Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 3197 The battle of the divine tower begins

Jialuo Xiaojintian, every million epochs, will conduct a selection of innate god disciples. For example, he is the only winner of this selection.

And the time goes back to the last selection, and the Real Pan Shenguo is the biggest winner, sending two disciples to the innate gods in one breath.

As a result, Zhen Pan jumped up, coercing Jia Luo Xiao Jintian, and it was difficult to find an opponent in the super kingdom of God.

"It's not good..." Xiao Ye smiled wryly at the 'good news' Ji Yan delivered.

The true kingdom of God was destroyed because of him.

In the past, God Master Zhenpan even used the means of listening to the heavens. From the mouths of the two geniuses who came out of Zhenpan, he found out that he was a named disciple of the ancient god, so he was confident.

It can be seen from this that although the two geniuses walked out of the real offer, they still miss the old love for the real offer.

Therefore, when Xiao Ye came to the Reincarnation Great Forbidden Heaven, he was always wary of those two 'forerunners'.

After all, these two pioneers came to the Great Forbidden Heaven Million Era earlier than him, and the gap accumulated over the years is not so easy to make up.

I didn't expect to meet one of them so soon.

If they met head-on, the opponent might attack him.

"Is the strength comparable to the bone tree forest?"

Xiao Ye's eyes flickered slightly, and he quickly regained his composure. He didn't explain to Ji Yan, but talked to Ji Yan and got a lot of news.

For so many years, he has never let up in the slightest, just because of the dispute over the divine tower.

There are only two days left in the five thousand years, and he ended the retreat early in order to obtain some information in advance so that he can make more adequate preparations.

"The Divine Tower has not yet been truly opened, so many rare treasures have been born one after another. It seems that the Divine Tower is indeed desirable!"

Xiao Ye's gaze, looking at the huge monster in the distance, was burning hot.

A day later, Xiao Ye bid farewell to Ji Yan, his figure flashed, and he teleported to the relief square.

"Sure enough! This little junior brother also wants to participate in the battle for the divine tower!"

On the relief square,

There were already ten branch disciples under Che Yuanhou's seat gathered, and when they saw Xiao Ye, they all cast their gazes.

"Huh? This little junior brother's aura seems to be a little different from that of the five thousand years..." At that moment, the eyes of several branch disciples with keen senses showed strange expressions.

The change in Xiao Ye's body is hard to describe in words, but they didn't think too much about it, and quickly withdrew their gazes, waiting for the opening of the divine tower.

Five thousand years have passed since the treasure grabbing. Whose strength has not changed at all?

What's more, Xiao Ye has received great love from his master Che Yuanhou, and he has many terrible Taoist supernatural powers.

However, in front of the divine tower that was about to be opened, Xiao Ye's attraction to them was not as strong as it was at the beginning.

Xiao Ye ignored the gazes around him, he stood in the corner of the relief square with his eyes closed and rested.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Time passed slowly, and in Che Yuanhou's relief world, branch disciples rushed out one after another and came to the relief square.

Gu Mulin and others also showed up one after another.

"With me, there are only eighteen people?"

Xiao Ye thought to himself.

In the Sea of ​​Reincarnation, there are a total of thirty-six branch disciples of Marquis Che Yuan, but now only eighteen have come to the relief square.

Obviously, half of them gave up the battle for the divine tower.

Xiao Ye looked up and saw the same scene in the other fifty-five relief squares, and shook his head immediately.

Qibao is rare, but you have to live to enjoy it. This is a very real problem.

Over the years, the fierce battles between the disciples of the branches of the four major groups were enough to scare away many people.


At this moment, the fifty-six relief sculptures all lit up, turned into fifty-six huge beams of light and shot straight to the nine heavens, and fifty-six living beings came from the sky.

"Hehe, half of the branch disciples have been frightened away before the Divine Tower has actually been opened? It's really disappointing."

One of them was tall, ten feet high, covered in a blood robe, and couldn't see his true face clearly, swooping down towards Che Yuanhou's embossed square.

"Meet the descendant brother!"

In an instant, the eighteen branch disciples including Xiao Ye all saluted together.

The person who came was the descendant disciple who presided over the treasure grabbing instead of Che Yuanhou five thousand years ago.

"Since you have already made a decision, then follow me, remember not to embarrass the master!"

This descendant disciple scanned the audience with deep eyes, and after staying on Xiao Ye for a while, he took the lead and flew towards the vast reincarnation sea area, slowing down deliberately.

Whoosh whoosh!

In an instant, the eighteen branch disciples all rose into the air and followed.

In addition, the branch disciples on the fifty-five embossed squares also flew into the air under the leadership of each other's master's descendant disciples.

"The disciples of the ancient god branch who dare to participate in the battle of the divine tower this time are weak!"

Nearly a thousand disciples of the descendants of the ancient gods gathered together and approached the huge monster in a mighty way. Xiao Ye was in it, his face full of emotion.

Descendants of ancient gods, how rare are they?

He walked all the way in Jialuo Xiaojintian, and he saw less than ten people, but there are so many here.

Even the Bone Wood Forest is only ranked nineteenth in the entire branch.

However, on the way, Xiao Ye found that many disciples from other branches of the ancient gods were observing him.

Xiao Ye didn't care about it, and concentrated on his way.

Although the huge monster seemed close at hand, it was actually very far away. Nearly a thousand disciples from the branch of the ancient gods acted together and flew for nearly a month before they gradually approached.

"How huge is this divine tower?" Xiao Ye looked down, his face full of shock.

Although the behemoth below is still blurry, like a mirage, part of its appearance can already be captured.

I can only see the part above the water, which is like a roof, but even so, it still occupies an unknown number of millions of miles, and the whole picture cannot be seen at all.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

"You ancient gods, you really regard yourself as the protagonist of the chaotic world."

"This time only a few branch disciples are sent to enter the divine tower?" At this moment, the western void vibrated, and a group of creatures gathered together, coming like a dark cloud. It's full of gunpowder.

Looking around, the creatures coming across the sky are all tall and horny people, as if hidden in pure darkness, even the will of the gods can't capture the true face, but there are so many of them that they have reached five. As many as ten thousand.

"Is it a branch disciple of the Dark God group?"

Xiao Ye frowned.

The branch disciples of the Ancient God Clan in the Sea of ​​Reincarnation amounted to just over 2,000 in total, while the number of branch disciples dispatched by the Dark God Clan this time reached as many as 50,000. The disparity is too great.

It's just that the ancient god stands at the top of the innate gods, how dare this group of dark god's disciples make such mocking remarks?

"Hehe, this statement is wrong. In the chaotic world, the ancient gods are gradually declining. This is a well-known fact. Being able to dispatch a thousand branch disciples is already considered extremely good."

Immediately afterwards, the space in the other two directions shook violently, and two groups of creatures were teleporting over.

(First update!)

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