Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 992 Blocking the way

? Time passed slowly, and another four days passed in a blink of an eye.

During these four days, Xiao Ye has been at the border of Shayuan, found a place to practice, and took the last two pieces of Jiuxiang cardamom, trying hard to reach the second level of hegemony.

Anyway, as far as he is concerned, he has already found the treasures of heaven, material and earth that increase blood energy, and other treasures have also attracted him. It is better to wait for the young supreme beings in the world in the world to find all the other five imperial swords, wait for work at ease, and work hard. Increase your own strength, then reappear and summon the Great Emperor's Palace.

Anyway, judging from the current situation, it is impossible for the young supreme beings to gather in the center of the six major regions of the Middle Realm, and it is impossible for him to enter the Great Emperor's Palace alone.

Within four days, Xiao Ye obviously felt that there was a lot of powerful aura flying in the void, and flew towards the center of the six major regions of the world in the middle of the world. Obviously, as the closing time of the world in the middle of the world approached, All the young supreme beings gathered in the center of the six regions.

It's a feast!

boom! boom! boom!

In a mountain stream on the border of the sand world, Xiao Ye sat cross-legged, his whole body bursting with incomparable golden light, illuminating the heavens and the world.

The golden blood energy erupted from his body and rushed straight to the sky, interweaving a torrent of golden blood energy in the mid-air, roaring like a vast ocean, enough to flood the sky, and make the void tremble with everything.

The tide of blood energy, this is the vision that appeared on the second layer of the domineering body!

The tide of blood energy that Xiao Ye erupted now is more than ten times larger than that of the one who just entered the middle world. The direction of his thoughts, the tide of blood energy explodes the sky, which can bring a great sense of oppression to the opponent.



The next moment, Xiao Ye's eyes opened, and two golden rays of light burst out from the eyes, piercing through the void, unparalleled fierceness, and the tide of blood energy gradually receded from his sky cap.

"The tide of blood energy is still the last step before it can live forever!"

"It's a pity that time is running out, and I can't waste any more on this."

Xiao Ye's eyes were full of regret.

Jiuxiang cardamom is indeed an ancient treasure of heaven and earth. After taking it, his super-body blood energy has been improved again, and he has reached the last step of the second stage of the second stage of the super-body. All he needs to do is to keep the tide of blood energy alive.

Even if the second layer of the overlord body is complete.

When the time comes, the tide of blood energy can wipe out the enemies of the ten directions!

But now, his strength has also improved a lot. In terms of hegemony alone, it is definitely not a big problem to defeat the strong at the beginning of the third~level of the Emperor Martial Realm.

"The world in the world, there are still eight days left. It's time to go to the center of the world in the world. I hope that other young supreme beings have found the other five imperial swords." Thinking of this, Xiao Ye summoned Xiaobai, let Xiaobai Bai controlled the flying beast, took him out of the mountain stream, and flew out of the sand plain.

Fortunately, this mountain stream is still hidden in the sand world, and the young supremes are rushing to the center of the six major regions, so no one disturbs his cultivation.


The speed of the flying beast is very fast, even faster than that of the strong in the imperial martial arts realm, and it flew out of the sand world in a blink of an eye.

The Realm of the Realm is divided into six major areas, and the opening time is only two months. No matter how powerful the young supreme is, it is impossible to search the entire Realm of the Realm in such a short period of time. The same is true for Xiao Ye who owns the map. .

Whether you can find a powerful treasure depends on luck.

The outbreak of the incident in the Great Emperor's Palace made all the young Supremes feel that this was an opportunity.

Xiao Ye sat cross-legged on the back of the flying ferocious beast, looked up, and saw a flat plain in front of him, endless as far as the eye could see, dotted with green tree shades, and occasionally saw a lush forest, full of prehistoric atmosphere.

It turns out that the central location of the six major regions is an oasis, full of quiet and peaceful atmosphere, completely different from the other six major regions, like a different world.

If it wasn't because Xiao Ye knew the secret of the Emperor Sword, he would never have imagined that this place is the most attractive place in the whole world.


Suddenly, Xiao Ye changed color slightly.

Because he reached the center of the world within the world, the four emperors' exercises in his body suddenly started to work automatically, as if he had been summoned by some mysterious thing.

This feeling is like when Xiao Ye met Digu for the first time in Taiyi Sacred Palace.

"It seems that the Great Emperor's Palace is really here!" Xiao Ye's face was full of excitement.

He practiced the Four Emperors Kung Fu, and it can be said that he is the descendant of the four great emperors of the human race. When he enters the Great Emperor's Palace, he will definitely get more benefits than other young supreme beings.

Although the central area of ​​the six major areas is also very large, as long as you follow this call, you will naturally find the location of the Emperor Sword Stone.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

At this moment, Xiao Ye felt a wave of powerful imperial martial thoughts rushing towards him.

"Stop coming!"

"If you want to move forward, you must take out your space ring and let us check it!"


Within a few breaths, more than a hundred young supreme beings appeared, and each of them released a powerful aura, blocking Xiao Ye's way of continuing to move forward.

Xiao Ye asked Xiaobai to control the flying beast to stop, and looked at the hundreds of young supreme beings coldly.

"It turned out to be Supreme Xiao Ye!"

After seeing Xiao Ye, the over a hundred young people were slightly taken aback, and immediately clasped their fists at Xiao Ye.

During this period of time, Xiao Ye's reputation in the world has skyrocketed, and he has completely surpassed the Eighteen Heavenly Talents in the Inner Domain. No one dares to underestimate him. Of course they know each other.

"Since you know me, do you still want to check my space ring?" Xiao Ye asked lightly.

"Supreme Xiao Ye!"

"Compared to the matter of the Great Emperor's Palace and the Emperor's Sword, you already know about it."

"Four of the eight imperial swords have appeared now, and the whereabouts of the other four are unknown."

"That's why us young masters are all blocked at the periphery of the Emperor Sword Stone. As long as warriors want to go to the Emperor Sword Stone, all of them need to take out their space rings to let us check whether there is an Emperor Sword. Even you are no exception. "

"I advise Supreme Master Xiao Ye to cooperate with us. We will not take any treasure from you except the Emperor Sword."

A young supreme said to Xiao Ye quite politely.

There are over a hundred youths standing together, even if they are the invincible emperor, they dare to fight, so they are not afraid of Xiao Ye.

After all, with the temptation of the Great Emperor's Palace ahead, who can resist it?

"I see!"

Xiao Ye immediately sneered when he heard this.

This group of young lords didn't have the imperial sword in their hands, but wanted to enter the Great Emperor's Palace to get a share of the pie, so they joined forces to rob them.

"Then there is no other way!" Xiao Ye's eyes flashed brightly, and with a touch of the sole of his foot, he shot up from the back of the flying beast, and slapped over a hundred youth supreme beings with his palm.

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