when Lin Momo enters, who knows what is going on in the forest, be careful!"

   Lin Ping was eager to try. He still had heroic dreams in his heart, but he was not as calm and realistic as his father. It’s just that his parents are not qualified to speak.

   "Here is the core sphere of influence of the Hengshan School, and now is the crucial moment for the Liu Zhengfeng Golden Basin Hand Washing Conference. If something goes wrong with the Hengshan School, why don't we justify it?"

   said that Lin Zhennan, who was embarrassed and embarrassed, ignored it, and of course did not rush into the depths of the woods with his head bluntly, but slammed the blood in his body and suddenly shouted: "Who is calling for help?"

   The sound of a dragon and tiger roaring in the mountains, frightening the flying birds in the forest, the herd fleeing in panic, the dark and quiet woods suddenly came alive.

   "Help, help..."

Linsha’s roar is very effective, and the original looming cry for help suddenly became clear, and the sound is crisp and soft. Fire's serialized works can be found at Please read it for mobile phone users.

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