Martial Arts World

Chapter 2515: Fengchu northward

In the early winter season, everything is depressed...

Due to chaos, Mr. Sima Hui, who moved from his hometown of Yingchuan to Jingzhou, was recently uneasy and felt as if something had happened.

In private calculations, Yuji has no problems with learning, and he is puzzled at once, wondering what is going on in his life, such strange hexagrams appear?

Soon, he knew what was going on.

A letter from Luo Yang, the sender is a friend Zhuge Kongming!

"How did Kong Ming go to Luoyang, and even went to Henan No. 1 Public School?"

Sending the messenger away, Sima Hui couldn't wait to tear open the lacquer seal, took out a thick stack of stationery, sat down by the fire pit and looked at it slowly, saying a few words in his mouth from time to time.

"The public school curriculum is so weird!"

"Haha, Kong Ming is suffering. I'm afraid it will change color for a long time!"

"Eh, Kong Ming was even sent to repair the road, which is really weird!"


Looking at it, Sima Hui's face slowly became serious, and in the end he even looked ashamed.

On the last piece of paper, Zhu Geliang wrote his thoughts on going to school during this time, and his deep thoughts on the course arrangement of public school. I saw that the word "work" on the paper was particularly heavy and bold, and it was obviously difficult to ignore it. .

"The general is really good at it. He even integrated the idea of ​​the hard faction directly into the public school system under his administration. Anyone who has received several years of complete public school training is basically a member of the solid faction!"

Speaking of which, he couldn't help clenching his fists. The thick stack of stationery written by Zhuge Liang was all scratched and not noticed.

Sima Hui has a mess in his heart. As a Confucian celebrity, he naturally hates the hard work theory developed by the general. He believes that there are traces of the academics of the Mohists here.

At the time, the Han dynasty ousted hundreds of Confucianists, and it has been nearly 400 years. The world's right to speak has always been in the hands of Confucianism.

As a loyal believer of Confucianism, Mr. Shuihui naturally has an obligation to maintain the unique status of the Confucian family.

The practical theory put forward by General Lin Sha more than a decade ago was overwhelmed by a group of Confucian celebrities at that time and could only be regarded as a very small academic faction.

Even Luoyang at that time was a niche among the niche, and he was not able to spread it all over the world, nor did he cause the vigilance and dissatisfaction of Confucian believers in the world.

Who knows that after so many years, Lin Sha has not only risen step by step, but now he has become a general who controls the land of the eight states, and there is no one of the strongest princes in the world.

Not only is his strength unmatched, but he has not given up the practical theory he has mentioned before, and it is actually shocking to integrate it into the public school system thoroughly spread out in the Central Plains Bazhou.

With the passage of time, the students taught by public schools spread all over the eight plains of the Central Plains. The rise of the doctrine of work similar to that of the Mohist School naturally affected the Confucian influence and discourse.

Sima Hui has a chilling sensation whenever he thinks that thousands of public school students who have received practical theoretical education flooded all aspects of the Central Plains of the eight states.

Confucianism was in the eight states of Central Plains. As a result, the general’s palace was suppressed by either light or dark, regardless of the momentum and influence. If the members of the faction will fill the gap, what will happen to Confucianism in the future?

No, you can't continue this way!

Sima Hui is quite regretful. Why didn't he pay special attention to the public schools that are blooming all over the Central Plains in the past?

At that time, did you praise the great general's education?

Unexpectedly, the general was actually hiding the scourge, but he wanted to suppress Confucianism. How could this be done?

He was fortunate and quite depressed. If Zhuge Kongming's letter had a vague reminder, he and a group of celebrity friends were still in the dark. I don't know when they could understand the mystery.

Uneasy, Sima Hui couldn’t even eat, and hurried to Xiangyang to find his friend Pang Degong and let Zhuge Kongming’s letter read to him. Finally, he was worried and said, “The public school questions in the Central Plains and the Eight States are very shadowed by the Mohists. It runs counter to Confucianism!"

Xiang Yang's celebrity Pang Degong's face was also quite dignified. He put down the stationery and shook his head and sighed: "I didn't expect the general to have such a means. Now that the public school has become a climate in Central China's Bazhou, it is difficult and difficult to make a difference!"

Some words are not spoken. With the ability of several of them, how can they resist the mighty trend created by the general?

As the first prince of the world, the General General has attracted much attention.

As a public school system for training talents under its command, it has been more and more perfect in the past ten years of operation, and various types of talents have also appeared to blow out. Not only does it add momentum to the generals and the Eight Plains of Central Plains, the other princes are also unwilling to show weakness, and there are already signs of imitation. .

Even in Jingzhou where they are now, where Confucian celebrities gather, don't the voices of big office studies appear, and they also greet a lot of approval?

Although his reputation with Mr. Shui Jing is not small, it is also difficult to affect Liuzhou Mu and most of the Confucian celebrities stranded in Jingzhou. It is difficult to say whether they can attract the approval of others.

