Martial Arts World

Chapter 2632: Focusing on the wonders of Beijing

At the beginning, Qi Lingyun discovered the situation of the sisters Qin and returned to Emei to make a report to the senior management, which aroused the extreme attention of Emei's senior management.

Not to mention the fact that the sisters of the Qin family are concerned about Emei's luck.

Besides, after the sisters of the Qin family converted to the rune way, they were promoted to the intermediate rune level comparable to that of Jindan in just one month, which also attracted the special attention of the senior officials of Emei.

If the practice of the Rune Way is so simple, then the practice circle will not be finished?

The easy and fast way to rune is not to cultivate, but to devote all your time, and spends countless hours struggling between the realms of practice, as long as it is not a fool who knows how to choose.

The senior officials of Emei are very concerned about this. Even if it is really the case, they must be prepared for the first time, at least they must also figure out the complete cultivation method of the Rune Way?

It is impossible to completely change the cultivation method, and Emei does not particularly care about the opinions of the portal. As long as it is good, it can be absorbed and digested, and it becomes the essence and strength of Emei.

Otherwise, in Emei's veins, how could there be such obvious Buddhist practitioners as ascetic tutu?

With the previous example, Emei naturally would not mind adding the cultivation method of the rune way again, lest when the rune way is really popular in the world, Emei was thrown away because of the lack of response.

Once this happens, the consequences are quite serious.

If such a situation really happened, Emei might have lost his luck and fell completely from the top of the practice circle. Although there are two pieces of congenital Lingbao to suppress luck, Emei cannot fall apart like Wutai and completely decline, but it is no longer possible to lead the wave of practice.

It's not that Emei is so lucky that it will always be like this in the future.

The luck of the world is constantly changing, or the change of the luck of the world is that it follows the trend.

At present, the mainstream of the practice world is the way of Jindan Yuanshen, which is the traditional Xuanmen practice method, but it is more biased towards the sword cultivation side.

The reason why Emei became the first group in the spiritual practice is because it conforms to the trend and becomes the leader among sword repairs, plus two pieces of innate spirit treasure to suppress luck, and various other external means of support, it is easy to become a spiritual practice The tide of the world.

For the study of changes in air transportation, Emei has long been at the forefront of the entire spiritual practice.

The senior officials of Emei are quite sensitive to this. It is related to the future luck of Emei and its status, even if it is paid too much attention.

If the Rune Way has not been fully laid out, and it has not penetrated into all aspects of society, perhaps the high level of Emei, who is aware of the bad situation, will take decisive measures to directly kill the source of the Rune Way, which is the Emperor Linsha.

Even if this bears huge causal karma, Emei seniors will not care.

It's a big deal for the hands-on people to reincarnate directly, and Emei will put them back under the door again. This kind of thing was not done in the past, but this time.

It's just that the way of the runes has been spreading and spreading all over the world, and Bao Emei, the practitioner, has been slow to respond to it, and it's too late to realize that he wants to shoot.

The Rune Way has formed a climate and has become one of the mainstream branches of humanity. At this time, Lin Xin, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, was arrogant, and the result may be a crazy punishment of humanity.

Not to mention that no one at the top of Emei's high-level right now can afford it, and even if Patriarch Changmei is still there, he will not dare to act rashly. This is a confrontation between human life and humanity. If it is done, it will be the end of the soul, and no one wants his own end to be so unbearable.

Therefore, the senior officials of Emei want a thorough understanding of the situation of the Rune Way, and at the same time, they must let the Qin's sisters worship Emei again.

It is a pity that at this time, Emei will be open soon, and will face the blows of many sidemen and monks. The senior monks cannot act lightly and can only send younger disciples.

As a result, Wu Wenqi, Zhu Wen, and Zhou Qingyun, three close disciples of Huangshan Shanxia Master Tai who had a good relationship with the Qin family, received this task.


"This is all right!"

It is said that Wu Wenqi, Zhu Wen and Zhou Qingyun’s three daughters came out of the Royal Academy and returned to the rented courtyard. Facing Zhu Wen and Zhou Qingyun’s incomprehension, it was difficult to accept what she wanted to study at the Royal Academy, but Wu Wenqi was very disappointed. .

"Sister, we all feel that there is not enough time to practice swordsmanship. How can we go to the Royal Academy to learn what rune skills?"

"Yes, Sister, if the master knows it, he will be angry!"

Looking at the disagreement between the two teachers and sisters, Wu Wenqi asked: "What are we going to do this time?"

This is not to be asked. Naturally, it is necessary to persuade the Qin sisters to return to the right path.

Zhu Wen and Zhou Qingyun were confused, but they still said it.

"But the two sisters, do you think the Qin sisters will persuade them in a moment and a half?"

Wu Wenqi chuckled, Zhu Wen and Zhou Qingyun suddenly changed their faces, and shook their heads bitterly.

