Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 1502: Turbulent Era

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The Wuji Gate surrendered the Ice and Snow Palace, and also formed an alliance with the Iron Blood Empire controlled by Taiyi Sacred Palace and Nangong Xingyu. For a while, its power became stronger, powerful and invincible in all directions. Honorable demeanor.

After the Wuji Sect conquered the Ice and Snow Palace, they did not launch a war like the Jidao Palace, pushing all the way to expand their territory, but firmly controlled the Three Leagues, the Holy Fire, and the Snows, and began to recruit disciples with good qualifications in the state. An attitude of indifference to world affairs.

And since the battle in the Ice and Snow Palace, the Jidao Palace has become much more honest, and has not set off another war, bringing the state a brief period of peace.

But this situation did not last for too long.

After half a month passed, Jidao Palace made another move!

This time, the target they chose was the state's first-class force - Tianfeng Pavilion!

The headquarters of Tianfeng Pavilion is located in the Tianfeng Region of the Eighteen Regions of the state. It can control a region and ranks among the first-class forces. Naturally, Tianfeng Pavilion is not weak.

But this time, Jidao Palace dispatched several half-step emperors, and within a very short period of time, they killed the half-step emperors of Tianfeng Pavilion with lightning speed.

Even the alliance formed by the various forces in the command state led by the four major imperial domains did not have time to intercept and kill it, which shocked the entire state immediately.

Tianfeng Pavilion is also a first-class power in the state, and it also has half-step emperor-level combat power, but it is really horrifying to be pushed horizontally so quickly.

Could it be that the Jidao Palace is so powerful?

Next, the Jidao Palace seemed to have recovered completely, and no longer hid its traces. The three major sub-gongs were fully displayed, and they were full of brilliance. , swept tens of thousands of miles, and enveloped the entire state.

The Jidao Palace is constantly attacking the sectarian forces in the state, flattening one after another, plundering all the treasures of these forces, and using secret techniques to control a large number of warriors to increase their own strength.

The Jidao Palace, in a very short period of time, occupied the two domains of the eighteen domains of the state, and stretched out its magic palm towards the other domains, wanting to rule the world!

The four major imperial domains commanded the world, and the military alliance army formed by various forces in the state rushed to the battlefield. Once they found the whereabouts of the warriors of the Jidao Palace, they would immediately take action to prevent the slaughter of the Jidao Palace.

For a time, the state of the True Spirit Continent ushered in the most turbulent period of the Emperorless Era.

The war between the various forces in the state and the three sub-houses of the Jidao Palace broke out completely!

Life is like grass, precarious!

And the powerful side displayed by the Jidao Palace also shocked the world. Even if the various forces in the state joined forces, the losses would be very heavy.

On the battlefield between the Jidao Palace and the various forces in the state, Qiu Duantian, the young master of the Jidao Palace, also appeared!

As soon as he appeared, he was escorted by the Banbu Emperor from Jidao Palace.

His strength has reached the pinnacle, and he has killed the invincible title Huang Wu of all forces in the state with his hands. His strength is almost at the level of the half-step emperor. The young generation of the True Spirit Continent is unstoppable and shocked. Countless people.


Many warriors in Zhouzhou knew that Qiu Duetian's strength must be terrifying, but they never thought that the opponent would be so terrifying!

Could it be that Qiu Duantian also has the strength of a half-step emperor?

He pushed across the battlefield, hunted and killed his opponents, walked in blood, and asked questions.

Xiao Ye, I started the war and plundered the heaven and earth treasures of the state, just to practice the magic-free skill and let the strength break through again.

And now, I did it, waiting for you to participate in the game, but you didn't show up, because your eight half-step emperor brothers left, so you dare not?

This was Qiu Duantian's question, which was shocking, but it also aroused the anger of the state warriors!

Because the war that spread to the entire state broke out, the sectarian forces in the state actively responded to the call of the four great empires and rushed to the battlefield.

And the Wuji Gate, which is now enough to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Four Great Emperor Domains,

But there was no reaction from the beginning to the end, a detached attitude, let alone sending a soldier to participate in the war.

Wujimen is indifferent to the life and death of the state.

What's more, the very reason why the Jidao Palace started the war was also because of Xiao Ye, but now Xiao Ye doesn't care about it, which makes people, how can they not be angry?

For a while, many warriors in the state began to have a different impression of Xiao Ye, thinking that after Xiao Ye entered the top level of the True Spirit Continent, he would no longer want to risk himself.

All kinds of discussions spread in the eighteen domains of the state, pushing Xiao Ye and Wujimen to the cusp of the storm. Facing the questioning from Qiu Duantian, Xiao Ye and Wujimen didn't respond at all.

Three months later, Zixiao Domain in the Eighteenth Domain of the State.

In the past three months, the war between the Jidao Palace and the state sect alliance army has become more intense, and the main battlefield is in the Zixiao domain.

This domain has been reduced to a bloody battlefield, where blood flows into rivers, corpses lie for hundreds of miles, and the sky is dyed blood red.

The Jidao Palace wants to occupy the Zixiao Domain, and the powerhouses of the three major sub-gongs have descended on the Zixiao Domain one after another. It is rumored that the young master of the Jidao Palace, Qiu Duantian, is also here.

Under the order of the four great imperial realms, various forces in the state sent warriors to the Zixiao Realm to defend the line of defense, and battles broke out with the Jidao Palace, and the real war was about to break out.

Zixiao Domain, Gale Prairie.

In this grassland, as far as the eye can see, there are warriors from all parties in the state, and there is also a teleportation formation temporarily arranged by the formation master.




The teleportation array is constantly flashing light, and from time to time, warriors fly out of the teleportation array and join the alliance warrior army.

Among them, the most conspicuous ones are the Four Great Imperial Domains.

The warriors of the four great imperial realms are the backbone of the alliance army.

In a camp on the prairie, the experts from the four great empires gathered together and were discussing how to attack the Jidao Palace.

"Hmph, Xiao Ye of the Wuji Sect is really greedy for life and afraid of death. We have been fighting with the Jidao Palace for several months. His Wuji Sect has not even dispatched a single warrior. It is too impressive!"

A white-haired old man in yellow robe snorted coldly with a frosty face.

He is an invincible title Emperor Wu of Wushuang Emperor Domain.

Hearing the old man's words, the expressions of the powerhouses of the Invincible Emperor, Peerless Emperor, and Iron-Blooded Emperor all changed, and then fell silent.

Originally, the sudden emergence of the Wuji Sect, in such a short period of time, they went straight to catch up with the four great imperial domains, which made the warriors of the four major imperial domains very unbalanced.

Anyone would be dissatisfied with Xiao Ye's current indifference, even the powerhouses of the Jagged Empire.

"The warriors of Wujimen are here!"

But at this moment, a voice from outside the tent made the hearts of the strong inside the tent jump.

(Because Kaka is so bad, if there is another chapter that doesn’t come out in the evening, it will be placed later, please support me more)

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