Martial Arts World

Chapter 2648: Tit-for-tat

Emei can go to this stage today, it can not be achieved by blindly overbearing.

The water in the spiritual world is very deep.

Only those top monks whose strength has reached the realm of Celestial Immortals and Celestial Devil, none of them are the ones that Emei can easily provoke.

There are also a lot of masters in the overseas repairs, and there are many strong immortals.

It is not the other factions of Xuanmen, nor is there no Tianxian masters. For example, Li Jingxu, the real person of Bliss, is the best example.

The strength of the top Buddhist monks is not under heaven.

The ancestor of Kaipai Changmei is still in the real world, and can also fight on the high-end combat strength. But after the real eyebrows soared, the three immortals in the East China Sea, the strongest in the eyebrows of the eyebrows, were only at the level of the three immortals, which was incomparable to the strong immortal of the level of the celestial being Li Jingxu.

Of course, Emei holds two innate spirit treasures in his hand. Although they are all inferior, they can deal with a few heavenly immortals. There is no problem with the safety of Emei itself.

But in the end, through the previous two fights with Emei, Emei was the first major faction in the practice world, not only by force, but also by means of attracting allies.

The forces of Buddhism in the world of Shushan are tyrannical. Which of the Zen masters is not a Sanjie Dixian or even Tianxian level master?

But in the end, they all became Emei's allies, such as the Buddha's honorable Zen Master and Tianmeng Zen Master, all of whom are extraordinary heavenly masters. Their origins are even more extraordinary. In the end, did they have a lot of strength for Emei's prosperity?

Especially Master Zunsheng, whose predecessor was one of the disciples of Buddha who came here as a disciple. He is also a well-known Bodhisattva-level venerable man in West Tianling Mountain. .

The reason is that the core senior leaders of Emei will not easily leak out, but Linsha, the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, has some kind of speculation. It may be that the Buddhist door has reached an agreement with the predecessor of Emei Jianxian who has mastered the Lingkong Immortal Realm. The Buddhist Alliance of Dao appeared.

Regardless of whether such a guess is reliable, it can finally be justified, and the performance of the Buddhist monastery in Shushan World also confirms this very well.

Emei is about to reopen the house and wants to take it to a higher level and gather together to practice the luck in the world. One can imagine how many secretly disgruntled monks will be attracted.

At this time, Emei naturally didn't want to easily act rashly. A bad one would affect the Kaifu plan.

However, the luck of the earthly dynasty and the plunder of the luck of the practice world have affected the progress of Emei's opening, and even the future of Emei's prosperity.

As the core think tank of Emei, Mrs. Gou Lan, the wife of Miaoyi, knows that today's emperor is not simple, so naturally she will not be taken seriously.


It is not that simple to intervene in the dynasty of the world. The changes in those big cities, Gou Lanyin, is not a boudoir for everyone, how could not see it?

At present, the dynasty of the world is booming and rising, and I don't know how the Emperor Xinming or the imperial courts are arranged. The cities around the city are full of officialness, but the degree of richness is only different.

Officials and monks are mutually exclusive. The more powerful the city is, the more restricted the monks are.

The city near Huangshan is obviously under special care, and the strong official repulsion of the monks is quite powerful. The monks below Jindan will be pushed down to a realm when they enter.

The turbulent officialdom of the city alone is a headache, not to mention the power in the hands of the government, nor does it eat dry food.

For example, the soldiers with the strength of the entry level, only a few supporters near the Huangshan Mountain, through the dark line exploration of Emei, there are hundreds of people!

There are also superficial powers that seem to be quite general, but the number of runes that can really make people shocked is also rising linearly, which is definitely not a good deal.

There are also a series of powerful rune appliances for full-time attack and defense. Gou Lan, as the core think tank of Emei, naturally looks far deeper than Zhou Qingyun’s three women. Those endless rune appliances are not only convenient for people’s transportation. The terror power contained in the communication is also quite good.

Otherwise, Emei will not send Wu Wenqi and Zhu Wen to the Royal Academy of Beijing to study the Rune Way. The rest of the practice forces have also sent out elite disciples to join the Royal Academy and the colleges around the world. They also hold the idea of ​​learning the Rune Way.

This is also the main reason for the sudden explosion of the quality of runes in the Royal College and various colleges in recent years. In addition to the true talents of different generations, elite monks who have experienced orthodox practice have converted to runes. Not only are they quick to get started, but their promotion speed is also quite amazing.

The two women Wu Wenqi and Zhu Wen are the best examples. They only changed the way of the runes in a year and a half, and they have already been promoted to the level of intermediate runes that is comparable to the Jindan realm. They even regard rune cultivation as the main way of cultivation. Using the previous sword training as an auxiliary training mode, we can see how quickly the rune path transferred by elite monks will enter the country.

It is also the emperor’s broad-minded people who refuse to refuse, as long as they are willing to study at home, they can learn the true rune no matter what their origin.

