Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 2804 Invincible Divine Might

In the main city of the Green Thorn Region, the surging blood river spreads for hundreds of feet, and the purple light of its divine blood is soaring into the sky, and it is constantly tumbling, and the images of the three ranks of mortals, spirits, and saints evolve, sinking and floating in the blood river.

boom! boom! boom!

Hundreds of False Gods from the Green Thorn Region, as well as dozens of True Gods attacked together, all kinds of supernatural powers erupted, making the chaotic space in the main city turbulent, and the area near Xiao Ye was torn apart. Such a combined attack , seems to be able to sink the Qingjingyu.


However, their attacks were completely blocked by the Blood River, and their power was rapidly weakened. When they penetrated the Blood River's defense and landed on Xiao Ye, their power was already negligible, and they could not threaten Xiao Ye at all.

"The grievances between me and the envoys of the Kingdom of Baiyun, it's not your turn to intervene in the Qingthorn Region, so let me go!"

When the god-level creatures in the Green Thorn Territory were shocked, a loud roar came from the blood river.


Immediately afterwards, the huge river of blood resounded again, filling the entire space, like a huge hand, enveloping all the god-level creatures of the Qingthorn Region who were attacking him, and crushing them down .


"Damn it, this is the supernatural power of the blood of the ancient gods!"


In an instant, Xiao Ye was surrounded by god-level creatures, who couldn't even teleport, and screamed one after another when they were suppressed by Blood River.

bang bang bang!

The hundreds of False Gods were the most unbearable. First, all the gods burst, a pile of sundries emerged, and they fell completely.


As for the dozens of souls in the true god realm, they couldn't bear it either. Several godheads were directly destroyed, and the rest reacted quickly and put up defenses to resist, but it was still terrible. The gods exploded and all flew out and fell in the distance.

The entire main city of the Green Thorn Region was silent again, all eyes were full of fear as they stared at the human man supported by the surging blood river.

"Made, is the Kingdom of God Baiyun cheating us? According to the information, this kid has no ancient god blood at all!"

but more,

But he looked angrily at the five divine envoys of Baiyun Divine Kingdom.

Face to face, killing the notorious God-swallowing wolf, and then using the supernatural powers of the ancient god blood to easily resolve the siege of so many god-level creatures?

This is completely different from the rumors from Huamu Mansion.

"You... why do you have the blood of the ancient god?"

"You obviously didn't let the innate gods embossed to produce a reaction. All the god-level creatures in the main city of Huamu Mansion saw this point!"

"According to his realm, he can reach hundreds of feet when using the ancient god Shenhe, at least the bloodline of the four-star ancient god!"

At this moment, the five divine envoys were all trembling, their faces were filled with disbelief, and their bodies were all stiff.

It is true that Xiao Ye killed a divine envoy who was a trainee of the Kingdom of God, but the strength displayed at the Bloodline Conference did make the Kingdom of God quite tempted.

If Xiao Ye can be allowed to contribute to the Kingdom of God, it is not impossible to make an exception and not pursue it.

It's just that this fascination finally dissipated because of Raymond.

After all, the four-star bloodline of the ancient gods is too rare, even if Lei Meng has the stain of being defeated by Xiao Ye, it is not enough to be dusted.

But who would have expected that today's Xiao Ye would suddenly have the blood of an ancient god?

If this news is passed back, what kind of shock will it cause the gods!

"I, Xiao Ye, have already shown up. As envoys of the God of Clouds, why don't you make a move?"

"Is it just because you saw me that you awakened the bloodline of the ancient gods?"

At this moment, Xiao Ye seemed to have done an insignificant thing, standing in the river of blood, looking at the five divine envoys who were watching the battle in the distance, and said with a mocking look on his face.

"In the history of the chaotic world, the reliefs of innate gods have indeed been missed."

"Since we have come to this point, we must not let this kid go, otherwise we will leave a threat!"

"Give it to me, kill!"

When the five divine envoys came to their senses, they all looked solemnly and gave orders solemnly.

It's too late to say anything now.


Then you can only make mistakes again and again.

Whoosh whoosh!

As the five envoys stepped up into the air, the five thousand soldiers of the Kingdom of God behind them also rose into the sky.

They are different from the god-level creatures in the Green Thorn Territory. They are a division of hundreds of battles, not scattered soldiers. They have participated in the fighting between the kingdoms of God, and they cooperate with each other very tacitly.


Following the order of the five divine envoys, the divine power of the five thousand soldiers of the kingdom of God exploded with blazing light, rolling and flowing in the chaotic space, divided into five colors.

There is the heat of fire, the continuity of water, the thickness of soil, the sharpness of gold, and the endless growth of wood.

This is the five elements supernatural power.

Back then, when Xiao Ye was in the Puer sub-city within Huamu Mansion, a group of a hundred soldiers from the Kingdom of God used to use it on him, but now five thousand soldiers from the Kingdom of God used it together. The power of the same supernatural power has increased by more than ten times.


Looking around, the five kinds of divine power flowing in the chaotic void have turned into five elements, and at this moment they are perfectly fused together and mutually amplified, forming a huge divine map, which contains the five elements avenue, covering the entire main city, allowing The chaotic space collapsed, and Xiao Ye's blood river of the ancient god was trembling, as if it was about to be wiped out.

"Although this kid has awakened the bloodline of the ancient gods, fortunately, he is not yet mature. It shouldn't be difficult to kill him."

The five god envoys were all on the periphery, ready to make a move at any time, in case Xiao Ye took the opportunity to escape again.

"Yin god hand!"

"Sun God Hand!"

At this moment, Xiao Ye did not defend himself, and finally took the initiative to attack.

His divine power soared to the sky, and terrifying and boundless divine power already flowed out, as if countless first-level worlds exploded at the same time, turning into two completely different attacks, alternately facing the crushing Five Elements God Map.

This is yin and yang supernatural power, which was originally just a low-level true supernatural power, but Xiao Ye made a breakthrough by using the rare rosette of faith, which caused Lei Meng to suffer a huge loss.

And after he obtained the blood of the ancient gods, his divine power soared, which made the power of yin and yang supernatural powers soar again.

Buzz buzz!

In just a short period of time, the alternation of yin and yang has reached fourteen times, which turned into strangling power, which blocked the Five Elements Divine Map covering the main city. After a moment of stalemate, it trembled wildly, and the five elements collapsed. burst open.


The strangling power transformed by the alternation of yin and yang is still expanding, breaking through the space, and sweeping away like a storm, but all the soldiers of the kingdom of God who are affected can't even scream, and all of them are broken into pieces Suddenly, it fell from mid-air, like it was raining.

A total of 5,000 soldiers of the Kingdom of God, none of them survived, all fell!

"Do you really think that I, Xiao Ye, just awakened the bloodline of the ancient gods?"

"Don't let these unsightly imaginary gods come and die, why don't you go together!" Xiao Ye stepped on the blood river, raised his head and screamed, and the terrifying power of the gods was soaring, like a storm, towards the five angels Shrouded away, launched a challenge.

(First update!)

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