Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 1133: Xiao Ye's Decision

Relying on these bones and the time-amplification effect of the Tower of Time, in just a dozen days, his killing law has soared from the previous level 20 to level 35. @乐@文@小说@说|

The power displayed by the thirty-fifth-level killing law is enough to compete with the powerhouses of the second-level Huangwu!

That is to say, his law of killing has already begun to enter the room, how terrifying is this speed!

If he was not afraid of being disturbed by the young Tianjiao of Fengdi City, if he took the words of divine enlightenment here, the speed of comprehension would definitely skyrocket.

Even so, as long as he continues to comprehend, the title of Emperor Wu can be expected!

This time he came to Fengdi Palace, he gained a lot. Not only did he find these bones, but he also found the iron-blooded battle armor, although he couldn't take it away for the time being.

Next, Xiao Ye settled down and continued to comprehend the law of killing.

Time passed slowly, and several hours passed in the blink of an eye.

"It's a pity, the trip to the Emperor's Palace is coming to an end today, otherwise I can definitely continue to improve the law of killing with these bones." Xiao Ye's consciousness withdrew from the Tower of Time. He opened his eyes, and a flash of light flashed in them. The blood-red divine light thought to himself.

He was really sad.

However, he still knows how to choose between leaving the Fengdi Palace and continuing to understand the law of killing.

"There should be more than half a day before the gate of the Emperor's Palace will be opened again. I'll go and see if I can find a way to take away the iron-blooded armor." Xiao Ye secretly thought, greeted Xiaobai, and rose into the air , Leaving this abyss and flying towards the mountain where the Jagged Armor is hidden.

In his opinion, this set of iron-blooded battle armor was of course left by the Iron-Blooded Emperor back then, and it was a complete set of defensive weapons.

If you get it, in addition to improving his defense and strengthening his strength, you may also be able to comprehend the Imperial Scroll of the Four Emperors' Kung Fu by relying on the imprint of the Iron-Blooded Emperor Martial Arts on it.

Anyway, he is bound to get this set of iron-blooded battle armor.

He guessed that, for example, Yue Zifeng, who ranked first among the top ten talents in Fengdi City, should enter the Emperor Fengdian's goal with this iron-blooded battle armor.

It's a pity that the other party didn't practice the Four Emperors Kung Fu,

Unable to interact with this set of battle armor, the possibility of finding the Jagged Battle Armor within a month is very small.

Xiao Ye explored according to the original route, and soon arrived at the mountain again. He blasted a passage with one punch, and came directly to the cave in the belly of the mountain.

Sure enough, it was still the same as when he left, and there was no sign of anyone coming. The iron-blooded battle armor was quietly placed on the bright jade platform.

Without further ado, Xiao Ye stepped forward to take away this iron-blooded battle armor.

It's a pity that like last time, no matter what method he used, he couldn't pick up any part of this iron-blooded battle armor. Even he was a little helpless and almost injured by the powerful resistance.

"Although during this period of time, my killing rules have improved a lot, but the overall strength has not improved much, and the possibility of taking away this iron-blooded armor is very low.

"It seems that I can only go out first, and when my strength improves in the future, I will come to the Emperor's Palace again." Xiao Ye gave up helplessly, secretly thinking in his heart.

The Hall of Conferred Emperors will be opened once a year.

Although it is said that after entering once, he will lose the opportunity to enter again, but as long as he has a strong strength in the future and beats all the forces in Fengdi City to bow their heads, there may still be a way to enter Fengdi Palace again.

There was no way, Xiao Ye felt that the time was almost up, and he couldn't delay any longer, so he could only leave unwillingly.

This set of iron-blooded battle armor can only be placed here for the time being.


Xiao Ye returned the same way and flew towards the end of the barren land.

"Huh? Why didn't even the young Tianjiao see it?" Xiao Ye flew quickly above the sky, looked down at the earth below, and frowned slightly.

When he rushed here from the underground abyss just now, he realized something was wrong.

Because along the way, he didn't even find a young Tianjiao from Fengdi City!

"Maybe they rushed to the gate of the Emperor's Hall first." Xiao Ye shook his head without thinking too much.

Half a day passed in the blink of an eye, Xiao Ye flew out of the barren land, and the familiar statue of the Jagged Emperor appeared in his sight.

The huge door of the Emperor Feng Palace was closed tightly, and no one else was found around.

"what happened?"

Xiao Ye suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart, and rushed towards the giant gate.

If we didn't see a young Tianjiao from Fengdi City along the way, it can be said that they rushed here and waited to go out, but he has already reached the exit position, why can't even a young Tianjiao be seen?

"Jie Jie, do you want to go out?"

At this moment, a voice of sinister laughter suddenly resounded in the field, making Xiao Ye's heart skip a beat, and he followed the sound.

I saw an old man with a dry body like a bamboo pole and thin hair suddenly emerged, and a powerful energy wave swept away, but his body looked rather illusory, not a real one.

"It's Huang Wu's avatar!"

Xiao Ye's eyes flashed brightly, and he recognized this old man as one of the twenty elders of the Emperor Feng Palace.

The Emperor Martial Avatar actually just stripped out some of the power of the Emperor Martial, injected with a trace of the Imperial Martial Mind, it doesn't have too strong attack power, and Xiao Ye can easily do it.

"This old man is Zhong Kun from the Zhong family!"

The next sentence of the old man's Huangwu avatar made Xiao Ye's heart go cold.

Combined with not seeing a young Tianjiao, he immediately understood——

I am afraid that the young Tianjiao of Fengdi Palace have already left Fengdi Palace, but he is trapped here.

Sure enough, Zhong Kun's Huangwu avatar continued to sneer and said, "You abolished the cultivation of our Zhong family Zhong Lingtian, and also caused the fall of many young talents in our Fengdi City. The twenty law enforcement elders of our Fengdi Palace have decided , imprisoning you here."

"The next time the Emperor Conferring Palace is opened again, the old man will come here and kill you with his own hands. During this year, you should repent."


Zhong Kun's energy avatar had just finished speaking, and suddenly the majestic golden blood energy swept over, directly smashing his energy avatar.

"Hmph, imprison me here for a year, and then kill me after the Emperor's Palace is opened again? What a fool." Xiao Ye's eyes were cold, and he sneered again and again.

He suddenly turned around and flew towards the wild land.

If you don't let him go out, then he won't go out!

It just so happened that he felt that it would be a pity to leave now. The way these elders did this made him have to go this way.

The big deal is to practice here. After all, looking at the entire Zhongzhou, this is the most suitable place for him to retreat.

As for the Zhong family, he will make the other party pay the price they deserve!

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