Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 2242 In the name of the Holy Son, order the 9 veins

It's an emotional catharsis.

All the fluctuations in the Heavenly Phoenix Great Realm seemed to have disappeared, only Xiao Ye's long howling echoed for nine days, triggering different eyes, and it seemed that the powerhouses of all races were stunned.

"The Holy Son of Absolute Beginning, this boy is actually the Holy Son of Absolute Beginning!" Xuan Long opened his mouth wide, his face full of disbelief.

He naturally knew what the title of Son of Absolute Beginning represented.

At the same time, a strange feeling spread in the hearts of all true spirit warriors.

Xiao Ye's birth was too humble, who would have expected that when the other party turned around, he would become the Forbidden Son?

All this is too dreamy.

"My father, it seems to have changed." Xiao Nian stared at Xiao Ye, muttering to himself, his eyes shocked.

"I feel it too."

Xiao Fan also nodded dully.

Xiao Ye at this moment is still Xiao Ye, but there seems to be something condensed on his body, as if he wants to escape the confinement and oppression of this world.

It's like a commoner who suddenly became an emperor. The person is still the same person, but his fate is changing rapidly.

"That's the luck of the ancient clan in the early days!"

"The Holy Son of Absolute Beginning is different from the first-generation Holy Sons of other ancient clans. He was born with luck. With the convergence of the two clans, the luck left by the taboo ancient clan is recovering."

"Once they are reunited, the Holy Son will return to his throne. From then on, in the three thousand worlds, no one will be able to stop the rise of the Holy Spirit."

Tianjizi's breath was weak, but a smile appeared on his face.

In the past, his master gave his life in order to deduce the whereabouts of the Holy Son of Absolute Beginning. It can be seen how heaven-defying the Holy Son of Absolute Beginning is?

But luckily, the effort is worth it.

The Son of Primordial Beginning has appeared!

At this moment, Xiao Ye's long howling stopped, neither joy nor sorrow.

He has calmed down, and accepted the identity of the "Holy Son of Absolute Beginning" as a matter of course,

It was as if this identity belonged to him in the first place.


He turned into a rainbow light, flew across the sky, and landed directly beside the Great Sage of Time.

"Xiao... No, you should be called the Holy Son."

The Great Sage of Time was crying and laughing, with an extremely complicated expression on his face. He was about to get up, but was supported by Xiao Ye.

"Senior, thank you for your hard work." Xiao Ye mourned, his eyes flushed.

"Being able to see the holy son of our family with my own eyes, even if I die, I can rest in peace..." Xuan Xiao, the great sage of time, was smiling, and he was already very angry.

"Senior, you will not die!"

Xiao Ye's eyes were firm, and with a wave of his palm, a crystal-clear luck bead the size of a baby's fist suddenly appeared in his hand.

What was different from usual was that in Xiao Ye's hands, this luck bead burst out with endless brilliance automatically, and then shattered.


In an instant, the sea of ​​thunder surged, forming a lifelike world, with various auspicious auras rising, drowning the Great Sage of Time.

"This... is this my family's luck bead?"

The dying Great Sage of Time suddenly had a mental shock. Although his state hadn't changed at all, he could feel that something had changed in the dark.

It's luck.

Luck can affect a person's fate, which naturally includes longevity, which is very mysterious.

"Senior, quickly refine these holy treasures." With a wave of Xiao Ye's palm, all kinds of holy treasures flew out of the space ring and landed in front of the Great Sage of Time.

These are all treasures that have the effect of extending life span, found in the land of the Tianyun lineage of the ancient clan in the early days.

"it is good!"

"Haha, the Holy Son was able to find the luck beads of our clan. It seems that God still doesn't want to take me away, but wants me to live a second life!"

A bit of power emerged from the broken body of the Great Sage of Time, and he grabbed the treasure with his probing hands and forcibly refined it.

"I have heard about the secrets of the holy son of the ancient clan in the early days. I never thought that he would actually appear in the world, and he was the murderer who killed my son!"

The contemporary demon emperor has silver hair flying around his head, and his eyes are full of killing intent.

This battlefield broke out, but he never put Xiao Ye in his eyes.

Because once the previous demon emperor was completely revived, Xiao Ye's life and death would not be up to him.

But who would have expected that such an accident would happen?

"The luck of the ancient clan in the early days is recovering, we can't let his holy son return to his throne, kill him!" The demon emperor roared, and he crossed countless star domains with his body movement, and the demonic energy evaporated, forming a shocking murderous intent.

As for the old demon emperor, he was also attracted by the secret method of the contemporary demon emperor, and came to kill him here.

After devouring so many sources of spiritual and holy ranks, the strength of the old demon emperor has almost recovered to the level of the holy master.

The two holy lords joined forces at this moment. This power is enough to suffocate any holy venerable. The Xuanlong and the two ten-winged powerhouses of the Tianyu race couldn't stop them at all.


At this moment, the powerhouses of the major races who were watching the battle all took a breath of cold air.

Is the holy son of the ancient clan in the early days about to be beheaded by the demon emperor before he returns to his throne completely?

"Holy Son back off!"

"You just became the Son of God under the impetus of the two clans, and you haven't returned to your throne yet. I will try my best to protect you!" The Great Sage of Time struggled to get up, ready to fight, but was stopped by Xiao Ye.

"Senior, you took the initiative to protect me many times, this time it's my turn, you should heal well." Xiao Ye said calmly under the astonished eyes of the other party.

"The tone is not small, so what if you become the Holy Son of Absolute Beginning? You are only the Holy One, what are you going to use to stop me?" The contemporary Demon Emperor shouted coldly, and teleported over.

"Although my ancient clan in the early days is going to perish, it doesn't mean it's really gone."

Xiao Ye was calm and fearless in the face of the two demon emperors, his black hair fluttered wildly, and in an instant, countless beams of light swept away from his body, sweeping away from the Heavenly Phoenix Great Realm, directly covering the Three Thousand Great Realm.

"In the name of the Holy Son of Taichu, I command the seniors of the nine veins of the ancient clan of Taichu."

"The brilliance of my ancient clan in the early days will be reshaped from today!" Xiao Ye closed his eyes and whispered in his mouth.

It is an indescribable feeling to be the Primordial Son.

In the dark, he could feel the three thousand great worlds, and in many places, there was a breath that had been silent for a long time rising.

That was the aura belonging to the taboo ancient clan, waiting for his call.

Only he, the Holy Son, can sense it!

Following Xiao Ye's words, the Heavenly Phoenix Realm, which had already been withering in an instant, fell into a dead silence.

A severe chill swept through everyone's bodies.


Of the nine veins of the ancient clan in the early days, did any strong ones survive?


At this moment, a gust of wind blew, forming thousands of scenes, an incomparably vast clan land, with Xiao Ye as the center gradually manifested, setting him off like a divine mansion, overlooking all living beings.


The first ray of light soared into the sky from the ground of the vast race, and directly sank into the depths of the universe.

That is, the direction of the Eternal Land, the treasure land of the human race!


The second beam of light also stormed out, shooting towards another unknown place.

Swish Swish Swish!

The third and fourth beams of light rose in sequence, piercing the sky.

(The third update arrives, thank you for your support!)

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