Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 2064: The Demon Emperor is Coming

"The biggest benefit of joining the temple?" Xiao Ye was slightly taken aback.

From Jiang Kong and Taixu, he had indeed heard that joining the temple has many benefits, but he really didn't know what it was.

Under Xiao Ye's gaze, he saw ten crystals the size of a baby's fist and shaped like pills appeared in the hands of the elders of the temple.

Immediately, the planet shook, which shocked Xiao Ye.

He could sense that each of these ten pill-like crystals had endless holy power, much stronger than the power of the holy rank, and if one was detonated at will, it might be able to destroy half of the world.

"The saint realm is different from the spiritual stage. It breaks away from the shackles of the ancient scriptures, and focuses on the perception of the holy way. Although you also need to use the power of the sun, moon and stars in the universe to temper your holy stage power and create a more powerful one." A strong holy body, sprinting to a higher level, but it is too much time wasted."

"And the holy source was born from this. Among the three thousand great worlds and thousands of races, only the big race can be refined. As long as you refine it, it will automatically refine your power of the holy rank, which is the basic power of the members of the temple. Welfare."

"These ten pieces can almost help you break through to the realm of a small sage."

"Originally, according to your membership level, you can only get one piece every ten years, and the other nine pieces are given to you by Venerable Tianguang himself." The elder of the temple said meaningfully.


Xiao Ye was taken aback when he heard this.

These ten holy sources are so terrifying, can they help him break through to the realm of a small saint?

"The rest of the responsibilities and rights of the members of the temple will be introduced in this jade slip, so you can take your time to read."

Saying that, the elder of the temple took out another piece of jade slip and handed it to Xiao Ye, and then drifted away.

"It seems that Venerable Tianguang, in order to win over Senior Time Great Sage, really spent all his money, and actually took out nine holy sources for you."

"Two holy sources can be exchanged for a low-grade holy artifact."

Jiang Kong was jealous for a while.

A strong man like him can only get five holy sources every ten years when he joins the temple.

At that moment, Xiao Ye studied the jade slip carefully.

Intuition told him that the benefits of joining the temple were not limited to this.

"I see."

Xiao Ye sat cross-legged in the stone palace, his eyes flickering.

It took him three days to finally figure out the situation of the temple.

To join the temple, one must accept the constraints and act exclusively for the temple, and cannot leave for life. One can become a special envoy of the temple, and if one breaks through in strength, one can be promoted to an elder, or even be a principal, such as Tianguang Shengzun.

In addition, members outside the hall like Taixu and Jiang Kong will have a lot of freedom, and most people will choose it.

The members outside the temple are divided into one to nine levels according to their contributions to the human race.

The higher the level, the greater the power, and the greater the benefits they can enjoy. For example, members of the ninth level can sit on an equal footing with the head of the temple, and can even mobilize the various holy forces in the human race at will. Basically, they are in the common respect of the human race. level up.

But it is too difficult to become a ninth-level member. In addition to reaching the realm of the Holy One, you also need to build a lot of military exploits for the race and calm down the troubled times of an era.

The resources accumulated by the human race in countless epochs are too amazing, and most of them are controlled by the temple, which is why all major forces want to be included in the temple.

"Taixu is a fourth-level member, Jiang Kong is a second-level member, and I am only a first-level member!" Taking out the identity token of the temple, Xiao Ye shrouded it with holy consciousness, found the information on it, and smiled helplessly.

After becoming a saint, cultivation resources are also needed.

For example, holy sources, such as powerful holy artifacts, and holy methods that can only be cultivated by the strong of the holy rank, and various treasure lands, which also require corresponding identities to enter.

The importance of membership levels cannot be overstated.

Xiao Ye's current level-1 membership has limited authority, limited to one holy source every hundred years, but this is enough to make other ordinary saints envious.

"Nowadays a war broke out between the human and monster races. It turns out that the holy rank powerhouse who kills the monster race can get contribution points."

"Knowing so,

I should have killed more demon saints. "

"It's really too difficult to get contribution points." Xiao Ye sighed with emotion.

The identity token of the temple is not simple. In addition to the special material, it is also engraved with a primary holy way called "Mirror".

Before the holy way of the mirror, it can be automatically distinguished and recorded. The contribution of the members of the temple to the human race does not need to be recorded manually, and there is no way to falsify it.

Now Xiao Ye's contribution value has reached 80, and there is only 20 left before he can be promoted to a second-level member.

Second-level members, in addition to the increase in the number of holy sources they have obtained, can also choose holy methods to practice.

"But it doesn't matter, as long as you are still on the battlefield, you will have a chance to get contribution points."

"What's more, I got the 'Holy Dao Transformation War Cauldron' from Senior Linlang, which is also a very terrifying volume of holy law."

Xiao Ye put away distracting thoughts, stabilized himself, and practiced.

With ten holy sources in his hands, as long as he can keep up with his understanding of the holy way of war, he will soon be able to break through to the realm of a small saint.

Before that, it would be better for him not to rush to the front line at will. Now he must have been regarded as a thorn in the eye and a thorn in the flesh by the Yaozu.

And that's exactly what happened.

With the participation of the powerful Saint King Realm, the war between the two clans became more and more intense, causing the entire human world to be in turmoil.

And in the rear of the human race, along with the investigation of the human temple one by one, the other three spies arranged by the monster race were finally found out, and they were killed by the strong human race on the spot.

This also made the Yaozu extremely shocked.

The great monsters of the Holy King Realm rushed to the battlefield one after another, making the war between the two clans even more tragic. It was like a huge meat grinder, and a large number of warriors fell every day.

Behind the human race in the Human Great Realm, there are warriors who dragged their bodies and were replaced from the front line everywhere. There were also some people with red eyes, who were shouting up to the sky and questioning.

Looking at the three thousand great worlds, the human race is a big race, and the holy rank powerhouses emerge in endlessly, while the monster race is just a small race, which was once a vassal of the human race.

Now that the war broke out between the two clans, it is obviously unreasonable to fall into such a situation.

Is it because those powerful people hidden behind the scenes in the human race are too arrogant, or are they restricted by mutual internal fighting, so they don't want to show up?

This person's questioning made many people silent.


How glorious is the human race? It is a shame that the war with Yaozu has lasted for so long and is not over yet.

And at this time, another shocking news broke out.

The ancient forces of the human race, the Dayan Ancient Clan announced their withdrawal from the battlefield!

Many people speculated that the Dayan Ancient Clan might have made this decision because of Xiao Ye and the Great Sage Time behind Xiao Ye, but this move made him feel chilling.

There were constant twists and turns in the battlefield, and another news came, which caused a big shock, and the attention of all directions seemed to be worse.

The contemporary demon emperor of the demon clan is about to come to the battlefield in person!

(Kawen has been stuck for a long time, the third update is a bit late, please don't blame everyone, update the fourth chapter tonight!)

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