Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 3181: Reincarnation Sea Territory

The Reincarnation Great Forbidden Heaven is coming soon? "

Xiao Ye's heart skipped a beat, the god-level will penetrated the Dao domain of the god slave Abei, and he really noticed that there was a detached and majestic aura in the falling forbidden sky waterfall.

Xiao Ye is not unfamiliar with this kind of breath, he has felt it from the innate gods before.

After traveling for more than 30,000 years, it is finally time to reach the Forbidden Heaven of Reincarnation!

Xiao Ye's eyes were blazing, and his mood was agitated.

"The days of leisure are coming to an end. Does it mean that reincarnation in the Great Forbidden Heaven will be very disturbing?"

However, the words of Shen Nu Abei aroused his vigilance.

Whether it is a place where mortals or god-level creatures haunt, there are always fights, and I believe the same will be true of the Reincarnation Great Forbidden Heaven.

According to rumors, in order to amuse the daily monotony, the innate gods of the chaotic world will also use the method of instructing their disciples to compete with each other and discuss their superiority.

At the moment, Xiao Ye continued to sit cross-legged. After adjusting his state, he no longer comprehended the Chiming Ancient Mirror, but was using his true self Dao Eyes to penetrate the Dao contained in his bloodline and the Dao supernatural power he had cultivated. Confirm one by one.

With the passage of time, the aura of detachment and majesty in the falling forbidden sky waterfall multiplied with each passing day.

When thousands of years passed by——


Continuously falling, the rushing sound of the forbidden sky waterfall suddenly disappeared.

This is not because the forbidden sky waterfall has disappeared, but because Wujian Daopan has brought Abei and Xiao Ye to the source of the waterfall.

"It's Reincarnation Great Forbidden Heaven?"

Xiao Ye hurriedly got up to look around, and found that the Infernal Dao disk had stopped in the middle of a sea of ​​chaos.

The chaotic sea was shimmering, and it actually reflected all phenomena in the sky. Xiao Ye looked down, as if seeing the past with a glance of ten thousand years, full of mystery.

"How big is this sea area?"

Xiao Ye released his god-level will to sweep away, but he couldn't even cover this sea area.

I was surprised when I went down and couldn't reach the bottom.

His current god-level will can easily cover the territory of any super kingdom in Jialuo's Forbidden Heaven.

Could it be that the Reincarnation Great Forbidden Heaven is the chaotic sea in front of us?

"This is the Sea of ​​Reincarnation, which is unique to the Reincarnation Great Forbidden Heaven. Creatures from the three realms of the Divine Dao will be melted immediately if they fall into it. Only creatures in the realm of Dao and God can wade through the water."

"This sea area alone is about a hundred times larger than Jia Luo's Forbidden Heaven."

"The Reincarnation Sea is just the tip of the iceberg of the Reincarnation Great Forbidden Heaven."

"The disciples of the innate gods, although they can come to the Great Forbidden Heaven from the Small Forbidden Heaven, but the scope of activities is also very limited."

"For example, you, who just became the master's disciple, can only be active in the branch of the ancient gods in the reincarnation sea, and go to other places, and you don't even know how you died..."

Condor Abei showed a humane smile, and the words fell, and the Infernal Dao disk under his feet trembled again, facing the wind and waves, and plundered towards the west.

"Such a large sea area is actually just the tip of the iceberg of the Reincarnation Great Forbidden Heaven?" Xiao Ye exclaimed, realizing the vastness of the chaotic world again.

"Moreover, the spatial density in the Reincarnation Great Forbidden Heaven is about ten times that of the Jialuo Small Forbidden Heaven."

Feeling a faint pressure, Xiao Ye thought to himself.

The greater the density of the space, the binding force will be generated, which will directly affect the flying speed and the range of magical powers.

At the moment, he no longer practiced, but stood on the Infernal Dao Disk, looked around, and would seize the opportunity to ask the god slave Abei for advice if he didn't understand.

And Abei's attitude towards Xiao Ye has obviously changed, he is no longer as indifferent as before, and he mentioned a lot.

For example, the reincarnation sea is not easy.

There are many branches of innate gods and spirits, and among these branches, there are also many acquired creatures like him.


Only three years have passed, and in the boundless sea of ​​reincarnation, a lifelike stone statue appeared, resembling a man and a beast, surrounded by chaotic light.

This stone statue is too tall, the lower body stands in the sea of ​​reincarnation, while the upper body towers high into the sky like a skyscraper pillar.

"It's a relief of the god of strength among the innate gods!"

Xiao Ye's god-level will swept across, and his heart skipped a beat.

On the upper body of this Lishen relief, he could clearly detect the aura of many beings in the Dao God realm, the worst ones were all at the level of the old God Master Cangwu.

What's more, even he couldn't guess.

Obviously, this relief is a branch of the Lishen group, and the creatures living on it are all disciples of innate gods.

Everyone's identity is the same, but they won't be timid like those divine masters like Jialuo Xiaojintian.

"A disciple of the ancient god?"

When Xiao Ye's god-level will swept across, the creatures living on this relief also noticed Xiao Ye.

But after discovering Xiao Ye's bloodline, they quickly withdrew their god-level will.

"In the chaotic world, the ancient gods are really domineering!" Xiao Ye smiled slightly.

"Among the ninety-nine and eighty-one kinds of innate gods, Lishen can only be ranked in the middle, not the top. Their disciples naturally don't want to provoke you at will."

"But there are exceptions..."

Condor Abei suddenly spoke, as if pointing something, and at the same time, the Infernal Dao disk under his feet also slowly stopped.

Because in the distance of the Reincarnation Sea, there are waves and waves, and a Shenzhou is like a sharp arrow, and it is rushing towards this side.

"Haha, Abei, you are a god slave under the command of the ancient gods. It must be very difficult to escort the creatures here. I don't know which little forbidden heaven it came from?"

The Shenzhou approached quickly, and a thunderous sound came, like thunder shaking, which made Xiao Ye's expression change slightly.

That Shenzhou is obviously also a Dao artifact, carrying two living beings on it.

The leader was a bear-like creature covered with black hair, staring at Abei with a teasing expression.

Beside him, there is also a creature with the head of a unicorn, bathed in the rays of light, with six pairs of Chaos God Wings growing on its back, which are very conspicuous.

"A descendant of the Wing God?"

Xiao Ye understood in an instant.

It seems that the other party, like him, passed the selection and became a disciple of the innate gods. He was escorted by the god slaves, but he came from other little forbidden heavens.

"Senior Shan Shan, do you still need to ask?"

"This son has comprehended two great ways, but neither has reached the first level. Looking at the seven little forbidden heavens, only the little forbidden heaven of Jialuo can produce such inferior creatures. I don't know how he was chosen by the ancient gods. of."

"Could it be the taller one among the shorter ones?"

The creature with the head of a unicorn is domineering, looking into the distance, it can see through the depth of Xiao Ye, and the six pairs of chaotic wings stretch out behind it, and hundreds of threads of the avenue are flickering.

"Senior Ah Bei!"

Xiao Ye frowned slightly.

This descendant of the Winged God, his mouth is too small, the first time they met, they just targeted him like this.

"Boy, how confident are you that you will blow up this descendant of the Winged God?"

However, Xiongying Abei was the sound transmission with a livid expression, which made Xiao Ye slightly stunned, and then suddenly realized.

Abei and the god slave named Man Shan are old acquaintances, and they don't deal with each other very much.

Xiao Ye looked at the descendant of the Winged God, and after looking at it for a while, the sound transmission responded, "Ten!"

(The third one is here!)

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