Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 2133: The Horror of the Holy One

"Brother Ba, what do you mean by that?" Xiao Ye asked curiously.

During this month's trip, he has become familiar with these three holy kings.

Ba Wuzhen is the strongest among the three great and small sage kings.

"Part of the energy in these holy sources has been consumed and is incomplete." Ba Wuzhen showed the ten holy sources in front of everyone.

Xiao Ye looked carefully and found that it was indeed the case.

"Warriors in the Holy King Realm will start to breed their own holy aura in the holy world, and the holy world will gradually grow, and once they become saints, they will go one step further, and even spirits can be born in the holy world."

"With a single thought of the Holy One, a large number of creatures from the holy world can form an army, break through the heavens, and sweep the world. This is the terrifying thing about the strong ones in the holy realm. Even among the ancient clan, they are like giants."

Bawu said in a deep voice.

"Brother Ba, what do you mean..." Xiao Ye widened his eyes, as if thinking of something.


"Using the holy source to condense the soul is a method only available to the strong in the holy state, and this is also the origin of the ten strange beasts just now." Ba Wuzhen said in a dignified tone.

"Is there actually a Holy One here?"

As soon as these words came out, the hairs on the entire group stood on end.

"Hehe, don't be nervous, if there really is a saint, we would have died long ago, how can we survive until now."

"This even more means that we have come to the right place. Maybe we can find a holy corpse in the holy state." Ba Wuzhen's eyes became hot.


The other two holy kings also raised their heads and laughed.

Although they made an astonishing discovery, the group became more vigilant and searched carefully in Raging Fire City.

Moving forward, the group encountered several groups of creatures shrouded in flames, sometimes they were strange beasts, and sometimes they were human warriors with stiff movements.

However, they were not strong enough and were killed one by one by Xiao Ye and others.

"The powerhouse in the holy realm is really terrifying. I don't know what kind of holy creatures will be born in the holy rank when I break through to the holy realm."

Looking at the dozens of incomplete holy sources in his hand, Xiao Ye was filled with emotion.

Although the energy of these dozens of holy sources has been discounted, they are still effective and can be used to refine the power of the holy rank.

Finally, two days later, a group of people found an ancient formation altar underground in the city of raging fire.

In the center of the formation altar, there is a dark crack, like a prehistoric beast with its mouth wide open, and the black hole continuously emits hot breath, as if it is a piece of magma inside.

Needless to say, this is the entrance to the second Jedi.

Xiao Ye and the others rushed in together without hesitation.


The line of sight in front of them changed, and all the flames disappeared. Countless stone chambers appeared in front of them, connected by passages extending in all directions, very tight, like a maze.

In these stone chambers, there are many lifelike statues.

"The second Jedi, the stone labyrinth is here, everyone be careful of these statues." Among the three holy kings, Lei Juexing, the oldest old man, said in a deep voice, and took a step forward.

Right now—

Ka Ka Ka!

All the sculptures in the stone room they were in seemed to have revived, and they were killing Xiao Ye and his party.

"Are these holy world creatures again?"

A cold light flashed in Xiao Ye's eyes, he roared and charged forward to kill the enemy.

The creatures in the holy world in the second Jedi are already comparable to great saints, but they still can't hinder the group of people.

In just a few tens of breaths, all the sculptures in this stone room were shattered and fell to the holy source all over the place.

Everyone unceremoniously divided up, and then continued on the road.

Soon, Xiao Ye was pleasantly surprised.

Because treasures began to appear in the stone labyrinth, including complete holy sources, holy artifacts, holy methods, and various holy treasures.

However, these treasures are only suitable for the warriors who are beginning to become saints. He just picked some good ones and put them away.

This stone labyrinth did not trap everyone, and soon the entrance to the third Jedi was found.

Followed by the fourth Jedi, and the fifth Jedi.

As everyone had speculated, the further back the Top Ten Jedi were, the greater the resistance they encountered.

In addition to the creatures of the holy world, there are also various holy-level killing formations covering them.

But dangers and benefits coexist, starting from the fourth Jedi, there have been quite good holy treasures.

In a boundless abyss, the wind howls, as if there are thousands of ghosts crying. Under the dim light, you can see the dark red blood raining down.

But at this moment, in this abyss, there are continuously earth-shattering battle sounds.

Looking around, I saw Xiao Ye and his party were being attacked by terrifying creatures.

These creatures looked like human fighters, but they were covered with white hair, and they looked like humans and animals. There were only a hundred of them, but they stopped Xiao Ye and others in their footsteps.

The majestic sword light seemed to be pouring down from the Nine Heavens Milky Way, but it only shook these creatures back, leaving bloodstains on their bodies, but it did not cause much harm to them.

"These things are so powerful that they are even comparable to the Little Sage King!"

Xiao Ye held the Promise Sacred Saber, his eyes were serious.

What he was in now was the fifth Jedi marked on the map, called the Abyss of Dead Silence.

Needless to say, the treasures in the dead abyss are absolutely amazing, but the attacks of these creatures also make them have no chance to find the treasures.

Fortunately, there were three little sage kings accompanying them. Xiao Ye and Jiang Kong followed them, but they managed to kill a bloody road.

"There are two paths?"

At the end of the deadly abyss, Xiao Ye and the others were a little dazed looking at the bifurcation formed by the two gravel paths.

In the map, it is not marked that there will be a fork in the fifth Jedi.

At the intersection of the two roads, a stone monument was erected for each.

On the stone tablet on the left are written a few large characters flying with dragons and phoenixes: Saint Road, stop at the Saint King Realm.

There are also several large characters written on the stone tablet on the right: Shengwang Road, stop at Saint Realm.

These two steles, like two gods standing here, seem to be warning people. Obviously, warriors in the realm of saints can only go to the left, and warriors in the realm of saints can only go to the right.

"This inscription will not be aimless, let's not take risks, let's go separately." Xiao Ye and Jiang Kong looked at each other.

Mutual cooperation must also be based on the premise of equal strength.

In the fifth Jedi, since the two of them have already started to drag their feet, it is obvious that the three holy kings are somewhat dissatisfied.

People are unpredictable, who knows what will happen next.

Maybe it's better if we go separately.

After all, the friendship between the three great sage kings and him is not deep, not comparable to that between him and Taixu.

The appearance of a world-shattering holy rank treasure at random can tear their cooperation to shreds.

"Brother Xiao Ye, let me tell you that our Dayan Ancient Clan has gotten rid of Larvi, and it seems that the Shuangtong Ancient Clan has made an amazing discovery and entered a certain Jedi."

"Now we, the Dayan Ancient Clan, are looking for the whereabouts of the Shuangtong Ancient Clan. You have to be careful."

At this moment, Guitu's voice suddenly came out from the specially made sound transmission golden bead, making Xiao Ye's heart tremble.

The ancient people with double pupils are finally here!

"Jiang Kong, we have to speed up!" Xiao Ye said via voice transmission.

(The third update arrives, ask for a recommendation ticket!)

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