Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 3298: Qingyu Dapeng

Being hunted down by innate creatures? "Xiao Ye's expression changed slightly.

Standing on the Ruyi Shenzhou, he raised his eyes and saw the wind and thunder billowing behind the Shenzhou, bursting into the sky, and he could vaguely see six huge bodies crossing the sky, emitting extremely fierce fluctuations, and a pair of huge lantern-like eyes lit up. It rises, bursting out with a fierce light.

Well, it turned out to be a Pengniao.

At any one end, the whole body is covered with blue wings, emitting chaotic light from the whole body. When the wings are stretched out, they can cover a radius of a million miles and suppress nine days.

They set off a strong wind and chased them, which was actually comparable to the speed of Ruyi Shenzhou's current travel through space.

"This is the Qingyu Dapeng, a kind of innate creature reincarnated in the Great Forbidden Heaven. It can also be regarded as a divine beast. It has reached the lower Dao God Realm, and its flying speed is extremely fast, making it difficult to deal with."

Youlan reminded.

Innate creatures can crush acquired creatures of the same realm.

As for the Qingyu Dapeng, the lower Dao God Realm can completely fight with the acquired souls of the middle Dao God Realm.

If it was just a green-feathered roc, she could handle it calmly, not so much.

But now there are six green-feathered rocs, once they catch up, even she can't stand the siege.

"Is it an innate creature of the lower Dao God Realm?" Xiao Ye's eyes flashed when he heard this, but he calmed down.

Innate creatures of this level are indeed terrifying, but it is not uncommon for him to encounter them.

For example, the gatekeeper of the mausoleum in the Sea of ​​Reincarnation finally fell under the siege of the disciples from the branches of the major ethnic groups in the Sea of ​​Reincarnation.

It's just that this time I met six heads, which is indeed a bit tricky.

"Senior Sister Youlan, you can't go on like this. Sooner or later, you will use up all your Dao power, and it will be even more troublesome if you are chased by these green-feathered rocs."

Xiao Ye noticed that Youlan was urging the Ruyi Shenzhou to move, and she was no longer as calm as before, and her Taoist power was rapidly being consumed.

On the other hand, the group of green-feathered rocs behind them were still clenching their teeth, and said immediately.

"Of course I know this, but I can't sit still.


You Lan said angrily.

Ruyi Shenzhou is inscribed with the avenue inherited from the blood of the Taishen, and has double the speed of traveling through space.

The first level of speed, although it is detrimental to her, it is not too big, and it will recover soon.

But the second speed is different. If this continues, she really won't be able to hold on for too long.

"Senior Sister Youlan, among the six green-feathered rocs, you can just stop one of them, and leave the rest to me."

After pondering for a moment, Xiao Ye said.


You Lan shuddered when she heard that.

Let her stop a green feathered roc, naturally there is no difficulty, but there are five left, Xiao Ye can solve it alone?

Before Youlan came back to his senses, Xiao Ye had already touched the Ruyi Shenzhou with the sole of his foot, soaring up into the air, he rushed towards the rear on his own initiative.

"Junior Brother Xiao Ye, don't be impulsive!"

You Lan became anxious immediately, and hurriedly urged the Ruyi Shenzhou to slow down.

During these years of getting along, her attitude towards Xiao Ye has changed a lot.


On the other side, the six green-feathered rocs were quickly chasing after them, and they had already noticed Xiao Ye, a seemingly insignificant creature.

The airflow blasted by their wings created a terrifying space storm raging out of thin air, trying to smash it into pieces.

"The body of the ancient god!"

Seeing this, Xiao Ye didn't panic. His body was full of divine blood, majestic, full of coercion, with infinite divine light shooting up into the sky, and his body directly and rapidly magnified, reaching up to the nine heavens, and descending to deter the nine secluded worlds, standing like this between the heavens and the earth , Even his waterfall-like black hair was dyed purple.


He raised his huge fist and directly shook the raging space storm away.

Up to now, the power of the ancient god's body has also increased too much.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

At the same time, two figures flew out of his body, one behind the other.

It was the Chaos Soul and the Zhenhao Chaos Body, each of them rushed towards a green feathered roc, urged by him.

"Junior Brother Xiao Ye, you have really cultivated the first-level Zhenhao Chaos Body!"

Seeing this, You Lan, who followed closely, was shocked and envious.

She is no stranger to the Zhenhao Chaos Body, but it is a pity that it is too difficult for a branch disciple like her to obtain enough Purple Mansion Divine Jade to cultivate in the realm of groups.

"Repel a green feather roc first, and then go to help Junior Brother Xiao Ye!"

"Deprive Dao Domain!"

The two green-feathered rocs were intercepted, which greatly relieved You Lan's pressure, she did not hesitate, her delicate body exuded the aura of deprivation of the Dao, and rushed to one end.

Obviously, it didn't take long for You Lan to break through to the middle Dao God realm, and she broke in after comprehending the Dao of Deprivation and reaching the second level.

"Open it for me!"

As for Xiao Ye, the body of the ancient god was shaken, and all three thousand origins emerged from his body, flowing out viscous, and exuding immortal divine power, which was blasted away at once, leaving three green-feathered rocs shrouded in.

"Mangcang supernatural powers, the first floor!"

At the same time, there was a sound from Xiao Ye's body. It was the second-level Dao of Returning to the Origin. With a wave of supernatural power, he rushed to all parts of the body of the ancient god.

Chi Chi Chi!

In an instant, the power exuded by Xiao Ye's ancient god body was rising. He opened his arms together, punched out his left and right fists, approached the three green-feathered rocs, and fought hard with his body.


A burst of earth-shattering roars erupted, and the three green-feathered rocs couldn't stop Xiao Ye's attack, and they turned over one after another.


"After my Dao of Returning to the Origin broke through to the second level, the power of Mang Cang's supernatural power has also been sublimated, and even the body of the ancient god can be strengthened!"

Xiao Ye's eyes shone with excitement.


At this moment, the three green-feathered rocs stopped, aroused fierceness under the pain, divided into three directions, and rushed towards Xiao Ye.

But just as they approached, they were enveloped by the enchantment of the Great Dao stretched from Xiao Ye's body.

This is the Returning Dao Domain.

boom! boom!

In an instant, the huge bodies of the three green-feathered rocs trembled, and the energy in their bodies swelled chaotically. Although they couldn't burst their bodies, it also made them stagger and retreat.

"It just so happens that I have gained a lot from participating in the Chiming Ancient Mirror over the years, so let me practice with you!"

Xiao Ye screamed, the body of the ancient god looked at him in disdain, and directly killed him.

at the same time.

Hundreds of millions of miles away from the place of fierce battle, there is another roc with green feathers hanging in the air, but his blue feathers have been mixed with a trace of gold, and his size is much smaller.

"The bloodline of the seven-star ancient god has cultivated a first-level Zhenhao Chaos Body. It seems that this child is undoubtedly Xiao Ye who passed through the Reincarnation Sea Area."

"This time, among the disciples sent by the ancient gods to investigate information in Dongqi Valley, there is him, which is a good harvest."

This green-feathered roc didn't care about the fierce battle ahead, and quickly disappeared after uttering the language of the chaotic gods.

(First update!)

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