Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 2504: Footsteps of Predecessors

Xiao Ye sat cross-legged like this on the second dark star for a hundred years.

In the past hundred years, he has never taken a single step, because the power of the dark star here is too terrifying, and any action may cause unpredictable changes to himself. Only by constantly deepening his understanding of the holy way can he Resist the power of the dark star here.

At the same time, Xiao Ye brought the Tower of Time this time, just in case.

He could feel that the Tower of Time was still useful in the Dark Star Realm, but he hadn't used it, only for the real experience.


Finally, on this day, Xiao Ye opened his eyes, and his tongue burst into the roaring voice of the holy way: "Open!"

boom! boom! boom!

As soon as the words fell, the holy way of the nine veins surging on his body rushed up like nine pillars supporting the sky, and the symbols of the holy way surged more densely, rolling and flowing, forming a place of the most holy and godly, unexpectedly All the power of the dark star within a hundred steps away was blown away.

"I have become more proficient in the application of the Nine Meridians Sacred Path, and I have also taken a big step forward."

"Fortunately, my soul quality has broken through again, otherwise, even if I meditate for 10,000 years, I will not have such results." Xiao Ye stood up with his hands supported, feeling the benefits brought by the transformation of soul quality, his face was full of emotion .

Looking carefully, his body was covered with scars, the healed scabs were bloodshot, and his muscles had broken countless times.

But he didn't care at all, and slowly climbed out of the bottom of the pit and came to the surface.

"Based on my current understanding of the Nine Meridians Sacred Path, as long as you are careful, it shouldn't be difficult to pass the second dark star."

Standing on the barren and boundless dark star, Xiao Ye was preparing to move forward.



The howling sound shook the sky, and a shadow was like a wild beast coming out of the cage, and it directly slaughtered it, stirring up a terrifying hurricane.


Xiao Ye reacted quickly, the vast power of the Holy Lord surged, gathered in his right fist, and then punched out.


Like the chirping of golden arms resounding,

Throughout the nine days, Xiao Ye's body trembled, and he retreated violently.

At the same time, because of Xiao Ye's attack, the defense was a little lax, and the ubiquitous power of the dark star swept in, causing his body to burst into crackling sounds, blood spurting wildly, and his whole body was almost crushed to death.

"Damn it!"

Xiao Ye stabilized his body in embarrassment, stretched his defenses again with the Nine Meridian Sacred Way, raised his eyes, and only then could he see clearly the appearance of the black shadow that was sneaking up.

It was a warrior who looked like a human being, with a tall stature, a fierce light in his eyes, a black body, wide mouth and fangs, he was not attacked by the power of the dark star at all, and his body possessed monstrous power.

"Is it a creature born from the dark universe?" Xiao Ye's heart skipped a beat.

The Dark Star Realm was divided from the Dark Universe, and was transformed by the Human Race Temple, retaining many of the Dark Universe's features.

For example, the creatures in the dark universe in front of them.

Xiao Ye estimated that the opponent's strength was probably equivalent to that of the great heavenly lord. In normal times, he would be able to wipe out a single one of them with a flip of his hand, but this is the opponent's main battlefield.


At this moment, the creature showed a ferocious expression, and rushed towards Xiao Ye again. His palms swept across the void, and he was able to control the power of the dark star to bless himself, and the attack became more and more terrifying.

"I didn't expect to encounter creatures from the dark universe on the second dark star."

Xiao Ye roared, not daring to be careless, and fought fiercely with the opponent.

This is a big collision.

It was as if a comet had hit the earth and stirred up thousands of waves in the dark universe. The brilliance tore apart the sky and made the mountains of the second dark star tremble.

This fierce battle lasted for three full days and three nights. Relying on the results of his cultivation in the Dark Star Realm, Xiao Ye was able to shatter the opponent's body with great difficulty.

But he himself was also seriously injured, half of his body was broken, and he lost the power of the body of the Holy Son, so it was extremely difficult to recover.

call out!

Xiao Ye sat cross-legged on the ground, raised his palm, and in the distance, a pitch-black unknown weed was rolled up by the power of the Holy Lord, fell into his hands, and was quickly refined and swallowed by him.

This is the Holy Treasure of the Dark Star Realm, which has the effect of healing.

After a long time, Xiao Ye got up and walked forward again, full of vigilance.

The power of the dark star on the second dark star is so terrifying, if he is besieged by a group of dark universe creatures, then he will be in danger.

However, Xiao Ye soon realized that he was worrying too much.

There are indeed creatures from the dark universe here, but they are not too many, only a few sporadic ones wandering around, Xiao Ye fights with them, but survives the journey without any danger.

The Dark Star Realm is vast and boundless.

In addition to the ubiquitous power of the dark star, you also have to face the attack and killing of the creatures of the dark universe. If your willpower is not strong enough, you will definitely go crazy.

But Xiao Ye persisted.

In the next ten years, he didn't dare to rest, and kept fighting with the creatures of the dark universe he encountered again and again, and was reflecting on it, constantly applying his understanding of the Nine Meridians to the fighting.

The creatures of the dark universe became sharpening stones, which made his comprehension of the Nine Meridians Sacred Way clearer, and he gradually had a sense of completeness, as if he saw a new world.

Especially when Xiao Ye opened the Eye of Destiny, he was able to faintly detect where the creatures of the dark universe were.

This is a sign of the tenth step, a sign of consummation!

"Finally passed through the second dark star!"

Looking at the high platform in front of him, Xiao Ye showed a wry smile on his face.

At this moment, the robe he condensed with the holy power was already tattered, and his expression was exhausted.

Although he was close to the third dark star, his mood was never heavier than before.

In his current state, it is so embarrassing to cross the second dark star, and the difficulty of crossing the third, fourth, and fifth dark stars is definitely doubled.

He even doubted that even if he comprehended all the nine channels of the Holy Way to the level of the tenth step, it was still unknown whether he could complete the trial of the Dark Star Realm.


At this moment, Xiao Ye's eyes suddenly froze, and he looked to the side of Shi Gaotai.

There, a human footprint can be seen clearly emerging.

The Dark Star Realm has a long history, and Xiao Ye is definitely not the only one who came in for trials, but all traces of the past have been erased by the years.

This was Xiao Ye's first time discovering other people's footprints.


Xiao Ye walked over to look at it, and was shocked all over.

This footprint has existed for at least dozens of epochs. It is inviolable over time, full of Dao rhyme, and cannot be dusted, as if it was done deliberately.

Most importantly, he actually felt an inexplicable intimacy.

This is the feeling of having the same origin!

"Could it be that there were strong men from my ancient clan in the early days who tried it in the Dark Star Realm?" Xiao Ye took a deep breath and thought of many things.

Xuanyuan personally selected the Dark Star Realm and let him come in to practice. Could there be a deeper reason?

"Did the owner who left this footprint go to the dark stars in front?"

Xiao Ye calmed down, resolutely boarded the stone platform, and rushed towards the third dark star relying on the more terrifying gravitational force.

(Second update arrives!)

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