Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 1081: Daye Dynasty

? The news that Xiao Ye was going to retreat quickly spread, and members of Xiao Meng and Ye Meng's clansmen came one after another.

"Ye'er, you should retreat and practice well, you don't need to worry about your parents." Henry Zhang patted Xiao Ye's shoulder and said earnestly.

Xiao Ye suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

It's not like he's leaving right away, he's just going to retreat, so it's like being separated.

"Long Chen, the five hundred invincible troops will stay in the Tianjiao Kingdom for the time being. You can take control of the South Plains at any time. I have already said hello to the Three Emperors. When I return to Zhongzhou, I will also send someone to talk to Taiyi." The Holy Palace and the Invincible Emperor's Domain spoke."

Xiao Ye said.

The Four Great Dynasties are actually forces that select geniuses for Zhongzhou. Whoever controls them will generally not care about Zhongzhou, but for his sake, at least the power of Zhongzhou will not come to Tianjiao Kingdom. trouble.

Xiao Ye bid farewell to everyone, leaving Xiaobai behind, soaring into the sky and flying towards the outside of Tianjiao King City.

This time he intends to comprehend the road to the title of Emperor Martial, and the killing law he currently controls is a mysterious law that can affect the emotions and minds of warriors. Of course, he cannot comprehend it around his relatives, otherwise big problems will easily occur.

Xiao Ye landed in a mountain range hundreds of miles away from Tianjiao King City, opened a cave to enter, and then sealed the entrance of the cave.

"Title Emperor Martial..."

"Do I need to use the law of killing to aspire to the title of Emperor Wu Road?"

Xiao Ye sat cross-legged and whispered to himself.

To reach his current height, his cultivation is second to none, and he should focus on comprehending the laws and mysteries.

Under his stimulation, the Invincible Emperor is probably about to take this path, and the other three emperors may also be exploring this path, so he decided not to fall behind.

At this moment, when he asked the domain master of the Invincible Emperor for advice, what the other party said resounded like Zhong Lu's voice in Xiao Ye's mind, gradually calming down his mood.

Chi Chi Chi!

Between Xiao Ye's brows, a bloody red light gradually bloomed, and the fierce murderous aura gradually released, spreading throughout the cave, rendering the cave like a gloomy hell, with the howling wind and fierce murderous aura.

Boom boom boom!

The breath of the law of killing,

He was gradually released from the dust, and his black hair gradually turned blood red, with strands flying all over his hair.

The third level of killing law!

This is the realm that Xiao Ye had reached before he broke through to the King Martial Realm, and it was also left behind by the King Po Tian. When he was in the King Martial Realm, he had comprehended the tenth level, and he was invincible in the King Martial Realm. The presence.

Of course, this means that in a place like Dongzhou, it is definitely not invincible in Zhongzhou.

But that's amazing enough.

Relying on the inheritance of King Potian, Xiao Ye comprehended the law of killing to the third level all the way, and he could rival Wang Wu with a full blow.

However, with the exhaustion of King Po Tianwang's inheritance, his killing law also stagnated and never improved. The killing law of Xiuwei was covered in dust.

But now, he must embark on the road of comprehending the law of killing again, because only in this way can he embark on the road of title Huangwu.

This is also the choice made by many warriors in the True Spirit Continent at this time.

Xiao Ye admitted that he was far from being able to compare with the four emperors of the human race in terms of the way of law. Presumably, when the four emperors of the human race were in his realm, they had the profound understanding of the law of the title emperor.

"Why kill?"

"Those who humiliate me, kill!"

"Those who insult my family will be killed!"

"Whoever insults my friend, kill!"


Xiao Ye calmed down, his consciousness sank into the tower of time, and he began to reflect, speculating on the next direction of the law of killing.

What is worth mentioning is that Xiao Ye was surprised to find that now that he activated the law of killing, his mood remained calm and calm. The third level of the law of killing did not affect his emotions at all. .

This is also related to his martial arts realm and perception.

At that time, he was a warrior in the Void Martial Realm, and it was still very reluctant to activate the killing law that had reached the third level, but now he has broken through to the Imperial Martial Arts.

At the same time, his profound martial arts realm and understanding of martial arts began to feed back, allowing him to analyze the law of killing to an unbelievable level. Almost instantly, he deduced the law of killing and the way to go next.

"It's no wonder that many warriors wait until they reach the Emperor Martial Realm before they begin to comprehend the mystery of the laws..."

"To comprehend the Law of Slaughter at the Void Martial Realm, it's really too much effort, it's just asking for trouble!"

Xiao Ye was stunned.

The realm of martial arts and the understanding of martial arts have become deeper, and comprehend the mysterious rules, isn't that an easy thing? On the contrary, when the realm of martial arts is very low, comprehending the laws and mysteries is a bit like ants shaking a tree.

It's like, it's very difficult for elementary school students to do the questions for junior high school students, but when you get to high school, it's very simple to do the questions for junior high school students in turn.


After a day passed by the outside world, Xiao Ye's killing law aura became violent, and it was almost a matter of course that he broke through to the fifth level all the way!

"Continue to comprehend!"

Xiao Ye felt that before the tenth level of killing, there was almost no obstacle. He sank into the tower of time and was frantically comprehending, and his comprehension of the law of killing skyrocketed all the way.

Of course, with the power of his current killing law, compared to his cultivation base, the power displayed is still too weak.

Time passed slowly, and a month passed in a blink of an eye.

This month, Long Chen, the king of the Tianjiao Kingdom, under the protection of the Invincible Army, brought some generals into the Nanzhou Dynasty, and began to gradually take over the affairs of the Nanzhou Dynasty, and was visited by many kingdoms of the Nanzhou Dynasty.

Don't look at Long Chen, although he is only half a step away from Wang Wu, the person standing behind him is Xiao Ye, and he has the guards of the Invincible Army, and there is also a strong Wang Wu like Xiao Teng by his side, so there is no problem at all in commanding Nanzhou.

Commanding a dynasty is not a simple problem, and requires a lot of preparation.

Long Chen changed the name of the Nanzhou Dynasty to the Daye Dynasty to commemorate Xiao Ye's dedication and contribution to the Tianjiao Kingdom. The three emperors also came to congratulate him, but Xiao Ye still did not leave the customs.

On this day, in the mountain range where Xiao Ye retreated——


A majestic killing law suddenly soared into the sky, condensed into a blood-colored beam of light and shot straight into the sky. The blood-red light swept across the world, and all the beasts with a radius of a hundred miles suddenly knelt down tremblingly.

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