Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 2612 Competing for the price of good fortune

Xuanyuan's words silenced the audience.

"I believe Master Xuanyuan's words. As the founder of the temple, she will never use such a sinister method to treat people of the same clan."

"As for Lord Xiao Ye, the Lord of Absolute Beginning, it certainly won't be the case."

An old man came out and said slowly.

He is the true heavenly lord, already a seventh-level member of the temple, and he is highly respected.

"Yes, I believe it too!"

"I dare not say anything else. I still believe in the character of the Lord of Absolute Beginning. He will never be so vicious."


Immediately afterwards, several people spoke.

The information revealed by Shihuang is very heavy, but after thinking about what Xiao Ye and Xuanyuan did, they are still willing to choose to believe it.


"You human warriors, so what if you are willing to believe in Xiao Ye and Xuanyuan? Without your sacrifice, how could they cross this river of karma?"

The stone emperor's bewitching voice came again.

He brought all the princes of Shiling, as well as the peak powerhouses of the Shiling race, to the other side.

He doesn't mind sacrificing his clansmen to achieve the hegemony of the god rank.

And the clansmen of the stone spirit race are also willing to sacrifice themselves for the stone emperor.

"I don't believe it. A mere river can stop me?"

The gray-haired, hulking-backed Patriarch of the Jiuxiao Ancient Clan roared, and the sky fire in his body exploded, directly opening up the defense, and rushed towards the river of fire, wanting to cross.


In an instant, the river of karmic fire, which was originally ups and downs, suddenly became turbulent. Drops of black water soared into the sky, turning into various visions and attacking, making the patriarch of the ancient Jiuxiao clan groan, there was a mass of red karmic fire, Emerging from his body, it started to burn from the left arm and spread rapidly.


This kind of karmic fire comes from the inside out, and it cannot be defended at all, nor can it be extinguished.

Back away quickly.

At the same time, the Jiuxiao patriarch made a decisive decision and slashed at himself.


A left arm was wrapped in karmic fire, fell into the river of karmic fire and disappeared, the Jiuxiao patriarch staggered back, looking at the broken arm with a pale face.

His whole body was surging, but the left arm that was cut off by Qi Gen could not be reassembled.


This scene made the patriarchs of the other three ancient clans gasp.

Although the Patriarch of Jiuxiao is not comparable to Shi Huang, he is also one of the top powerhouses in the three thousand worlds, and he has been reduced to this level?

"Damn it!"

The patriarchs of the three ancient tribes, Tunkun, Yiren, and Zuomen, all clenched their fists and looked at the human warriors with eager eyes.

It wasn't the first time for them to enter the God's Land, but it was the first time they were so close to the first realm of the God's Land. How could they be willing to let them give up?

"What are you going to do?"

However, at this moment, an indifferent voice came, like the feet of a basin of cold water, the impulse in the hearts of the three ancient patriarchs disappeared in an instant, and they all became embarrassing.

Even though they had thoughts in their hearts, Xiao Ye would never tolerate their recklessness.

"what to do?"

The Heavenly Silkworm Sacred Emperor came over, looked at Xuanyuan and Xiao Ye, and frowned.

He entered the land of the gods in order to completely solve the problem of the scarcity of the Celestial Silkworm Saint Clan, so he couldn't do it by sacrificing his clan.

Xuanyuan also looked at Xiao Ye.

Unknowingly, Xiao Ye has become the backbone of everyone.

"We entered the land of the gods to compete for good fortune to step into the god rank. If we sacrifice our clansmen, even if we can get good fortune, we will only be left with eternal loneliness."

Xiao Ye pondered for a moment, left such a sentence, and sat down cross-legged on the bank, with a silver light rising from his eyes, he opened the Eye of Destiny, looking at the raging river of karmic fire, wanting to gain insight into more .



The colorful crystals on the center of Xiao Ye's eyebrows were also glowing, refining the endless power of heaven and earth, condensing an illusory figure, and rushing towards the river of karmic fire.

This is the body of the soul.

After the soul quality reaches the immortal level, it can be displayed, and even a separate soul body can be formed.

Chi Chi Chi!

These soul bodies just landed on the river of karmic fire, and were soon submerged and disappeared.

The repeated failures did not make Xiao Ye discouraged. He continued to condense his soul body and rushed to the river of karmic fire, conducting deduction and analysis.

"There must be other ways."

Seeing this, Xuanyuan and the Celestial Silkworm Sage Emperor did not bother, and led everyone to the side. While waiting, they also did their best to investigate the river of fire.

At this moment, the Stone Emperor has brought several princes and the Stone Spirit Race across the River of Karmic Fire and landed on the first domain on the other side.

Near Xiongguan in the first domain of Godland, everything was quiet, except for the surging sound of the River of Karma Fire.

Time passed silently.

In the blink of an eye, another half year has passed.

Xiao Ye's detection method has failed countless times, and Xuanyuan, Tiancan Shenghuang, and the patriarch of the ancient clan have also failed.

At the same time, strong men from other races have begun to approach.

"Haha, seeing the River of Karmic Fire again, I really miss it."

The two Heavenly Killing Great Ancestors led a large number of clansmen into the air, and the roar of laughter spread like thunder, shaking the void.

Although the gods and land creatures encountered along the way were terrifying, the Heavenly Killing Race still had hundreds of thousands of people.

These clansmen seemed to have known their fate for a long time, and did not resist. Their huge bodies jumped into the river of karmic fire, turning their bodies into bridges, helping the powerful Tianshou race to reach the other side.

"Don't have a cold heart, be tied down by trivial and redundant emotions, and want to fight for the fortune of the gods?"

"Leave, God's Land is not suitable for you."

The two celestial ancestors looked at Xiao Ye and others on the shore with sarcasm, and then rushed to the other shore brazenly.

"Hey, is the human race going to stop here?"

"It seems that the human race is fighting among themselves again, and has lost its advantage."


Immediately afterwards, many alien troops came across the sky.

The method for the Tianshi race to cross the river of karmic fire has been transmitted, and the strong among these alien races have followed suit.

"My lord in the beginning, if you want to go to the first realm of God's Land, you must make some sacrifices, we are willing!"

"The sacrifice at this time is for the future of our human race to be more brilliant!"

"Anyway, my original life was saved by the Lord of Absolute Beginning, so it's nothing to change it back now!"


Xiao Ye had already sat cross-legged on the bank, unmoved, but the strong human race couldn't bear it anymore, and many people came out immediately, pleading for orders with red eyes.

Surpassed by so many races, it would be absolutely devastating if the god-level fortune was taken away by a foreign race.

Looking at this scene, both Xuanyuan and Tiancan Shenghuang sighed softly.

It is too cruel to fight for the fortune of the gods, and the sacrifice is also great.

This river of karmic fire has swallowed up countless 3,000 souls.

"I don't need you to sacrifice, I have a way."

At this moment, a mighty will of heaven and earth came, supporting all the human warriors who asked for orders.

(Second update!) 2k Reading Network

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