Martial Arts World

Chapter 2563: Bitter child

The change of Wuyunbu naturally aroused the attention of neighboring neighbor, Xia Shitai.

On that day, Wu Xianqi and Zhu Wen, two apprentices of Master Xia Xia, appeared outside the mountain gate of Wu Yunbu, and did not avoid rushing in at all.


The Wuyunbumen who were guarding the mountain gate hurriedly stopped in front of the mountain gate and stopped the two women's actions without a good air: "The two of you are too welcome, this is Wuyunbu, not your own mountain gate!"

"Joke, we are coming to Wuyunbu, and even Wan Miao Xiangu will not say anything. Why are you a little servant qualified to block the road?"

Wu Wenqi's eyes were cold, and he was dissatisfied: "Are Wan Miao Xiangu's previous moves all false?"

The people of Wuyunbumen who guarded the mountain gate looked bitter and said helplessly: "The two aunts will spare me. Now Wuyunbu is not the master!"

"Why, Wuyunbu changed host?"

Zhu Wen was taken aback and asked curiously, "Why didn't the wind spread?"

"That's not there!"

The Wuyunbumen guarding the mountain gate hurriedly waved their hands and smiled bitterly: "The master has nowhere to invite ten good hands. They are training strictly on the mountain. The rules are very strict. Little character!"

The fellow said pitifully, and he just knelt and kowtowed with a pleading look.

Wu Wenqi and Sister Zhu Wenshi are not aggressive and arrogant generations, they all put their posture so low, they are not too rude to go straight to Wuyunbu Mountain Gate.

"Our sister is not embarrassing for you. You call Situ Ping and say that our sister came to see him and want him to come out immediately!"

Wu Wenqi smiled and said: "How about, this little thing should be okay?"

"No problem, no problem. The two of you will wait. I'll go as soon as I go!"

The Wuyunbumen who guarded the mountain gates glanced at each other, and one of the clever hurriedly agreed to make a hurry to go up the mountain steps.


The disciple's sturdy skills, and the light movements that strode quickly, aroused the curiosity of Wu Wenqi and Zhu Wen. Before he entered the Tao, he had such light exercise, which was quite good.

Of course, they are only curious. The sisters who have already successfully entered the Taoism will naturally not take ordinary martial arts into their eyes, but just feel that Wu Yunbu is weird.

As if not coming in a few days, there have been many changes here. As for what happened to them, they couldn't tell, and they always felt that even the Wuyunbumen who guarded the mountain gate were different from before.

Their experience is not enough. If Master Xia Xia is too present, they will surely see many different things.

The Wuyun Bumen of the Shoushan Gate are completely different in spirit and spirit, and all enter the innate realm, not far from the realm of entry.

This is very rare. The so-called outside disciple is actually a synonym for miscellaneous. No matter the qualification or talent, the gap between the disciple and the disciple cannot be justified.

The most important thing is that the resources available to outside disciples, as well as the master's level of teaching, are farther away from the disciples.

Few teachers will devote their thoughts to outside disciples. The usual practice is to pass on basic exercises and then completely ignore it. As for the degree to which outside disciples can achieve, it depends on their own efforts and The resources that can be obtained.

However, the ten martial art masters who came to Huangshan Wuyunbu from Beijing this time did not have this idea.

They are all training foundations. No matter whether they are descendants or outsiders, they are treated equally. As for the degree to which they can be promoted, it is their own affairs, depending on their efforts.

Obviously, the outside disciples of Shoushan Gate did not waste any chance. Under the direction of the master of martial arts, their strength has advanced by leaps and bounds, and there is already the possibility of promotion to Jianxian.

Unlike before, it is quite difficult for them to step into the innate realm, not to mention the sword fairy realm, which is their unreachable realm.

According to Lin Sha, the so-called sword cultivation is actually similar to martial arts cultivation at the initial stage. It only depends on the foundation and the quality of the cultivation practice. As for talent, although important, it is not irreversible.

Only when you are in the Jindan realm and you need to comprehend the rules of heaven and earth, will you be able to distinguish the level of understanding. The requirements for your qualifications are actually not so important.

The famous fairy in history has very few talents with extremely outstanding talents. On the contrary, it has no qualifications, but the existence of extraordinary perception is more promising.

As for the so-called physical qualities, it can be gradually improved through exercise. It is not natural to do it. Everyone has the talent to cultivate, only to see how to guide and teach.

He was quite disdainful of the "Three Heroes and Two Clouds" that the Emei School would never forget. The long eyebrows had been regarded as the prosperous opportunity of Emei, and it was all in the "Three Heroes and Two Clouds".

Lin Sha always has a sense of unreliability. The long eyebrows are the golden immortals at most. The greater possibility is only the heavenly immortals. What made him seem to have known for five hundred years before and three thousand years before, so he took it before he ascended. The follow-up affairs of Emei have been arranged. The disciples under the door only need to act according to his arrangement?

