[Ding, comment Li Hanyi shocked everyone, and obtained popularity value: 100000 points! ] 】


As Li Hanyi finished commenting, the system’s prompt sound also sounded in his mind.

Jun Shaoqing took advantage of everyone’s interest, so he continued to comment.

When he said that the next person to comment on was the Peach Blossom Sword God Deng Tai’a, the audience was stunned.

Because of this name, no one has even heard of them.

A character who can be ranked on the list of sword immortals must be a peerless master, how can no one know?

Even the hidden Li Sword God and the reclusive Sword Nine Yellow them, there are people in the rivers and lakes who remember.

And this peach blossom sword god Deng Tai’a, no one knows, and even the rivers and lakes have not left a little legend.

“How is this possible? Have any of you heard of the name Deng Taia? ”

“I don’t know, the old man has been crisscrossing rivers and lakes for decades, and he has never heard of such a person as Deng Tai’a!”


Room No. 1 on the second floor.

Li Hanyi was surprised: “Could it be that Deng Tai’a is not dead yet?” ”

Sikong Changfeng shook his head and said, “It seems that this matter should be deliberately concealed by the Wu Family Sword Tomb. ”

“Little sister, do you know this Peach Blossom Sword God?” Li Jianshi asked in surprise.

Several others also pricked up their ears curiously.

Li Hanyi explained: “Second sister, you don’t know, everyone should know that there are two major sword tombs in Dali, which the world admires. ”

“And these two sword tombs are the Li family sword heart tomb and the Wu family sword tomb.”

“For thousands of years, the two major sword mounds have faced each other, each representing the pinnacle of kendo.”

“In addition to being good at forging divine soldiers, the two families each have their own family martial arts, Kenshinzuka majors in heart swords, while Wu Jiajian Tsuka majors in swordsmanship.”

“And the two major sword tombs, in each generation, will elect a representative to walk the rivers and lakes and consolidate the family’s reputation.”

“Kenshinzuka calls it ‘Sword Crown’, while Wu Family Kenzuka calls it ‘Jian Kui’!”

“Second sister, you should know that I entered the world on behalf of Kenshinzuka back then and walked the rivers and lakes.”

“At the same time, the Wu family sword tomb also produced a female sword kui named Wu Su, but for some reason, the Wu family sword kui later defected from the Wu family sword tomb, so she was removed, and has since disappeared into the martial arts.”

Thinking of this, Li Hanyi couldn’t help but sigh: “If it weren’t for Wu Su’s early disappearance of the martial arts, this river and lake would definitely have one more female sword immortal!” ”

Seeing that several people showed regretful expressions, Li Hanyi sighed, and then continued.

“After Wu Su, the Wu family has produced another peerless genius, and that person is Deng Tai’a.”

“Because of his origin, Deng Tai’a has not been welcomed by the Wu family since he was a child, plus he and Wu Su are close, so he was ostracized.”

“Later, Wu Su defected from the Wu family’s sword tomb and was removed, and Deng Tai’a was even more unpopular.”

“However, what people did not expect was that this Deng Tai’a, who was the most unpopular with the Wu family, actually cultivated the Wu family’s highest realm of imperial swordsmanship.”

“Deng Tai’a, who is successful in swordsmanship, easily defeated the Wu family’s new sword leader in order to fight for Wu Su, and then disappeared into the martial arts from then on.”

“The news from the Wu family is that Deng Tai’a is dead!”

Speaking of which.

Li Hanyi breathed a long sigh of relief.

After that, she didn’t know.

And hearing Deng Tai’a’s past, everyone was taken aback.

At a young age, he actually comprehended the supreme realm of swordsmanship, the way of the sword.

If he hadn’t died, I’m afraid his strength would no longer be under the Sword Immortal.

No wonder you can be on the list of sword immortals!

Right at this time.

Jun Shaoqing on the high platform closed the folding fan in his hand and said slowly:

“Before talking about the Peach Blossom Sword God Deng Tai’a, let me first comment on another female sword fairy who is not inferior to Li Hanyi.”

“And you don’t know, if it weren’t for the other party’s absence anymore, this Sword Immortal List would definitely have a place for her.”

“But because she is indeed a strange woman worthy of everyone’s respect, she is even more related to the Peach Blossom Sword God who is about to be reviewed.”

“So by the way, comment on her here, the story of this Princess of Northern Liang!”


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