Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 3048: 0 Years and 1 Moment

In the treasury left behind by the Pusha Divine Kingdom, Xiao Ye is like a fish returning to the sea.

"The Nine Axes of Chaos? The power is good, but it needs an axe artifact to exert the strongest power. It is best to practice with the heirs of the Lishen bloodline."

"The Rage God Art? It's not suitable for me, but it has some similar effects to the three-strike bloodline supernatural power."

"Huh? This kind of supernatural power is enough to cultivate in my current state. Once it is cultivated, it can reach 1,800 Heavenly Dao rewards!"


His mind was completely attracted, besides bathing in the river of power, he was also exploring the boats of supernatural powers.

Everything here made him obsessed, as if entering the treasury of the Great Qin Kingdom for the first time.

However, the supernatural powers carried on the supernatural power boat, both in terms of content and quantity, were more than a hundred times larger than the treasury of the Great Qin Divine Kingdom, allowing him to study continuously without noticing the passage of time.

Apart from Zi Huawei, the other three elders of the Pusha ruins also entered the treasury several times.

"This son not only bears the blood of the ancient gods, but also has profound blessings. He has obviously had a heaven-defying chance."

When they found that Xiao Ye was sitting cross-legged in the river of power of the chaotic heavenly way, performing the scene of the ancient gods practicing the heavenly way formula, they were all shocked.

Now that they have made a decision, they have no way out. They can only close the treasury and prevent other creatures in the ruins from entering.

Time flies like an arrow, and soon a thousand years will pass away.

In the treasury of the Pusha Divine Kingdom, Xiao Ye stands in the river of power, with the godly rosette under his feet, bathed in unmatched faith, and his whole body is enveloped by the vast chaotic power of heaven.

Compared with the original, the river has shrunk by one-tenth.

And Xiao Ye closed his eyes slightly, entering a strange state.

With the tumbling of the power of faith, several kinds of supernatural powers surged alternately in his body, forming a perfect cycle, stirring up waves in the river of power, and shaking the boats of supernatural powers.


Suddenly, Xiao Ye's eyes opened, and two rays of divine light burst out, tearing through the sky and rushing straight to the outside of the treasury.

"Time flies so fast!"

Xiao Ye soared into the sky, his mind was tumbling, and when he noticed the passage of time, he immediately became emotional.

These thousand years of time seem like an instant.

"However, in the past thousand years, I have made extraordinary progress!" Xiao Ye was full of energy, and a divine power erupted from his body.

Thousands of years ago, he made a choice.

It's not that you break through to the upper god realm in one breath, because it takes too long during this period, and it's not suitable at all.

The sudden rise of the Great Qin Kingdom has already attracted the attention of the Super Chaos God Kingdom. His clansmen and close relatives are still in the Muhua Mansion. He is really worried, so he chooses another path.

While bathing in the river of power, he also spent part of his time, and indeed found a lot of supernatural powers suitable for the current state, and entered the tower of time to practice.

For those supernatural powers that he can't practice yet, he continues to study, but he has broken through thousands of volumes in reading, and he can write like a god!

The supernatural powers here are too vast and comprehensive, and naturally achieve the effect of analogy.

Therefore, it seems that his realm has not broken through, but whether it is divine power or his own accumulation, it is much stronger than it was a thousand years ago, and his body and mind have been washed by countless supernatural powers, which is completely different.

"It's just a pity that there is no magical power of the blood of the ancient gods here, and there is no treasure that can change the congenital defects of the creatures of the three thousand worlds..." Xiao Ye sighed.

According to Zi Huawei, this is just one of the treasuries of the Kingdom of God during the peak period of the Pusha Kingdom.

Moreover, this treasury, like the Great Qin Kingdom, is divided into two floors, but the second floor is closed, and it takes a strong force to break in. Now he and the four elders cannot open it.

Maybe the treasure he needs can be found on the second floor.

But not now.

"It's been a thousand years, I don't know what's going on with the Great Qin Kingdom, it's time to go out and have a look!" The appearance of the foreign god envoy appeared in Xiao Ye's mind,

The other party's mocking words still echoed in his ears, and his eyes became cold.

This trip to the Pusha ruins, regardless of realm, just in terms of supernatural power, at least he and the other party are already on the same starting line.


The next moment, Xiao Ye's figure moved, and he rushed directly out of the treasury.

This treasury is completely closed, and the four elders must lead it in if you want to get in, but it's easy to get out.

In just a few days, Xiao Ye rushed out of the treasury, walked out of a black teleportation formation, and returned to the elder hall.

The wide elder hall has not changed in any way, and the four elders are not here.


Xiao Ye rushed out of the Elder's Hall, and suddenly a cold snort spread, and at the same time, a sea of ​​colorful, radiant and divine power with special divinity directly enveloped him.

"Sneak attack?"

A sneer appeared on the corner of Xiao Ye's mouth.

I didn't see how he was making a gesture, he raised his left hand, and just moved forward slightly.



The mysterious and mysterious beam of light burst out from his fingertips. It was not too earth-shattering, but it separated a path from the enveloping vast sea of ​​divine power, without touching his body at all.

Xiao Ye turned around, raised his eyes to look not far away, half man, half beast, handsome Ji Tui.

" actually only took a thousand years to master the 'immortal finger supernatural power'?" At this moment, Ji Tiao was shocked, as if he had seen a ghost.

This kind of supernatural power is qualified to be cultivated by the mid-level gods.

But its power is several points more terrifying than that of the top gods in the Chaos God Kingdom. It gathers the power in one place, and it is said that even the gods of the upper gods will be shattered with one finger.

He also tried to cultivate, but after hundreds of thousands of years, he failed one after another. How could he not be shocked when he saw that Xiao Ye could easily perform it?

"Do you want to test my strength by hiding in the dark and attacking me? Let's continue."

Xiao Ye glanced over and found that beside Ji Tui, the other three elders also appeared, all with horrified expressions, and said indifferently.


Ji Tui shook his head hastily upon hearing this.

Xiao Ye beheaded Han Gu, so he was naturally full of hatred towards Xiao Ye.

For Xiao Ye's entry into the national treasury, among the four elders, he has always been against it.

But at the moment, the corner of his mouth was full of bitterness.

In just a thousand years, he was able to display the supernatural powers that he had not cultivated in hundreds of thousands of years. The gains of these years can be seen.

Back then, he was not Xiao Ye's opponent, let alone now?

"Xiao Ye, it was a complete misunderstanding just now."

"How did you get out of the treasury?"

At this moment, with embarrassment on his face, Zi Huawei and the other two elders greeted him.

Ji Tiao launched a sneak attack, but they never stopped them, just to test Xiao Ye's progress.

"Don't worry, I won't break my promise."

"Now I'm going to leave for a while, and I'll be back soon." Xiao Ye left a word indifferently, flew into the air, and went directly towards the exit of the ruins.

(Second update arrives!)

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