Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 1607: The Heavenly Emperor Disappears

? The Emperor of Heaven has finally appeared!

At this moment, the warriors of the Heavenly Emperor God Dynasty who were struggling to fight Xiaobai and suffered heavy injuries all let out excited cheers, like a drowning person who suddenly grabbed a life-saving straw and was ecstatic.

Xiao Ye and Xiao Bai are too powerful and unstoppable. Only the Emperor of Heaven can resolve the immediate crisis.


Xiaobai also stopped, watching with vigilant eyes.

The Heavenly Emperor is tall and possesses an unrivaled demeanor, like an overlord who can look down on the heavens, invincible in all directions, with coercive pressure surrounding his every move, walking from the depths of the Wushuang Emperor's Realm.

He is a born hero.

"Xiao Ye, I don't want to be your enemy."

"Ever since you came back to Zhongzhou, this emperor has always been very polite to you, and wants to make friends with you. A year ago, the four great emperors and powerhouses joined forces to quell Wujimen. This emperor was unwilling to do anything, just to let you feel The kindness of the emperor."

"Otherwise, if the Emperor took action in that battle a year ago, history might have been rewritten, and it would be very difficult for you to stand in front of the Emperor as you are today."

The Emperor of Heaven said, seeming to be emotional about the current situation.

"But history is like this. The four great emperors were defeated by me, and you will be defeated by Xiao today." Xiao Ye said indifferently with lightning flashing in his eyes, expressing his position very simply and directly.

"Xiao Ye, can you stop fighting?"

"This emperor's recovery in this life is only for the purpose of proclaiming himself emperor and nothing else. If you are willing, this emperor promises that he will never harm any warrior in Zhongzhou, and will not participate in the struggle for hegemony in Zhongzhou, and dissolve the Heavenly Emperor God Dynasty."

"As for these warriors, you can dispose of them as long as you can appease your dissatisfaction."

The Heavenly Emperor stopped in front of Xiao Ye, and asked very sincerely.


Hearing the words of the Heavenly Emperor, many warriors in the Heavenly Emperor's court suddenly gasped, their faces turned pale.

The dignified Heavenly Emperor, even offered such a condition on his own initiative, and still wants to give up on them?

Could it be that God,

Are you really afraid of Xiao Ye?

"If you want to become an emperor, you should specialize in martial arts. The wealth and fame and status in the world will only become a stumbling block in the pursuit of the supreme martial arts. Don't you know this, you are a majestic emperor?"

"You chose to recover in this life. If you only want to become emperor, why did you create the Heavenly Emperor God Dynasty? You also want to open up ten major passes to attract Zhongzhou warriors?"

"If you really don't care about the Heavenly Emperor's Dynasty, why didn't you disband before Xiao broke through?" Xiao Ye faced the Heavenly Emperor and questioned him one after another, with a hint of sarcasm on his face.

There are too many loopholes in the words of the Emperor of Heaven.

A warrior who is really dedicated to proclaiming himself emperor will never start a god dynasty, and even participates in the struggle for hegemony in Zhongzhou, it is definitely for some kind of conspiracy.

Questioned by Xiao Ye's sharp words, the Heavenly Emperor's expression changed slightly, and he fell silent, speechless.

"Heavenly Emperor, don't waste your words. Xiao Mou came here today to calm down the darkness and turmoil. Let's fight with me."

"Let Xiao see how capable you, the so-called Emperor of Heaven, are."

Xiao Ye stepped into the air, and an invincible fighting spirit erupted from his body, and the law and mysterious aura flew into the air, making the Wushuang Emperor Realm groan.

Putting down the darkness and turmoil is the mission entrusted to him by the four emperors of the human race, and he must complete it.

He is already at such a high level, there is no need to discuss these conditions with the Emperor of Heaven, because it is meaningless.

He didn't want the warriors in this life to suffer any more, and he didn't want to face the death of his old friends.

So today, the dark turmoil must be ended.

"Hey, it seems that this emperor is going to follow in the footsteps of the Dark Emperor and the others."

The Heavenly Emperor laughed helplessly.

He is obviously tall and looks very young, but there is a sense of twilight in his body.

Chi Chi Chi!

The next moment, a blazing light began to glow on his body, illuminating the past, present and future, and a very mysterious aura swept away from him.

The Heavenly Emperor is about to start a duel with Xiao Ye!

Seeing this scene, the remaining warriors of the Heavenly Emperor God Dynasty almost forgot to breathe, and their hearts were tensed.

The result of the duel between Emperor Tian and Xiao Ye will directly affect their fate.

Xiaobai also gave up on the opponent in front of him, and flew directly into the air, side by side with Xiao Ye, facing the Emperor of Heaven.

"Xiao Ye, I have to admit that it was indeed a huge mistake for me to recover in this life."

"We escaped the four emperors of the human race, but we couldn't hide from you. We even failed to attack the emperor's realm. This may be God's will."

"Even if you don't come today, this emperor won't live long. If there is an afterlife, I will fight you again."

The light on the Emperor's body became more and more intense, and he stared at Xiao Ye and smiled.

The Emperor of Heaven has a free and easy smile, and his body is aging rapidly. Wrinkles are climbing on the body, and the traces of time are all over the place.

"The Emperor of Heaven tried to attack the Emperor Realm, but failed?"

Xiao Ye used the secret technique of the Hundred Battles, opened the Eye of the Hundred Battles, and walked towards the Heavenly Emperor, and was immediately taken aback.

I saw that the sorcerous imprisonment that originally restricted the strength of the Emperor of Heaven has been shattered, and he is completely in the realm of the perfect quasi-emperor, returning to glory.

However, unlike the other four great emperor-conferring powerhouses who have been sublimated to the extreme, the Heavenly Emperor has withered blood, as if all the charms have been hollowed out, turning into an empty shell, exhausted and withered.

Not to mention the strength of the quasi-emperor, I am afraid that the emperor of heaven will not even be able to display the strength of the half-emperor, because the loss is too serious.




The body of the Heavenly Emperor was covered with cracks, and turned into flying ash inch by inch, floating in the entire Wushuang Emperor Realm.

"Master Heavenly Emperor!"

"Has the Lord Heavenly Emperor fallen?"

"My lord, the Emperor of Heaven, hasn't fully sublimated, it's impossible!"


The warriors of the Heavenly Emperor God Dynasty cried out in disbelief, their faces full of disbelief.

In just a few short breaths, the tall body of the Heavenly Emperor turned into flying ash and disappeared into the sky without leaving even a trace.

The Emperor of Heaven has fallen?

Xiao Ye was a little taken aback.

Originally, he thought that he would face a fierce battle when he came to the Heavenly Emperor God Dynasty this time, but he didn't expect that the Heavenly Emperor disappeared before he made a move.

"Could it be that the Emperor of Heaven failed to attack the emperor's realm, so he ran out of fuel?" Xiao Ye secretly thought.

With the fall of the Heavenly Emperor, the darkness and turmoil should have come to an end, but Xiao Ye couldn't feel the slightest joy in his heart.

Because he feels very unreal.

"I don't know if there is any information about the Chief Palace Master of the Jidao Palace or the Patriarch of the Cang Clan in the Heavenly Emperor's Divine Dynasty."

Xiao Ye didn't continue to think deeply, and went directly into the Wushuang Emperor's Realm to search.

"Xiao... Brother Xiao?"

"Is it you? Did you come to save us?"

At this moment, a jerky voice suddenly came, making Xiao Ye's body tremble, and his eyes looked at the golden palace.

He was very familiar with this voice, like an old friend who had disappeared for a long time!

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