Martial Arts World

Chapter 2693: Each fate is different

The Xuanyuan old monster of the magic road also came to join in the excitement. When the wind came, the magic wind was rolling, and there was a lot of noise. I was afraid that other people would not know that this magic road could come over in general.

It's just that people with clear eyes know that this man is nothing but a bluff. Despite the turbulence that has passed along the way, it hasn't caused any casualties among the people. This is the best proof.


When dealing with such masters of the Taoist and wise minds, Lin Sha’s response was only one word, and it was still issued by the mouth of the Golden Dragon of the National Games. The power was absolutely touching.

I didn't see the Xuanyuan old monster who had just arrived in the capital and hadn't had time to sign up. He was stunned by the national sports Jinlong, and then fled in the faint sound of thunder.

Heavenly Thunder, which is directly linked to the Golden Dragon by the National Games, can be imagined as powerful. I am afraid that even the Celestial God may not be able to bear it, let alone the Xuanyuan old monster who has not reached the Celestial Peak.

I don't know if he is a good player in the world, how could he have the courage to find the stubble of the fairy, and think he is too moist?

In order to avoid trouble, Lin Sha directly talked through some channels. When Emei opened the house, he would go forward. When that time came, he would have a direct account of any grievances. Now he is not in the mood to deal with the ruins of the practice world.

When it comes to this, which monk should dare to be entangled, he has to say nothing about others. Really don't say, his strength is indeed called a high-level monk's fear, before knowing the specific strength, as long as the high-level monk's brain is not bad, he will not act rashly.

Jingcheng was completely calmed down. Although he had never peeped out from outside, Linsha was too lazy to ignore it. As long as he was not a Dixian expert, the martial arts priests and runes at the capital of the government could solve it.

Soon, the eyes of the practitioners who had originally gathered in the capital were attracted by other sudden changes.

In this world, there is never any horns, and some are just transient characters.

With Yi Xiu's sudden promotion to Tianxian and becoming the first person at the side door, the waves triggered slowly began to ferment and set off a torrential wave.

One by one, the ability to do loose repairs by side door, in a short period of time, by condensing thousands of miles around or even tens of thousands of loose repair luck, the strength suddenly improved to a greater or lesser extent, which caused an uproar among overseas loose repair groups.

After tasting the sweetness, anyone who feels a little capable and has enough strength for overseas bulk repairs can’t wait to hold a seminar on Daoism exchanges to gather the luck of bulk repairs that can be controlled.

And the repeated repairs that have been repeatedly invited have also found another usefulness of their own. They can provide part of the luck required for the power of loose repairs.

It's just that their actions are destined to end in tragedy. How can the power of overseas loose repairs be threatened, and if you are not obedient, you can directly hit the door and take the captives, which can also condense your luck.

With the first one robbing people at the beginning, naturally the second and third ones will appear, and it will not take long for the entire overseas monk community to be completely chaotic.

People are robbing everywhere, new forces are being formed everywhere, and monks of similar strength are merging, and the forces of casual repairs whose forces have reached a certain scale have also begun to merge.

It's messed up, everything is messed up.

The overseas side door forces, which had been fairly peaceful, suddenly had numerous incidents and disputes. The situation was so chaotic that people were at a loss to understand what to do.

The chariots of overseas side gates themselves have become a mess, which has also affected the Central Plains practitioners who have huge interests among overseas side gates, such as Emei and Buddhism.

Emei has been operating in overseas practice circles for many years. Even before the sudden improvement of the **** Camel Yixiu, which caused the overseas sidemen to follow suit, in fact, Emei’s interests overseas have not suffered much loss.

In the field of overseas practice, Emei did not personally participate in person, but took the form of an alliance with the power of overseas practice, which indirectly exerted no small influence on the power of the overseas sidemen.

The forces and monks who should be close to Emei will still be close. As for the monks who are already full of ill feelings towards Emei, Emei will not expect them to change their mind suddenly.

But the overseas practitioners suddenly became in chaos. One by one, the original submerged masters came out to form forces, and began a brutal and overwhelming expansion journey. In order to compete for the most important resources for luck, everyone grabbed the red eye. Cultivation of great power does not care what the pattern of overseas practice was before.

As a result, Emei's allies suffered a big crime. The middle force of their overseas overseas frontiers had not only controlled a lot of loose repairs, but now they were the objects of looting and division.

The news was sent back to the headquarters of Emei as soon as possible. Once the senior executives of Emei were depressed, the most important thing at this time was to start preparations for the opening of the government. How can they focus on overseas practice circles?

Besides, even if they want to meddle in, Emei’s own strength is still unsuccessful, and he needs the help of Buddhism and other masters of Zhengdao.

How much favor this owes, the last thing may not be done properly!

"This situation is really a headache!"

