Martial Arts World

Chapter 2525: Repetitive villain

West Captain's House

The Han people pay attention to what they do, and Ma Teng is no exception.

Before, he was engaged in the army by Liangzhou Shishi, and he moved to the generals. The ancestor was General Fu Bo, Ma Yuan, and he was born in a standard name.

It was later mixed with Bianzhang and Han Sui, and gradually embarked on the path of enemies with the Han court, becoming a standard Xiliang warlord.

Unfortunately, his life was not good, and he met the incredible general Lin Sha.

As a result, the great warlords who have been entrenched in Liangzhou for many years in the history of history were driven out of Liangzhou and came to the western region of Huangsha.

He teamed up with Han Sui, and the two men and women were close to one hundred thousand, sweeping the Western Regions.

After taking over the Western Regions, Han Sui became the Western Region's protector, and Ma Teng was not willing to weaken the formation of the Western Region School Lieutenant's Mansion. In order to be justified, the two of them specially sent Chang'an to seek a reward from the Chang'an court.

Chang'an Chaotang and the general did not have any embarrassment, and they let them reach their wish very smoothly.

Although the Yellow Sands are everywhere in the Western Regions, the local products here are really shocking. Gold gems seem to be everywhere without money.

In addition, Liangzhou also actively contacted the Western Regions to reopen the Silk Road.

As the overlords of the Western Regions, Ma Teng and Han Sui received a toll from them alone, which was a very amazing benefit.

It’s not good at all. The Han people in the Western Regions are too scarce. Both Ma Teng and Han Sui have a lot in mind. If they want to completely stabilize the Western Regions rule, there will be no way if there are not enough Han people.

In the past few years, the Western Region has shown great sincerity. In Liangzhou, Binzhou and Youzhou areas, Han people are recruited. As long as they are willing to settle in the Western Region, they will not only arrange houses and fields, but also have a series of other compensations.

The effect cannot be said to be absent, but it is unsatisfactory. The number of Han people recruited in a few years is less than 300,000.

This is also something that cannot be helped. Who said that the Central Plains land has been under the strong rule of the generals in these years, and the prosperity of all industries is better. As long as it can survive, few people are willing to go to the Western Regions to try.

However, there are 300,000 Han people who have the bottom, as well as nearly 100,000 Qiang people with serious Chineseization, and nearly 100,000 horses that Ma Teng and Han Sui have in their hands. Occupy the vast territory of the Western Region.

It was just unexpected, because of commercial interests, there was a fierce conflict with the rest of Western powers.

Ma Tengjun and Han Suijun, who were galloping in the Western Regions, hit the iron plate this time.

In the first battle with the Rest of the Border Army, more than 30,000 cavalry and 20,000 infantry were dispatched, as well as peerless giants such as Ma Chao, but they only took a small advantage!

"Meng Qi, what do you think of the rest troops?"

In the courtyard, Ma Teng sat with several of his sons and suddenly asked Ma Chao.

"The strength is not strong, but there are some weird means!"

Ma Chao's face was cold and uncomfortable: "They can use some means to gather the strength of many people into one and send out shocking and powerful power!"

In the previous battle, he was the only one who had rested in the rest of the border with nearly a hundred players, and he felt very deeply about it.

"With your strength, are you not sure to wipe out all the good players in the rest of the frontier?"

Ma Teng's face was not very good-looking, he said in a deep voice: "Our spies on the rest side sent back news that the rest of the country is increasing reinforcements to the border troops!"

"If we face each other again, my son is sure to annihilate them!"

Ma Chao said: "Before I was surprised by their eccentric means, this did not give full play. Now that I understand their means, my son will naturally no longer hesitate!"

"Afraid to rest in peace and another master came to reinforce!"

Aside, Ma Chao frowned from his younger brother Ma Dai: "Before the specific situation is unclear, it is better to be careful, so as not to accidentally change!"

"Do you think that being a brother is not enough?"

Ma Chao asked uncomfortably: "Shall we go out and practice?"

"Meng Qi, don't mess around!"

Ma Teng screamed angrily and shook his head: "I thought I could have a birthday in Xiyu, but I didn't expect to have a rest with the rest, so I didn't know what charter there was in Han Wenyue?"

Han Sui Ke is much more cunning than Ma Teng. In the face of the unrest of the restful country, he did not think of independent commitment at all, and had other calculations.

When Ma Teng's messenger arrived, Han Sui didn't say anything. He brought Lin and the counselors down with his hand, followed the messenger to the station of the Western Region's Captain's House, and talked to Ma Teng about the confrontation with the resting country.

"What, Wenyue, are you crazy, even want to invite Liangzhou **** to shoot?"

Ma Teng was taken aback, without a good air: "Let's not say whether they want it or not, let's take what as their benefit of sending troops!"

He really didn't expect that Han Sui was actually playing the idea of ​​Liangzhou princes. Ma Teng was very disappointed in his heart. What if he was a fool?

"Oh, they don't want to come, naturally someone will call them over!"

Han Sui smiled inexplicably, and left without saying much. Should he be ready to ask for help from Liangzhou?


