Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 1523: Cut the past and grind yourself

? "Huh!"

"Did it finally work?"

In the Emperor's Realm, on the vast continent, Xiao Ye was covered in sweat, his face was pale, all his breath disappeared, and he became an ordinary person.

The original power that could move mountains and seas has all disappeared, as well as the four emperors' skills, hegemony body, true martial arts physique, etc., are also gone.

A feeling of weakness that he had never felt before spread throughout his whole body, as if he had just recovered from a serious illness, his body was weak and his soreness was unbearable.

His previous Tao and Dharma were forcibly stripped from himself and sealed up with his body.

It has nothing to do with him, whether he is the number one person of the young generation in the True Spirit Continent, or a super genius who has stepped into the field of demon gods. He seems to have become a bystander.

This is suicide!

With great perseverance and courage, we must cut down the past and create a new future!

This approach is very risky. If it can't be extremely brilliant, it is even possible to completely rip the past apart and turn the whole body into flowing water.

But Xiao Ye still did this without hesitation.

According to what Jagged Emperor said, if he doesn't make up for the shortcomings of martial arts, with his special practice of the four emperors' skills, let alone hit the half-step emperor's realm, even if he enters the realm of the demon god again, his strength will not be able to improve any more.

Therefore, Xiao Ye didn't feel any loss, instead, he felt calm, as if he had returned to the time when he first entered martial arts in Xiaojia Village.

For martial arts, he is full of anticipation and awe.

"This son is really extraordinary. He can seal up his Tao and Dharma with his body. Even the four of us couldn't do it when we were young. Peerless, your vision is really vicious."

"Okay, let's all leave. Whether we can be brilliant in the ordinary world depends on Xiao Ye himself. We have more important responsibilities."

In mid-air, the stalwart Emperor Wushuang spoke with admiration in his tone.

The three great emperors nodded their heads, and Qi Qi disappeared in place amidst the imperial prestige.

"Junior brother, it's really going against the sky." The eight half-step emperors looked at each other,

They all saw the shock in each other's eyes, and left with the four emperors of the human race the next moment.

At this moment, Xiao Ye was immersed in self-comprehension.

"The Tao and the law are sealed, but my laws and mysteries are still there!"

After resting for a while, Xiao Ye raised his palm, and immediately the aura of killing law and wind soared into the sky, intertwining law and mysterious lotus flowers.

The method of sealing up his Tao and Dharma was realized in nearly a year.

He cut off the past, but only left behind the Law of Slaughter and the Mystery of Wind, which is also his biggest reliance so far.

In the past, he relied on the opportunity of the Four Emperors to push all the way, because he relied too much on these, and he had less tempering himself.

This time, he cut off the past, and wanted to take the path of martial arts again, making up for the previous defects of martial arts.

"In addition to the Law of Slaughter and the Mystery of Wind, I have everything from Acquired Skills to Imperial Martial Arts. I want to use these to return to the pinnacle of martial arts and regain its glory."

"At that time, I will unravel the sealed Tao and Dharma, and I will definitely create a fusion emperor road, and half emperors and quasi-emperors are not the end!"

Xiao Ye brushed his interspatial ring with his palm, and suddenly book after book appeared out of thin air.

These books, including combat skills, exercises, and secret techniques, are all martial arts cheats, which he collected after entering Zhongzhou.

Most of these martial arts secret books were copied by Wu Jimen and Xiao Meng, and they were still in his hands.

With these martial arts cheats, Xiao Ye walked forward like an ascetic, walking towards the depths of the continent in his territory.

He sealed up the Tao and the law, and wanted to walk the road of martial arts again with ordinary martial arts cheats.

The Emperor's Realm is vast, full of vitality, and completely independent. It also has the rising and setting of the sun, and everything follows the principles of heaven and earth.

And this continent in Xiao Ye's territory is also vast, filled with countless treasures of heaven and earth, which can quickly improve the cultivation base and strength of warriors, and throwing any of them on the continent of true spirits can cause bloody storms.

But Xiao Ye turned a blind eye to these treasures of heaven and earth. He walked all the way deep, using the sky as his quilt and the earth as his bed. Every day, he would face the rising sun and breathe out the vitality of the heavens and the earth, and cultivate with an ordinary body.

Although it is said that he is re-taking the path of martial arts, his knowledge and understanding of martial arts are still there, and his true martial arts physique also endowed him with strong martial arts aptitude, so he is like a college student, doing the exercises of elementary school students again.

Although it is very easy, with rapid progress, many problems can often be found. Almost every day, Xiao Ye has new gains. This is an experience that he has never had before.

It is wonderful, very hazy, can touch a lot, and cannot be described in words.

Xiao Ye's heart became calmer, and he even forgot the existence of the Four Emperors of True Spirit Continent, Wuji Gate, and Human Race.

Every once in a while, he would come to the coastline and fight against the sea full of consciousness with the law of killing and the law of wind on the shore; after discovering that his territory had bred ferocious beasts, and after losing to the enemy, he would also be killed. The fierce beast chased and hid everywhere.

At the same time, he randomly selected a book of acquired exercises, and after only two hours passed, he cultivated to the innate state.

Then, it took him another day to aspire to the Xuanwu Realm again.

Ten days later, he went from Xuanwu to Xuwu and achieved Xuwu.

After that, two full years passed before he stepped into Wang Wu from Xu Wu. He did not rely on any natural resources and treasures, but only opened up a king realm.

The Wang Wugong method he chose is very ordinary, it is a street stall in the True Spirit Continent, and the king realm he cultivated is naturally ordinary.

Even the combat skills he selected were very ordinary.

Ordinary exercises, ordinary combat skills...

However, in this martial arts, Xiao Ye took each step very steadily, and he was comprehending the state of mind of an ordinary warrior. His sharpness was restrained, his temperament became more and more ordinary, and he no longer had the peerless demeanor of before.

After breaking through to King Martial Realm, he was no longer in a hurry to improve his cultivation and return to the peak of Martial Dao.

Instead, he completely let go of his body and mind, and wandered in his own territory, as if he was integrated with the whole world. He could hear the sound of water flowing, the sound of leaves withering, and the sound of withered trees in spring. The sound of twigs being pulled out...

This state is the same as when he rushed from Wujimen to Fengyunyu back then.

But back then, he only lasted for a short time in this state, but this time, it lasted for several years.


Under a big waterfall, the water flowed down like a horse, and there was a huge roaring sound, which was very spectacular.

Xiao Ye sat facing the waterfall, crossed his legs and closed his eyes. His expression was calm, and he didn't let out any breath, but the splashing water droplets couldn't reach his body at all, as if they were bounced away by an invisible barrier.

"The second type of mystery besides the law of killing and the mystery of the wind is complete!"

Suddenly, Xiao Ye opened his eyes, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

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