As an eyebrow think tank, Ms. Gou Lan, a wife of Miaoyi, has been having a hard time recently. She had been repulsed because she had been peeping at the immortal strongman before, and her body had just been raised.

"We can't help but help, otherwise it will be difficult to intervene in overseas affairs in the future!"

Asceticism is also depressing, he finds himself useless in sitting on the eyebrows. The strength of the monk outside is too high, and he is the second immortal and the third immortal. Even if his strength is the same as the second immortal and the invisible sword. Waiting for a sneak attack is also helpless to such a situation.

"Then the junior can only be moved!"

Gou Lanyin is also helpless. Emei looks at the family and business, but there is no top master who can handle it.

For example, at this time, there is at least a lot of ground immortal strength in participating in the overseas side door fights. Although Elder Emei mostly has only Cheng Yingxiu, sending them to the past is a waste of time and energy.

It would be better to let the juniors know about it in the past, even if something went wrong. Overseas monks, who regard the eyebrows of Emei, will not easily kill these juniors.

Moreover, as the overseas monk monk group became chaotic, Gou Lan noticed that the speed of the loss of Emei’s luck suddenly accelerated. Obviously, the luck from the overseas monk’s repair was no longer guaranteed.

Affected by this, all the younger generations of Emei have slowed their progress in recent days.

Since there is not much room for improvement at Shanmen, it is better to let them go and have a better understanding, maybe their strength can be greatly improved after training.

After all, they are those who bring their own luck. As long as they can fully stimulate their own luck, at least they can directly cultivate into the realm of being an infant. That is also a weak side.


In Beijing, at the gate of the Royal Academy, Wu Wenqi and Zhu Wen are saying goodbye to the Qin sisters.

It is another summer vacation, and the two sisters will naturally return to the teachers of Huangshan for filial piety.

"Get on the train and leave early, don't delay on the road, let the teacher be too worried!"

Sister Qin's advice urged Wu Wenqi and Sister Zhu Wen to leave by car.

They didn't stay in the college, but found another rune car and rushed home. His mother, Mrs. Tianhu Baoxiang, had been waiting for a long time.

The Qin sisters are worthy of being the children of the Rune Way. After breaking through the Rune Master's realm a few years ago, the strength of the Rune Way has not been slowed down.

Although the pace of progress is no longer as fast as before, it is steadily rising, and you can clearly feel your progress every few days.

This taste is really addictive, and the two sisters are naturally no exception. They are more and more obsessed with the practice of immersing themselves in the rune way, feeling the fun that is always improving.

Over the past few years, their strength has stabilized the mid-level realm of runes, and they are still the only strong runes in the world of runes!

Rune Master, but it is equivalent to the existence of the immortals, at least not in the realm.

The Rune Master's mid-level strength is equivalent to the Second Hidden Land Fairy Realm, and the sisters are really placed in the practice world. It is also a remarkable existence.

Moreover, the two sisters have been making progress. At present, they have not felt any signs of progress stagnation. According to this progress, I believe that it will not take long before the two sisters can be promoted to the status of Fu Shi at the same time.

That's quite the existence of the Sanxian Dixian, that is, it is placed in the entire spiritual is a powerful monk who is not coming, it is the kind that is absolutely respected.

It's just a pity that the two sisters have always been immersed in the cultivation and research of the rune way, and they haven't shown their reputation outside. The monks outside did not know that there were strong men like the Qin Clan in the Royal Academy, otherwise the quiet days of the sisters would definitely not be maintained.

Not to mention that the sisters of the Qin family drove home and reunited with their mothers. On the other side, the two sisters Wu Wenqi and Zhu Wen first took the rune runway to the station outside the city, and then transferred to the rune high-speed train to reach the city near Huangshan. The mountain where Shimen is located.

The two proselytized disciples came back from vacation, and Master Xia Xia was so happy that when Wu Wenqi and Zhu Wen took care of their houses, Master Xia Xia took the two women to chat about their life in Beijing and their interest in Beijing. What I saw and heard was just the attitude of Master Xia Xia who was unconsciously, which made the two women feel very strange, and there was always a wrong illusion.

What is wrong with this is that the master seems to be a little less enthusiastic about Emei, which makes the two women feel strange and uncomfortable.

You have to know that Master Xia Xia gave them the feeling that they regarded themselves as people in the eyebrows, and they are still in the core circle. I hope they will know all over the world.

Moreover, the master is indeed very close to the top level of Emei. What I don’t know outside thinks that Master Xia Xia is really a true biography of Emei.

In fact, Master Xia Xia is a disciple of Buddhism's great power, and the true disciples of the Buddhism are really not related to Emei, but the Buddhism has always been close to Emei. Master Xia Xia is typical Delegate, I didn’t think how before, but now I obviously feel that the master’s attitude towards Emei is a little cold, and the two girls Wu Wenqi and Zhu Wen feel very uncomfortable...

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