Isn't this unclear? The sisters of the Qin family had shown their hands before them, not to mention that they were shocked. Even the fools could see the obsession of the sisters of the Qin family with the technique of runes.

"That's not enough!"

Wu Wenqi put away her smile and said in a loud voice: "It is estimated that if we want to complete this task, it will take a long time. We cannot always be entangled with the Qin sisters for such a long time!"

Then, without waiting for Zhu Wen and Zhou Qingyun to speak, they continued: "Let's not waste time, just take the opportunity to understand the familiar way of runes?"

"Will it affect our own cultivation?"

"Yes, Sister, our own cultivation is also very important!"

Zhu Wen and Zhou Qingwen were persuaded, and they did so at first thought, at least it was impossible to persuade the Qin sisters in a short time.

Emei doesn't want to use strong words, so she can only rely on time to persuade her slowly.

Obviously, staying at the Royal Academy and studying the art of runes with the Qin sisters is a good choice.

Otherwise, even if you can't say anything in the future, how can you persuade?

The three girls are all intelligent generations. They used to live in the Qin's sisters' residence. How could they not feel the light barrier between them? It's not that the relationship between the sisters Qin and the three daughters has changed, but it is an embarrassment that can't be said anywhere.

You can't ask the Qin sisters to accommodate the three of them. They always talk about sword cultivation, which is too abnormal. The current situation of the Qin sisters has basically changed the way of cultivation, mainly based on the technique of runes, and the method of sword cultivation can only be used as an auxiliary.

This is called the three daughters who specialize in sword cultivation, and what do they have in common with the Qin sisters?

If you don’t need to be strong, if you want to persuade the Qin sisters to ‘abandon the dark and cast your eyes’, you have to talk about ideas. This is also where the three girls are more depressed.

They knew too little about the art of runes.

"It won't!"

Wu Wenqi smiled and shook his head: "Our state is low, we are still hovering in the humane environment, as long as you practice according to the normal mode every day, you don't need to spend all your time practicing sword, the effect is not great!"

Seeing Zhu Wen nodding, Zhou Qingyun showed a disapproving look, and she continued to laugh; "In other words, in the capital, our cultivation practices have been suppressed, and the strength we can exert is only innate level. I don't know after cultivation. What happened!"

Upon hearing this, Zhou Qingyun, who was originally full of fighting spirit, was suddenly discouraged. This was indeed a trouble. The capital did not know what happened. They even suppressed their cultivation behavior, and they had only entered the realm of Taoism. Inborn.


"Even so, I will go to the martial arts master in the city for a while!"

However, Zhou Qingyun had his own thoughts and said: "It is really uneasy for me to enter the college to learn the art of runes, or I will be happy to learn from others!"


Wu Wenqi nodded and smiled; "We can't all enter the academy, otherwise we don't know who to look for if we have something!"

Then she turned to Zhu Wen and asked, "What do you think of Zhu Wen's sister?"

"I'm still like the elder sister, let's enter the college to learn the art of runes!"

Zhu Wen was a little hesitant, she was not as big as Zhou Qingyun's heart, and Su Xi's quiet she didn't have so much interest in fighting, and felt that it was more in her heart to go to college to study.

"That's good!"

Wu Wenqi gave a slap and smiled, "I will talk to Sister Qin tomorrow, and I will write a letter to the master to explain the situation here clearly!"

Zhu Wen and Zhou Qingyun had no opinion on the arrangement of the master sister.


"Your Majesty, the number of cultivators who have recently entered the capital has greatly increased!"

Emperor Lin Shaduan sat in the Dragon Case at the Imperial Academy's Imperial Study, and was listening to the reports of his ministers.

"They seem to be interested in the Royal Academy. They enter the Academy through various means, as if they want to learn the art of runes, or do they secretly block it!"

"No, I can't wait to have as many people as possible!"

Lin Sha smiled and waved her hand: "As long as they don't do anything that hurts the law and violates the law, then they will have to go!"

"Your Majesty, if they learned the essence of the rune art..."

The reported minister was worried and worried that the court's superiority had vanished. This was not a good situation.


Lin Sha said with a smile; "The rune way is not so good to practice, the more difficult it is to get to the back, and I also need some monks to change the rune way, you don't have to worry too much!"

Well, now that the emperor has spoken to this point, the ministers below have nothing to say and retired.

Linsha looked leisurely, looking up at the tall and noble dome of Yushufang. His indifferent eyes seemed to penetrate the wall and saw the Golden Dragon of National Games hovering in the void.

I haven’t watched it carefully for a few months, but the Golden Dragon of the National Games has become more and more powerful. The golden scales on the body are almost visible, flying in the golden Qingyun, exuding infinite power, and almost golden in the void. The connection of official power and the integrity of the entire Beijing city guards.

Of course, with the recent influx of monks into the capital, part of the power of the national cloud, the golden dragon, and officialdom are used to suppress the monk’s realm, but he can still protect the capital tightly and carefully. He really does not worry that the monks will get it. What's wrong...

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