Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 3292 Not Simple

This sound was like thunder, with terrifying penetrating power, and even more shocking, it made Xiao Ye pause.

He raised his eyes and saw a man with loose purple hair descending from the sky and landed directly in the courtyard.

"Junior brother, my name is Lin Qiong."

The other party was tall and strong, and his gestures and gestures exuded a terrifying aura, like a divine beast, possessing an immortal charm.


"The lower Dao God Realm creature!"

Xiao Ye's eyes froze suddenly, and his thoughts surged.

On the way to the Realm of Crowds, he asked Wuzhu to understand a lot in detail.

In the realm of groups, the most numerous are the descendant disciples of the various ancient gods.

Those who can live in the realm of groups in such a state, naturally cannot be branch disciples.

"Senior descendant, I'm sorry."

"The heart of the divine seal is a reward given to me by Senior Brother Hongjie from Master, and there is only one piece, so please forgive me for not being able to give it up."

Xiao Ye said neither humble nor overbearing.

"Junior brother, since you know that I am a disciple descended from the master, you should have also understood that in the realm of this group of people, the most unofficial people are disciples like us."

"You give me the heart of the divine seal, not to mention anything else, at least it will allow you to seek stability in the realm of the group."

"You know, there are some branch disciples who came to the realm of the group through cultivation, but not many survived in the end."

Lin Qiong, a man with disheveled purple hair, spoke very politely, but clearly with a trace of contempt.

Like Xiao Ye, the branch disciples who came to the realm of the group through cultivation are still not considered orthodox. Even if the treatment is comparable to that of descendant disciples, there is still a natural gap in terms of status.

What's more, in the realm of groups, there are far more disciples of the descendants of the ancient gods than the disciples of the branches, and there are more strong ones.

As a branch disciple, to offend a descendant disciple,

It is easy to cause hostility and exclusion from other descendant disciples.

"You are a descendant disciple of the master, with a noble status. It is not easy to obtain the heart of the divine seal. If you make things difficult for me, a small branch disciple like this, you are not afraid of being ridiculed."

Xiao Ye calmly left a word, didn't bother to bother, turned around and walked towards the house.

"It's been a long time since I met you, a branch disciple who doesn't like you!"

Lin Qiong behind him also didn't expect Xiao Ye's attitude to be so tough, his voice turned indifferent, his figure flickered, and he raised his fist to throw at Xiao Ye.

It is true that he is a descendant disciple.

But the heart of the divine seal, in the realm of the group, can only produce one in a hundred epochs.

And in the realm of groups, there are eighty-five Guzuns alone, how many descendants and disciples are there?

Not enough points at all!

Now, he happened to be stuck at this level, so he was naturally eager to get the heart of the divine seal, and a branch disciple of Xiao Ye actually got one, so he couldn't help but come here.

If Xiao Ye was willing to give in, even Che Yuanhou would not say anything.

"Soft is not good, so come hard?"

"It seems that these descendant disciples are not very good."

Xiao Ye used the supernatural power of the six-star ancient god blood—the ancient gods dodged out of the way and rushed to the sky.

Faced with the opponent's rapid pursuit, Xiao Ye felt angry and punched him down.


Suddenly, with the two as the center, the surrounding space split open one after another, and the terrifying aftermath, like boiling water, swept away in all directions.

As for Xiao Ye and the purple-haired man, they were on the verge of breaking out, and each moved back.

"You... You, a branch disciple from the Reincarnation Sea Territory, can actually get the Purple Mansion Divine Jade to strengthen your body?" The purple-haired man looked shocked.

Xiao Ye also frowned.

He could sense that the physique of this descendant disciple in front of him was actually comparable to his.

"I'd like to see how capable you are!"

A surge of supernatural power that Xiao Ye was familiar with erupted from this descendant disciple, and infinite chaotic light descended from the sky.

That is the Ancient God Heavenly Dao Jue.

as expected--

I saw this descendant disciple chasing up, and the origins emerged one after another on his body, reaching more than 2,900, and the surging Taoist power swirled high into the sky, heading towards Xiao Ye in a mighty way.

"The disciples of the descendants are really not simple. The supernatural powers they have cultivated are far from comparable to the branch disciples of the Reincarnation Sea Territory."

Xiao Ye also activated the Ancient God's Heavenly Dao Jue, and the number of origin points that appeared on his body exceeded the three thousand mark, and the burst of Dao divine power covered the sky, shaking the opponent hard.


The two completely different Dao divine powers collided fiercely, causing the world to roar and tremble, and storms were raging everywhere.

"Huh? This new branch disciple is really strong, and he has also cultivated the special bloodline supernatural power of our ancient gods - the ancient gods and heavenly art, which is more profound than Lin Qiong!"

"It's no wonder that you can pass the trial in the Wuyan area of ​​the reincarnation sea area. I heard that the disciples of this branch also have the blood of the seven-star ancient god."

"Lin Qiong this time, does it count as kicking the iron plate?"


At the same time, there were many unfathomable auras rising from the purple mountains under Che Yuanhou's ancient divine pillar, and there were noisy whispers, with a somewhat hostile tone.

At this moment, the descendant disciple named Lin Qiong also stopped in shock and anger.

He is a descendant of Marquis Che Yuan, who has practiced in the Realm of Ancient Gods for many years. Although he has not broken through to the middle Dao God Realm, his status makes his strength far beyond that of his branch disciples.

But the strength of Xiao Ye in front of him was beyond his imagination.


Just as Lin Qiong gritted his teeth and was about to continue to attack, a cough sounded suddenly.

In the distance, a woodcutter wearing a straw hat appeared, holding an old axe, and carrying a thick tree trunk on his shoulders, walking through the air without any smoke.

"Eldest brother, I'm just looking for this branch junior brother to discuss. I don't have any malicious intentions. I will leave immediately."

The woodcutter didn't say a word, as if he was passing by, but Lin Qiong's expression changed drastically, and he turned around and left.

The aura rising in the vicinity receded quickly like a tide, making the world quiet.

"Senior brother Hongji, how strong is it?"

Xiao Ye stared at the woodcutter's back, and saw that the woodcutter had already reached the top of the purple mountain range wrapped around the ancient god pillar, and was engulfed by misty clouds, making his figure invisible.

"We have to break through to the middle Taoist realm as soon as possible!"

Xiao Ye withdrew his gaze and muttered to himself.

His chance is indeed good, and he has obtained many inheritances of high-level magical powers.

In the Sea of ​​Reincarnation, he could still use this to suppress his opponents, but not here.

Lin Qiong has not yet broken through to the middle Taoist realm, and his supernatural powers are almost the same as his, let alone other descendant disciples?

In the realm of groups, apart from his seven-star ancient god blood, he really has nothing to commend him.

"and also……"

"I don't know the others, where are the branch disciples who came from the Reincarnation Sea?"

Xiao Ye frowned slightly, then shook his head, and was too lazy to think about it.


With a flash of his figure, he flew back to the courtyard room, sat down cross-legged, and took out the heart of the divine seal.

(First update!)

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