Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 1304: Slaughter title Huangwu

(It was a New Year's call in another place, and I ran for a day before I settled down, so I quickly coded, sorry for the late update, and there will be an update later.)

Seeing this time, the ten titled Huang Wu from the Jagged Emperor Realm were about to give up all the Jagged Army and go back to the Jagged Emperor Realm to pit themselves. Xiao Ye didn't have any nonsense, and directly sacrificed half of them from his own imperial realm. Step the body of the Great Emperor.


His black hair fluttered wildly, directly urging the Dayan Exorcising Heaven Art, and from the center of his brows, surging imperial martial thoughts rushed out, like the Yangtze River reversing, directly submerging into the body of this half-step emperor middle.


The half-step emperor's body sat cross-legged in the void, his closed eyes suddenly opened, and two incomparable divine lights flashed out, his long ink-like black hair fell down, and the terrifying half-step emperor was completely powerful. Obviously, the sky and the earth are trembling violently, and the sky above the sky is even more discolored. Lightning flashes and thunder rumbles, and the infinite vision of heaven and earth descending floods the mountain range.

It seems that this half-step emperor powerhouse 'Xifeng' came across time and space from the time of the Invincible Emperor.

Because of Xiao Ye's breakthrough, he urged Dayan to drive the heavens to control the body of the half-step emperor, and he was more comfortable, gradually recovering the power of the half-step emperor 'Xifeng' during his lifetime.

Even, if you look carefully, you can see that martial arts runes are actually intertwined on this physical body.

This is 'Xifeng', his own Taoism in his lifetime, and he has reached the realm of half-step emperor, and it is also engraved on this body.

You know, before Xiao Ye used the body of the half-step great emperor to suppress the enemy by relying on the absolute gap in cultivation base, without any bells and whistles.

However, with the improvement of his cultivation base and his understanding of the Dayan Expelling Heaven Art, one day, he will be able to fully use all the combat skills possessed by this half-step emperor powerhouse 'Xifeng' come out.

At this moment, all warriors felt tremendous pressure, as if a mountain was pressing on them, making them almost suffocate, with horror on their faces.

"not good!"

"The half-step emperor has appeared again!"

"Damn it, didn't the domain master deduce it himself, saying that this half-step emperor is not the real body, and has something to do with a secret technique? Why is it so scary!"


The titles of the ten iron-blooded emperors who fled separately, Huangwu,

His face turned pale with shock, his heart was trembling, the speed of escape was greatly affected, and he was struggling, as if he had fallen into a bottomless abyss, and he couldn't escape at all.

How terrifying is the deterrence of the half-step emperor?

Although they are titled Huangwu, it is difficult to bear it.

"Didn't you say that you are not afraid of the half-step emperor who protects me, that's why you came to chase and kill my friends?"

"Then today, Xiao will use your blood to respond to the Iron-Blooded Territorial Lord. How ridiculous his deduction is. Let him know what the consequences will be if he offends me, Xiao Ye!"

Xiao Ye's voice shook the sky, he raised his head and screamed, and at the same time frantically urged Dayan to drive the sky.


As he activated these secret techniques, the body of the half-step emperor sitting cross-legged in the void trembled slightly, bursting out with immeasurable divine light, and he had already shot at the ten titled emperors.

The power of the half-step emperor turned into a surging torrent of energy, which directly penetrated the void and was unparalleled, making this space turbulent, rippling and creating ripples visible to the naked eye.


There is almost no suspense, a titled Emperor Wu who fled to the west, was submerged by the surging energy torrent, and suddenly let out a scream, his whole body exploded directly, and the hot blood was stained red sky.

"Sovereign Xiao Ye, I admit my mistake. As long as you let me go, I promise that I will never interfere in your affairs again. From then on, I will practice in seclusion and don't care about worldly affairs..." An old man begged for mercy.

But before he finished speaking, he was blown away by the surging torrent of energy.


Another titled Emperor Wu was blown away by force...

The ten titled Huang Wu from the Jagged Emperor's Realm were as weak as ants in front of the body of this half-step great emperor. No matter how far they escaped, they would be crushed by one move.

This is a complete massacre!

Xiao Ye is urging the body of this half-step emperor powerhouse, and is slaughtering the title emperor martial powerhouse!

A shocking emotion swept through the entire mountain range, making Nangong Xingyu and the Eastern Prince stunned.

At this moment, although Xiao Ye didn't make a move, the aura emanating from the opponent clearly represented that he was already at the seventh level of the Emperor Martial Arts, and even the power of the half-step Great Emperor powerhouse had doubled.


The fierce wind roared above the sky, and this mountain range had been completely reduced to a dense hell. Blood rained from the sky, and it rained on the iron-blooded army who had experienced hundreds of battles and experienced blood and fire, making their legs weak.

Even the title Emperor Wu was killed, do they still have a way out?

In fact, there was no need for Xiao Ye to take action at all, the power of the half-step emperor's strong body completely wiped out the fighting spirit of these iron-blooded troops, and they were killed by many strong men in Fengdi City like cutting melons and vegetables.

When they first came to Zhongzhou, they learned from Xiao Ye the strength of the Four Great Emperor Realms, and they had a natural fighting spirit towards the fighters of the Four Great Great Emperor Realms. At this moment, they naturally shot mercilessly. The lives of each iron-blooded army were like straw. be harvested.

The surviving warriors of the Star Alliance roared excitedly, and looked at the young figure above the sky with admiration.

As powerful as the Jagged Emperor's Domain, he has to suffer one after another in front of this young man. Looking at the entire True Spirit Continent, who else can do it?

What's more, Xiao Ye has the support of so many powerful people in Fengdi City, so basically he can't be provoked. After this battle, Xiao Ye's name will definitely spread throughout the True Spirit Continent, and he will be promoted from the young generation's arrogance to a party Overlord.

Nangong Xingyu and the East Emperor's prince also had expressions of excitement on their faces.

The crisis has been completely resolved, they are all fine, and they are hurrying to repair their injuries.

After a short time of half a stick of incense, none of the ten titled Huangwu in Fengdi City escaped, and all of them were killed.

At this time, Xiao Ye's complexion also turned pale, and his majestic imperial martial arts thoughts were almost exhausted.

Although the power of the half-step emperor's physical body is terrifying, it is also a heavy burden on him to kill ten title emperors in one go, and it makes him feel like a splitting headache.

Bingya knew about Xiao Ye's affairs, she came to Xiao Ye's side in a blink of an eye, and looked at him worriedly.

"I'm fine."

Xiao Ye retracted the half-step Great Emperor's body, took a elixir and rested for a while, and then looked coldly at the warriors of the Three Alliance forces who had been staring at him for a long time.

"Just relying on you, dare to come and kill Xiao's friend?"

Stared at by Xiao Ye's icy eyes, all warriors from the three alliances trembled, especially the strong men from the two sects of Tianfu Sect and Kuaiqiang Sect, who cursed the suzerain of Tianjian Sect ten thousand times in their hearts. all over.

"Supreme Xiao Ye, we are threatened by the head of the Heavenly Sword Sect. It has nothing to do with us. Please spare our lives!" Kneel immediately.

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