Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 2847: Ancient God's Notes

The figure sat cross-legged on the huge pavilion, as if shrouded in mist, very hazy, and couldn't see clearly, but as Xiao Ye continued on the Shenguang Avenue, he felt a familiar feeling breath.

He had felt this kind of breath in the abyss of the prefecture outside the ruins of the ancient gods, and it was only detectable among the descendants of the ancient gods.

But the other party's bloodline of the ancient god is extremely terrifying, obviously one level higher than him, reaching the five-star level.

And as Xiao Ye continued to move forward, the appearance of this figure finally emerged clearly.

That is a creature that intimidates all directions.

He had the appearance and body of a human, with silver hair and a face carved out of marble, white as jade.

Between its forehead, there is a white scale armor, like the third divine eye.

Such an appearance is simply a copy of the third god general, Ku Ruins, except that he looks much younger.

"Sure enough, it is Master Kuxu's parent and son——Kur Cangyuan, I found it!"

Xiao Ye was delighted, and while walking on the Shenguang Avenue, he used divine power to transmit the sound, "Senior Ku Cangyuan, I am Xiao Ye, a silver-level genius of the Great Qin Kingdom, and I am entrusted by Master Kuxu..."

However, to Xiao Ye's surprise, this figure sat cross-legged all the time without any movement.

"Has it fallen?"

Xiao Ye's expression turned serious.

If Ku Cangyuan fell, there would be no way to complete this task, and I'm afraid he would be trapped here too.

After all, Ku Cangyuan possessed the bloodline of the five-star ancient god, and ended up falling here, so would he be spared?

After walking to the eight thousandth step, the huge pavilion was already within reach, but Xiao Ye also reached the limit.

His body was moving like a snail, very slowly, it was useless even to use the Great Qin Shenlong Jue, it couldn't counteract the restraint of space at all.

And in the process, he also tried to retreat, but found that it didn't work at all, because once he stepped on this avenue of divine light, he couldn't retreat.

Xiao Ye's divine power was rapidly depleting, and he took out more than fifty Chaos Stones to replenish the depletion.

"The last two thousand steps, I can't get past it at all!" Xiao Ye was very reconciled, and he didn't want to let this matter fall short.

After all, he has no way out.

"A silver-level genius who inherits the lineage of a four-star ancient god?"

"Why would my father send you here? It's too childish. Although your strength is good, but..."

At this moment, suddenly a divine voice came from afar, resounding in Xiao Ye's ears.

I saw Ku Cangyuan, who was sitting cross-legged on the huge pavilion, suddenly opened his eyes and looked over. The white scales on his forehead were shining with divine light, as if he had seen through Xiao Ye, and his faint words were full of regret , hesitant to speak.


Xiao Ye was slightly taken aback.

It turned out that Ku Cangyuan had not fallen, and he had already heard his voice transmission, and only responded now.

"That's all."

"You also came here with good intentions."

When Xiao Ye was slandering in his heart, Ku Cangyuan suddenly got up, and there was a roaring sound from his divine body.

That was the sound of divine blood surging.

A river of purple light and blood rushed out from his sky cap, supporting his body.

This is the ancient god Shenhe, but its spreading range is twice as large as that of Xiao Ye's. The purple light inside it is dazzling and vast, and you can see the figures of many creatures floating in it.


At this moment, the chaotic void behind Ku Cangyuan shattered silently, and then a huge figure emerged, the whole picture could not be seen at all, but every inch of body, even a hair, could evolve into a super The big world breeds all beings.

"He, on his own, can inspire the ancient god's mansion!" Xiao Ye's face was filled with horror.

The ancient god is the most peak existence among the innate gods, and the god body is even more terrifying to the extreme.

Those geniuses who inherit the blood of the ancient gods, want to inspire the ancient gods' mansions, which are many times more difficult than other descendants of gods. For example, he inspired the ancient gods' mansions in the sun god wheel,

Has nothing to do with their own blood.


The moment the ancient god's mansion appeared, Ku Cangyuan stretched out his hands from a distance, and slammed at the Shenguang Dao.

Swish Swish Swish!

The entire Shenguang Avenue shook, and Xiao Ye felt that the pressure coming from all directions was forcibly separated, making him feel light all over.


Xiao Ye took the opportunity to take a step, rushed directly across the Shenguang Avenue, and landed on the huge pavilion.

"Thank you senior!"

Xiao Ye breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Ku Cangyuan in front of him, and expressed his thanks with cupped fists.

Ku Cangyuan is the parent and son of the third god general, but he is also a god-level genius of the Great Qin God Capital, ranking at the gold level, but his strength is still higher than that of Qilinzi. Rumor has it that he is already very close to the legendary level.

Therefore, from this aspect, the other party is indeed his senior.

"Thank me?"

There was a sneer on Ku Cangyuan's face, "If you knew, you would be trapped here too, unable to get out, would you still thank me?"


As soon as these words came out, Xiao Ye's expression changed drastically.

Standing on the stage of supernatural powers, looking at the outside world, the scene changed drastically. Not only the lake around the platform of supernatural powers disappeared, but also the avenue of divine light disappeared, leaving only the endless vast and chaotic void.

A mysterious shield, like a bowl-shaped buckle down, firmly enveloped the Divine Ability Platform.

Xiao Ye used his magical powers to charge away, but he couldn't shake the shield at all, it just stirred up waves of ripples.

"Don't waste your time."

"In the past five thousand years, I have used all means, but I can't blast this shield. Otherwise, why would I wait until you come in?"

Ku Cangyuan's bitter words made Xiao Ye's heart sink to the bottom.

Ku Cangyuan is so powerful that he can't even blast the shield, let alone him?

"However, there are some good things left over from this supernatural power platform, which allowed me to survive this lonely five thousand years."

"Once I understand something and make a breakthrough, maybe I can break out."

"With such belief, I did not despair."

Ku Cangyuan opened his mouth and said, which aroused Xiao Ye's curiosity, and he looked at the standing magical platform.

Looking around, this huge pavilion is extremely wide, and it seems to be empty, but on the clean ground, there are gods and various patterns of the chaotic world, and the content is extremely huge.

But it looks very messy, one place in the east and one place in the west, like children's graffiti, without any rules at all.

"What is this? It doesn't look like supernatural powers."

Xiao Ye looked at it for a long time, with a puzzled look on his face, he was a little dizzy.

"This is indeed not supernatural power, but it is more advanced than supernatural power. It is a priceless treasure, and it is a note of the ancient god's perception."

"From this, we can extract supernatural powers, as well as the combat experience of the ancient gods."

Ku Cangyuan smiled slightly, and the words he uttered shocked Xiao Ye.

A note left by an innate god, an ancient god!

(Second update arrives!)

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