Regardless of the cultivating forces, including Emei, what kind of abacus is actually used, but is there any way to get advanced cultivation of the complete rune way from the dispatch of disciples.

The way of runes is flourishing, and luck is higher than the day. Naturally, these elite disciples who are born and practiced are of great merit.

Emperor Lin Sha of the Ming Dynasty thought hard about it. Every way of cultivation, if you want to achieve the mainstream of the practice industry, or condense a lot of luck, the number of practitioners must be indispensable, otherwise why not talk about condensing luck?

To say that the cultivation methods of the practice world are in full bloom, basically Linsha knows the way of cultivation, and you can find corresponding cultivation methods here.

Take Wu Dao for example, the root of which is Wu Dao, but there are twelve capitals such as Tianshen Sha in the world of Shushan. The magical powers are so powerful that it has nothing to do with the original Wu clan. Lin Shaodu will not believe it.

Wu Dao is definitely a quick method. Compared with the sword cultivation method, the cultivation speed and progress need to be improved. As a result, the mainstream of the Shushan world is Jianxiu, and the twelve capitals of the gods and witchcraft are inherited, but they have become the flow of evil demons. Among them, there must be a lot of self-preservation by the gang of evils.

Otherwise, at the speed of Wu Dao's advancement, even if it is suppressed, the barbarian's nest of 100,000 mountains in the south should be the most popular practice method, but this is not the case.

Emperor Lin Sha of the Ming Dynasty, through old antiques such as Li Jingxu, a bliss, only saw clearly what was not widespread in Wu Dao.

Naturally, he would not make such a mistake. The way to make the rune was to enhance the strength of the Xinming dynasty, and there was even greater ambition.

Otherwise, how could he spend his psychology, simplifying all the esoteric scriptures that involve the mysteries of the heavens and the earth into all the ways that can form a rune that exerts power?

The Rune Way is naturally a trail in the practice world at this time, but it is an absolute mainstream in the human dynasty. The sword repair community just wants to suppress it.

At this moment, as long as you are not stupid, you can see that the development of the Rune Way and the luck will have a very rapid rise.

Originally, the core senior executives of Emei did not take it seriously, but now they have to think about it with dim sum. Otherwise, if something goes wrong in the future, it will not end well.

The key is that the luck of the human dynasty rises and rises again, but the luck of the spiritual world is slowly deprived and repeatedly lost. Who knows how long this situation will last?

Emei did not dare to bet on the luck of the practice world, but also supported their ambitions. Naturally, they wanted to block the runes and the continued improvement of the luck and momentum of the human dynasty.

Gou Lan was very distressed and wanted to stop the rising momentum of the human dynasty without using high-level military force.

Master Xia Xia didn't think so much, she just told the situation to Mrs. Miao Yi, and raised the concerns in her heart. As for the core senior executives of Emei, she didn't know how to handle it.

Mrs. Miao Yi was Mrs. Miao Yi, and she quickly found inspiration from Master Xia Xia, and she began to have some unspeakable thoughts, just wait back and experiment slowly.

Right now, it is necessary to stabilize the Xinming dynasty first, it is best to let the Xinming dynasty, or the mysterious Xinming emperor, not to intervene in let Wu Wenqi and Zhu Wen two nephews After a hard trip, when I went back, I brought the Emei Courier. Didn't they get the instructions of the Emperor Xinming, let them help to send a letter! "

With an idea in her heart, Mrs. Gou Lan, the wife of Miaoyi, showed a confident look on her face and said leisurely; "There is no fierce conflict of interest between Zhengdao and the dynasty of the world. I would not easily refute Emei's face!"

Master Xia Xia nodded subconsciously and smiled; "It's so good, if you can't do anything, it's best not to do it easily!"

She also dreaded the strength of the human dynasty, otherwise she could not lower her posture with Master Xia Xia's temper, she was proud of herself.

Emperor Xinsha of the Ming Dynasty was completely unaware that the two senior officials of Emei were having headaches for his affairs, but even if they knew it, they would not be too concerned about it.

It's just that Mrs. Gou Lan, the wife of Miaoyi, never thinks that she is secretly thinking about **** the dynasty of the human world, to stop the luck of the human dynasty, she never thinks that things will eventually develop to that point.

It is said that Master Xia Xia hurriedly came to find Mrs. Miao Yiyi, this scene was seen in the eyes of a pair of Gou Lan's children.

Because Miao Yizheng is still practicing sword in the East China Sea, his two children naturally have to live in Jiuhuashan with his wife.

Qi Lingyun’s situation is not bad. As one of the key ‘Three Heroes and Two Clouds’ of Emei Daxing, her strength has improved quite rapidly. She has successfully stepped into the Jindan realm and is currently in a state of rapid advancement.

Qi Jinchan focused on other aspects. When she saw Master Xia Xia's eyes lit up, she heard Wu Wenqi and Zhu Wen return to the mountain gate. She immediately went to Mr. Xia Xia's nest to find Zhu Wen to play...

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