Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 3062: Xiao Ye Finally Appears

More than 100 commanders under the command of the three great generals appeared one after another through the teleportation array of the Kingdom of God. They led the army and swarmed from all directions. They stared at Morgan.

"Wan Gu turned his head empty, the Great Qin Kingdom has changed after all!"

Faced with such a situation, Morgan finally looked up to the sky and let out a long sigh, and the evil spirit all over his body dissipated.

Even if he is not reconciled, so what?

The next moment, Morgan's eyes swept over the three thousand great masters and the Xiao Ye imperial guards, and then left everyone with a rather hunched back.

There was a bleak cold wind blowing, whimpering, as if bidding farewell to this powerful man.

Many creatures in Muhua Mansion looked at this scene from afar, all in a daze.

A generation of god generals has once been towering and invincible, but this time they launched an attack on Xiao Ye's close relatives. With Xiao Ye's current status and influence, will he still have a foothold in the Great Qin Kingdom in the future?

Morgan is obviously in the prime of life, and now it is coming to an end, it is too sad.

As he sighed desolately, this is no longer his time.

His glory and prestige, in this battle, are gone forever.

"My lord!"

The only three remaining commanders under Morgan's command looked at each other's backs, and they all felt an inexplicable grief in their hearts, and called out.

They are all Morgan's old subordinates, and they know each other's character well, but this is the first time they have seen each other show such an expression.

It was despair and powerlessness.

Facing their calls, Morgan turned a deaf ear and walked away step by step.

"Master Kuxu, what should we do, do you want to stop him?"

At this moment, a commander came across the sky and asked with a serious expression.

"Don't worry about Morgan, leave it to Xiao Ye to deal with. As for these three commanders, ignore the laws of the Great Qin Kingdom, arrest them and send them to the Immortal Cave to be imprisoned!" Kuxu waved his hand, signaling all the commanders to retreat.


As soon as this remark came out,

Immediately, a channel was separated from the army, allowing Morgan to leave, and at the same time detaining the only three remaining commanders under Morgan's command.

"Thank you, Lord Kuxu!"

At this moment, the Four True Spirit Emperors, Nangong Xingyu and others all clasped their fists at the dry ruins to thank them.

Morgan's strength was too terrifying. They were all seriously injured and it was difficult to fight again. As long as Kuxu came one step later, not to mention the Xiao Ye imperial guards, they would definitely die.

"It's okay, it's a good thing you're all right, otherwise I wouldn't be able to deal with Brother Xiao Ye!"

Dry Ruins inspected the powerhouses of the Three Thousand Worlds, and after finding that these powerhouses were not in danger of their lives, a smile appeared on their faces.

Then he looked at Xiao Ye's imperial army, amazed again and again.

Under Morgan's frenzied attack, Xiao Ye's imperial army actually only converted about two million. Such a record is really too amazing.

"This army..."

At this moment, many commanders came over and looked at the forbidden army with shocked expressions on their faces.

"Yanying, under the general's command, when did you have this army?"

Especially the commander under Xiao Ye's command was even more puzzled.

"Everyone, the creatures that make up this forbidden army should all be the god slaves of our Great Qin Kingdom..." Kuxu asked tentatively.

As a divine general, no matter how selfless he is, he still desires such an army extremely.

However, the powerhouses of the Three Thousand Worlds smiled and did not explain, even the leader Yanying.

This forbidden army involves Xiao Ye's secret, so naturally they will not reveal it.

Regarding this, Kuxu could only smile wryly.

Afterwards, he personally led the army to search for Morgan's subordinates in Muhua Mansion, not wanting to leave any hidden dangers, so that the order in Muhua Mansion would be gradually restored.

This shocking incident has already attracted the attention of all living beings in the Great Qin Kingdom.

In the end, Xiao Ye didn't need to show up, and it ended like this, which no one expected.

For a time, the name of the Three Thousand Fen City spread throughout the vast kingdom of God and was known by countless beings.

Not to mention that there are so many powerful creatures in the sub-city, just the first appearance of the Xiao Ye Forbidden Army shocked the world and caused an uproar, no one could sit still.

There are different opinions about the origin of this army.

But there is no doubt that Xiao Ye is based on the position of a god general, with such a terrifying army in his hands, coupled with his own strength, looking at the Great Qin Kingdom, who can resist?

Morgan's attack failed, how should he deal with himself now in the Great Qin Kingdom?

"Hey, I heard that Morgan's army has almost been cleaned up."

"This old guy is very calm. He returned to the God General's Mansion and sat there all day long, but he never left the Great Qin Kingdom. Could it be that he is waiting for Ye Zi to go out and fight Ye Zi?"

In a palace in the Three Thousand Fen City, many strong men sat facing each other, all smiling.

It has been ten years since Morgan launched an attack. They recovered from their injuries and the city of Three Thousand Fen was rebuilt. No one dared to provoke them in Muhua territory.

"After all, he is a god general, and he carries too much glory on his body. Naturally, he doesn't want to bear the stigma of running away."

Sturton, who was blond in gold and thin, also came and joined them, sighing after hearing the words.

He has always lived in Muhua Mansion.

When Morgan was in trouble, he also came to Sanqianfen City to help out, but was finally persuaded by Bingya to leave, taking Xiao Ye's parents and some clansmen who had not yet transformed into gods to leave first.

"But this Morgan is always a disaster, and even the ruins don't dare to force it too much."

"The Lord Qin and the number one general Fan Jitao have not returned yet, if Morgan goes mad again, the consequences will be unimaginable."

The Invincible Emperor frowned.

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere that everyone saw suddenly became heavy.


Who knows if Morgan's retreat was an expedient measure?

Maybe it was looking for a suitable opportunity to attack again.

The dog jumps over the wall in a hurry, let alone Morgan?

If you can force Morgan away once, you may not be able to force him away twice.

Morgan's failure to get rid of them has always made them feel at ease. They have not dared to relax their vigilance over the years, and they have been making many preparations.

"Everyone, I just got the news that Master Xiao Ye has left the customs!" At this moment, the leader Yan Ying appeared in the temple, his face full of excitement.

"The leaves are out!"

"Where is Boss Xiao Ye?"


Everyone in the palace got up excitedly when they heard the words, unleashed their god-level will, and were investigating the Three Thousand Fen City.

Xiao Ye's retreat this time was too long, a full seven thousand years!

However, their god-level will enveloped them, but they never noticed Xiao Ye's trace.

"Lord Xiao Ye didn't come to Three Thousand Fen City, but went directly to Morgan's Mansion of the Divine General!" Sensing everyone's puzzled eyes, Yan Ying explained with a wry smile.

"Go to the God General's Mansion?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was stunned.

As soon as Xiao Ye left the customs, he went directly to Morgan's Mansion of the Divine General, and any fool knew what the opponent's intention was.

This is obviously a liquidation with Morgan...

(First update!)

( = )

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