"Haha, someone really gave a pillow to sleep!"

Receiving the letter of request for help from Ma Teng and Han Sui, Zhang Fei laughed with madness and immediately greeted a dry Xiliang prince to meet again.

"Look at it, this is a letter of request from Ma Teng and Han Sui!"

Five days later, when all the people were here, Zhang Fei took out the letter of help directly and smiled: "These two are really cunning and haven't fought with the Sabbath Army yet, just thinking of asking us to help fight!"

"General Yide, what shall we do?"

A dry Xiliang prince glanced at each other, and Li Cui asked.

Before they were taught by Zhang Fei, they knew that Ma Teng and Han Sui had to help, but how to help, and how to help is debatable.

"Wait for the order of the general, but you must all be prepared. This outbound operation can only succeed and not fail!"

Zhang Feihu's eyes were brilliant, and he calmly said: "If anyone loses in the foreign war, the general will not pursue him, and I will not let go easily!"

The Xiliang people grieved their hearts and did not dare to neglect their promises in unison.


A month later, the general and the general's government ordered to the surrounding areas of Liang.

Lin Sha is naturally going to fight, since Ma Teng and Han Sui beg for the door, he will not easily let this opportunity to intervene in the Western Regions.

Zhang Fei was appointed General Zhengxi and was solely responsible for the command and dispatch of the Han army's outbound operations.

"You guys, are you ready?"

Once again summoned a general from Xiliang to come to the border to discuss, Zhang Fei's eyes were full of ardent warfare, and he asked aloud.

The sound was thunderous, and the ears of the Xiliang generals were shocked. They did not dare to be neglected. They all stood up and arched their hands and said: "Shen Zun levied the General's order!"

"Okay, let's go in three days!"

Zhang Fei made a direct shot, and a pair of tigers shot two sensations of coldness and cold voice: "I hope you will work together to fight this battle well, and you will be waiting for help!"

As soon as the voice fell, a terrifying horror came out like an astonishing momentum of the king of beasts, and the cool winds of the handsome account would make it difficult for Xiliang people to open their eyes, and it was difficult to move like a mountain in their hearts.

Fear, in addition to fear or fear!

Even Huaxiong and Zhang Xiu, who have reached the first-class high-level, felt like a small boat in the raging waves of the sea, and they were at risk of overturning at any time, but they had no resistance!

Is this the true horror strength of the superpowers?


When the general Zhang Fei, who led the Xiliang princes, and the 30,000 Tieqi who gathered the Xiliang princes, and the 100,000 civilians marched out of the country, following the Silk Road, like a torrent of water rushing to the Western Regions, Ma Teng and Han Suobu , Already engaged in the rest of the Empire army.

Ma Chao fulfilled his previous promises and galloped on the battlefield. Even if he met the strong forces in the rest of the army, it was difficult to match the enemy.

The name of General Shenweitian swept through the border between the Western Region and the rest, like a tornado.

However, with Ma Chao alone, it is difficult to repel the fanatical frontier of the rest empire, and even once fell into the boundless human tactics.

Ma Teng and Han Sui's team are very strong, and although they have more than one strength in training and strength in the frontier of the restless empire, they also have a headache for the restless frontier.

The rest soldiers can not take the lives of their soldiers They can't just joke about the lives of their own men. If they die, they will lose one firm supporter. If they die more, they will die.

At the time when the battle situation was scorching, General Zhang Fei, the commander of the West Army, killed 30,000 Xiliang Tieqi, as if he were a sharp sword with a peerless edge, and he could defeat the restful border guards.

The Han Army came to aid!

The news spread throughout the Western Regions like the wind. Whether it was under Ma Teng or Han Sui, the Han people emigrating here and the local people were all happy.

There were peerless supporters like Zhang Fei, as well as 30,000 elite Xiliang Tieqi to help out, as well as the ordnance supplies that were continuously delivered from the Han realm. Afterwards, several battles and restful border forces ended in fiasco.

If it wasn't too far, and worried that the logistics could not keep up, the crazy Zhang Fei and Ma Chao both had the idea of ​​breaking into the rest area, but they didn't make it in the end.

With the support of the Han Army, the Western Regions were completely stabilized. After all, they fought against one country in one place. No matter how powerful Ma Teng and Han Sui existed, the original people and the newly relocated Han people had no idea.

Now with the support of the Han Army, it means that the Han Empire has not forgotten them. This is definitely a peace of mind for the Western Region.

However, the external troubles were temporarily cleared, and Han Sui had another thought. He wanted to take the opportunity to swallow Zhang Fei and his 30,000 iron riders, and there was another crazy plan.

"What, Wenyue, you want to swallow Zhang Zhengxi's horses, this is absolutely impossible!"

Such a plan is quite risky, and Han Sui naturally wants to bring his sworn brother Ma Teng together, but Ma Teng was surprised when he heard it, and quickly waved his hand against it.

"If you don't say anything else, it's not you and I can handle it alone!"

In my heart, I scolded the villain repeatedly, and I am ashamed to be with it!

"Haha, the younger brother thought about it, didn't he still have his nephew Meng Qi..."

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