At present, it is not a peaceful scene. Except for the peaceful and peaceful land of the eight plains of the Central Plains, the atmosphere of the other princes' jurisdiction is quite dignified.

I'm afraid that one day will usher in a thunder blow from the headquarters of the general, and I'm trying every means to improve the strength at hand.

Everything is practical first, and everything else can be set aside. There is no guarantee of survival, how can we understand that the influence of Confucianism is not affected?

In fact, the general’s dislike of Confucianism has long been traced. The administration of the eight states in the Central Plains is mainly based on reality, and there is not much room for Confucian believers to intervene.

Otherwise, the general did not raise the butcher's knife to kill the Confucian believers. Why did Jingzhou gather around 40% of the Confucian celebrities in the Han dynasty?

It was not their Central Plains under the rule of the generals that had lost most of their influence. The right to speak was also severely impacted by the newspapers, and they were about to ‘can’t live’. Then they moved to the other princes to rule.

But the princes of the world do not have a good stubble. They have such a goal of imitation as a general, and there have been reports of newspapers in various places. Although Confucian believers still have a considerable right to speak because of the low universal education, the right to speak gradually Shrinking is an indisputable fact.

"It's hard!"

Pang Gonggong shook his head and explained the doorway to Sima Hui in detail. Finally, he said helplessly: "This is the situation, not us Xianyunyehe can easily shake!"

Sima Hui also recovered from the excitement at this time and smiled bitterly: "It was my overreaction, it was really unwilling!"

The two great celebrities laughed bitterly, but could not come up with any good solutions.

It was really not the courage to ask them to face up to the terrifying general.

To put it bluntly, both of them are traditional Confucian disciples, but they have succeeded in learning, have broader horizons and deeper thoughts. They are essentially Confucian disciples.

Confucianism puts more emphasis on theory than practice. Naturally, it is of little use at this time. The generals will simply ignore it.

The current situation has completely departed from their abilities, even if they unite the Confucian family of people in the world, it will not have the effect of reversing the universe.

There may be hope under the rule of the princes nearby, but in the Eight Plains of Central Plains under the rule of the generals, the momentum of the Confucian doormen has been weakened to a certain extent, and it is estimated that it is not as strong as the public school. At this time, several dare to take the initiative to jump Trouble?

"The two uncles were worried!"

Just then, a light laughter came from the door.

Not waiting for the two worried old Confucians to speak, walked in from outside the door of a short, young man with a rather uneasy face.

"What do Shiyuan think?"

Sima Hui and Pound Gong saw the coming person and ignored the act of eavesdropping and asked directly.

"What do the two uncles think?"

"The great enemy of Confucianism, the Confucian Church is in decline for decades!"

"I don't see it that way. The general has acted brightly. Since he didn't speak directly to suppress Confucianism, he will not have such thoughts in his heart!"

"But the situation is now, in fact, the momentum of Confucianism has been seriously weakened!"

"That's because at these moments, the public school system can better help the generals to improve their strength under governance. When the generals need Confucianism one day, Confucianism can't flourish any more!"

"I'm afraid I have to wait!"

Sima Hui and Pang Degong's faces looked much better, obviously Pang Tong's words were about their hearts.

Pang Tong smiled, squeezed his lips and whiskers, and suddenly said: "I am really interested in the general, and I really want to go to study and see!"

Pang Gonggong pondered for a moment, then nodded and smiled: "The so-called three-person line must have our teacher, since Shi Yuan has this idea, then go do it!"

Sima Hui also nodded with a chuckle, and he has always been quite tolerant of his academic attitude.

"So, I will pack up and leave!"

After saying hello to his uncle, Pang Tong told the two teachers some academic things, and then turned around and left.

Three days later Pang Tong, who was prepared for everything, was not brought by anyone. He was alone and walked on the road lightly, heading straight to the Eighth State of Central Plains where the General’s Mansion was located. The problem of learning in public school.

Traveling all the way along the mountains and rivers, when Nanyang, which is co-hosted by the General's Mansion and Jingzhou Mufu, was already in the midst of winter, heavy snow drifted, and it was more difficult to walk on the road and stayed here briefly.

It wasn't until the spring of the following year that the ice and snow melted that Pang Tong left prosperity and prosperity without losing Xiangyang. In some ways, it was Nanyang, which was unique, and went directly to the land of the Eight Plains of Central Plains under the rule of the general.

It really is extraordinary!

The scene and prosperity here are completely beyond his expectations. Like a bun, he feels fresh and curious about everything.

By the time he drove to Luoyang by the large passenger carriage he encountered on the road, the time had come to the March of Yangchun. Although the weather in Luoyang was still cold, he could not bear the green and gradually blossoming flowers.

What I saw and heard on the road was an eye-opener for Pang Tong. On the cement road I walked all the way, its convenience and speed were better than the rammed dirt road in Jingzhou...

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