It’s a joke, ‘three heroes and two clouds’ may be in good luck, and they are immensely involved with Emei, which is why they are calculated by the long eyebrows, which should be the case.

But there are not many people with good luck in the world. Why do you think the world's luck should be concentrated on Emei?

Taking Lin Sha's cultivation as an example, he has his own understanding of the way of luck. There is something inherent in luck, and it is naturally acquired. It is not static.

Although Heavenly Dao is ruthless, it leaves a line of vitality for the soul. The so-called first line of vitality is an opportunity to change fate. As long as you catch the hanging wire, you can also counterattack. Emei pressed the treasure on the "Three Heroes and Two Clouds". After a while.

Not to mention, the original Wuyunbu, which was the same as a pool of backwaters, and after the ten major martial arts masters settled in, set off waves of Tao, and some outside disciples who had barely made the day had the opportunity to turn over.

Congenital realm is not put in the fart of the monk world. It can only be said that the lowest level of existence can be put in the world of ordinary people. This is a great master.

Even if Wu Yunbu's disciples can't be mixed into sword immortals, they can be famous in the mortal world.

Wu Wenqi and Zhu Wen can't see these things. They just feel that Wu Yunbu has changed a lot. As to whether this change is good or bad, no one can tell.

"Why are the two sisters here?"

Not long after that, I saw Wuyunbu Mountain Gate steps, and a few vertical jumps of an orthopedic figure rushed to the mountain gate, revealing Si Tuping's excited face.

"I haven't seen you play with us for a long time, and I'm curious to come and see!"

Wu Wenqi said with a smile: "Why can't our sisters and sisters go up the mountain?"

"Please, please, I will take the two sisters up the mountain!"

Situ Ping flushed with excitement, did not mind the eyes of disciples guarding the gate, and smiled and invited the two sisters to enter the gate together.

When the figures of the three disappeared at the corner of the stone steps, the two Wuyunbu disciples at Shoushan Gate suddenly had a bitter complexion, and their faces were depressed and straight.

"What are you doing, do you want to kill us?"

"I'm really looking forward to seeing it, seeing the beauty doesn't even make my mind work. I don't know the strict orders of the ten masters?"

"Don't say it, it is estimated that the masters have long forgotten the strict orders of the ten masters!"

"Hey, I have a hard face all day, and I don't know who to show it to. Every time we practice, it's a look of inexhaustibility, which makes us always reprimanded by ten masters!"

"You don't know, the master practiced the sword secretly and worked very hard, but unfortunately the sword technique he practiced was not our five-element sword technique!"

"What, don't the brothers want to betray the teacher?"

"That's not true. It's just that I grabbed the sword technique used by the master. It has a shadow of the swordsmanship of the Emei School. It is estimated that I learned it from Master Tanxia!"

"Huh, the master is also fainted. Will anyone teach him the swordsmanship and mantra, but it's all useless work!"


Besides, Situ Pingxing hurriedly took the two girls to Wuyunbu, just in time when ten martial art masters taught martial arts.

"Situ Ping, what are you doing?"

The master of martial arts, who was responsible for teaching Situ Ping, roared, and his eyes were as cold as a Situ Ping's face suddenly turned pale, and he was speechless for a while, but his eyes were filled with dissatisfaction and Annoyed, it was clear that Master Budo's unkindness made him feel unable to hold his face.

"Still dumbfounded, today you contacted Xiao Wu Xing Sword Skill a hundred times!"

The master of martial arts who was responsible for teaching Situ Ping didn't know what was polite, and said coldly: "Practice carefully, otherwise you don't have to think about rest today!"

Situ Ping clenched his fists in both hands, his face tensed tightly, and walked over with his head down, drawing a sword and practicing the five-element sword technique.

However, his mentality was obviously out of order, and the swordsmanship he made was obviously dull and lacking aura. This fellow was also an absent-minded look, obviously not putting his mind on practicing sword.

Such a perfunctory attitude, not to mention that the martial arts master who is responsible for teaching him frequently frowned and looked ugly, even the two women Wu Wenqi and Zhu Wen who had always been close to him, although there was no expression on their faces, but the depths of the eyes were full of disdain and disapproval of Si Tuping The reality is nothing to say.

Despite the stereotypes brought about by different identities, Xu Feiniang's Wutai heritage is actually quite good.

Their masters have said in private that Xu Feiniang’s strength is not bad, even more so than their masters, and the Hunduan School of the Wutai School is quite admirable, but it is an upright and sacred skill. Up to the realm of heaven!

In this world, how many magical skills can be directly practiced in the realm of heaven?

The bitter child Situ Ping didn't know how to cherish, and he seemed to have no ambitions in practicing so-so.

This point, the sisters and sisters are quite disdainful. If the master asked them to have a good relationship with him, Situ Ping was involved in the enlightenment causality of a senior who dismissed the immortals. Bong...

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