Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 3249: 100,000 Enemies

quick! "


The sea water in the reincarnation sea area was surging, and Xiao Ye's figure passed across the sky.

He has already used the supernatural power of the six-star ancient god blood—the speed of the ancient god Lingtun to the extreme.

But the rat creature responsible for leading the way was also not slow at all, and was firmly enveloped by Xiao Ye's Taoist power.

Being tempted by Ji Ban, a disciple of the Lishen branch, with the spirit of chaos, he was full of uneasiness, so he was speeding up.

Ten years later, he followed the mouse all the way west, and the group of innate gods could no longer be seen nearby.

It was like entering the sea of ​​reincarnation, where all spirits withered.


And the rat creature that had been flying in front also screamed, much more excited than before, and slowed down.

"Is it almost here?"

Xiao Ye immediately cheered up.

The treasure that dominates the ashram of recovery time may be approaching, so how can he maintain his composure?

However, Xiao Ye released his god-level will to investigate for a long time, but found nothing.

"Little guy, hurry up and continue to lead the way!" Xiao Ye urged.

Strangely, after dozens of breaths, the mouse seemed to feel something, and even curled up, no matter how urged by Xiao Ye, it refused to move any more.

"Something is wrong!"

Xiao Ye secretly thought.

"Did someone catch up?"

Xiao Ye put away the Jinhuan God Mouse, and then released his god-level will to carefully check every inch of space.

After about 100 breaths, Xiao Ye's expression changed, the god-level will caught behind him, and there was a trace of power fluctuations, rushing towards this side.

"Have you found it yet?"

"Xiao Ye of the ancient god group is really extraordinary!"

At the same time as Xiao Ye's god-level will swept across, a loud laugh resounded, shaking the sea area to the point where waves were surging, and in the distance, there was a familiar figure approaching.

This creature looks like a man or a beast, with a hulking back, making Xiao Ye's eyes condense.

He was no stranger to the person who came, it was Ji Fan from the Lishen group he met ten years ago, and this time it was obviously the deity of the other party who came.

"How did you manage to catch up?" Xiao Ye frowned, puzzled.

In the past ten years, he has been urging the ancient gods to flee on the road without stopping at all, and he has never noticed any living beings appearing within the coverage of his god-level will.

And the reincarnation sea area is so vast, how can the other party lock his position?

"Only relying on me, of course it won't work."

"But in the chaotic world, there is also a bloodline, which has a heaven-defying effect in tracking down the enemy's tracks, and it is called the 'Shadow God'."

"You defeated my Chaos Soul ten years ago, and you have already been targeted by the creatures of the Shadow God Clan. I follow him so that I can always follow you far away."

Ji Ban laughed, and at the same time looked away in another direction.

There, there was a shadow squirming, and then it turned into a living being. He was completely black, like an elf in the night, standing there, silent, but with a monstrous aura.

"A disciple from a branch of the Shadow God group?"

Xiao Ye looked up,


He has walked all the way from Jia Luo's Forbidden Heaven, fighting constantly, but he has very little contact with creatures with the blood of the Shadow God.

His understanding of this bloodline is also very limited, and it is normal for him not to be followed by disciples of the Shadow God branch.

"Xiao Ye, hand over the Jinhuan God Mouse you snatched from the Taishen group."

Ji Ban stepped towards Xiao Ye and walked slowly towards Xiao Ye. His true self was dispatched, and the fluctuations of the erupted Taoist power were terrifying and boundless, as if the vastness was rising and falling, and it seemed to have surpassed the limit of the "lower Taoist realm".

The disciple of the shadow god branch also moved towards Xiao Ye, and he and Ji Fan appeared to be cornering each other.

"So that little guy is named Jinhuan God Mouse?" Xiao Ye thought to himself, facing these two creatures, he was happy and fearless.

"Only by you, do you still dare to fight me?" A sneer appeared on the corner of Xiao Ye's mouth.

Whether it is the God of Strength or the God of Shadow, in the chaotic world, they are not top-notch.

Even though the two creatures in front of them are the strongest in each other's clan branches, they are at most comparable to Niu Yi and Lin Parson.

When he was practicing in Shenque, he was fearless, let alone now.

"We know that you possess super dao supernatural powers and have the blood of the seven-star ancient gods, but we are naturally well-prepared when we come here." Ji Ban said calmly.

As his voice fell——

boom! boom! boom!

Waves of aura belonging to the bloodline of Lishen rose into the sky in the distance, and a group of over ten thousand creatures, like dragons and dragons, with incomparably strong physiques rushed forward like a torrent and gathered behind Ji Ban.


Behind the disciple of the shadow god branch, there were shadows of all kinds of heaven and earth swaying, and then these shadows squirmed and turned into living beings that broke free from them, and there were a large number of them.

"Have the branch disciples of the Shadow God and Strength God come out in force?" Xiao Ye's expression changed suddenly.

The only advantage of the disciples of the innate god branch below the top is that there are enough numbers.

"Shocked? Is it too early?"

"Xiao Ye, I have worked so hard to deal with you!"

Seeing Xiao Ye's reaction, Ji Fan raised his head and laughed wildly.


In the distance, a ray of divine light shines, turning into a Taoist mansion directly approaching the nine heavens.

Looking around, this god mansion has three heads, three appearances, but three statues in one body, it is an alternative among the innate gods - the three-faced god.

He was born with three godheads, so it was very difficult to be killed, and the blood he passed down was also quite terrifying.

And under this divine mansion, there are as many as 20,000 creatures coming in the sea of ​​reincarnation, riding the wind and waves, and each one is very powerful.

"Are the branch disciples of the Three-faced God group also involved?"

Xiao Ye narrowed his eyes slightly, and finally understood where Ji Fan's courage came from.

"Xiao Ye, is it enough for you to take the initiative to hand over the Jinhuan God Mouse?"

"This is a remote area of ​​the Sea of ​​Reincarnation. No matter how fierce the battle is, it will be difficult for other groups to perceive it." Ji Fan looked at Xiao Ye with a gesture of winning.

The number of branch disciples of the three major ethnic groups exceeds 100,000.

Such a lineup, looking at the entire Chaos Sea, is enough to shake any group, but now it is only for Xiao Ye.

And for that Jinhuan mouse, it was totally worth it.

"If you want to make a move, just do it directly, why bother talking so much nonsense." Xiao Ye responded calmly.

This time he took the Jinhuan God Mouse out to hunt for treasure, just to revive the dojo dominated by time, and he didn't want to cause more killings.

But judging from the current situation, I am afraid it is impossible.

As soon as this remark came out, Ji Fan was slightly taken aback, and then his expression became gloomy.

"Xiao Ye, I don't want to go to war with you, but you can't blame Pluto, so you can't blame me."

(The third one is here!)

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