Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 3330: Mount Sumeru

Ke Ye, as Shen Xing's small forbidden sky, has been a dark horse for nearly ten million years, and has risen strongly as a super kingdom of God. Its territory is much larger than that of Josh's kingdom of God.

The scorching sun is scorching in the interior of the gods, and most of them are deserts. The sand like gold flows like life, and the ethereal Buddha's voice can be heard everywhere.

The endless rain of light is falling, making the entire Divine Kingdom extremely rich in the breath of life. In the originally harsh environment, there are actually endless living beings coexisting and thriving.

In the desert, ancient temples and temples can be seen standing everywhere, like a Buddhist country, but the creatures in Keye God's country are mostly hideous-looking people, forming a great contrast, like a group of demons, living in in heaven.

This is like a miracle in the chaotic world.

At this moment, Xiao Ye's figure turned into a ray of light, darting across the territory of Ke Ye's Divine Kingdom, beside him was a half-disabled Kong Ming, constantly leading the way.

"Lord Xiao Ye!"

"The mysterious place is located on Mount Sumeru of Keye Kingdom. Although it is quite far away from the gods of Keye Kingdom, it is not simple..."

Kong Ming, with disheveled hair, was still warning.

"You just concentrate on leading the way. When you get to the mysterious place, if there are no accidents, it's okay to let you go."

Xiao Ye said calmly.


Immediately, hope rose in Kong Ming's heart, and he quickly focused on leading the way again.

At this point, his only hope is to survive.

"Now that Josh's Kingdom has withdrawn its troops, Xuandisi's descendant disciples of Bodhidharma should lead the army back and hurry back!"

A hint of worry appeared in Xiao Ye's eyes.

Ke Ye is the same as Josh. After these years of fighting, most of the living beings left behind are old, weak, sick and disabled.

But according to intelligence, the God Lord of Ke Ye Kingdom still sits in the Kingdom of God.

And he forcibly crosses the enchantment of Ke Ye's divine kingdom, and he will definitely not be able to escape the other party's eyes and ears.

As a result until now,

The opponent never showed up to kill.

What's more, the entire Ke Ye Kingdom didn't respond to his invasion. Such a calm reaction was too unusual.

"Could it be God Lord Ke Ye, knowing that he is not my opponent, so he is waiting for Xuan Disi's disciples of the descendants of the Bodhidharma to come and deal with me?"

Xiao Ye whispered to himself, then shook his head.

Now that you have come to the Kingdom of Ke Ye, how can you let go of that mysterious place?

Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover it.

"Lord Xiao Ye, it is Mount Sumeru of Ke Ye Divine Kingdom!"

Only three days later, Kong Ming stopped and pointed far ahead.

"Mount Sumeru?"

Xiao Ye narrowed his eyes slightly and looked up.

In the desert ahead, a magnificent mountain peak appeared, towering in the vast and chaotic void, flowing with mist, like an immortal fairy platform.

At the top of the peak, there are stretches of temples, magnificent and majestic, with purple and gold luster flowing on the tiles, as if made of metal, and the sacred and peaceful atmosphere is permeating.

And in these temples, one can see a gigantic Buddha body, which is tens of thousands of feet tall. From every pore of it, there are countless Buddha lights flowing out, illuminating the ten directions, and the terrifying and monstrous fluctuations are revealed, which can be said to be shocking to the whole world.

Faced with such fluctuations, Xiao Ye felt like an ant looking up at a giant dragon, and deeply felt his own insignificance and insignificance.

He even couldn't help but prostrate and kowtow, feeling as if he was far away from the hustle and bustle of the chaotic world, and would always be with the ancient Buddha of Qingdeng.

Moreover, he just got close to Mount Sumeru, and found that he couldn't keep flying.

"Mount Sumeru is very strange, and its origin cannot be traced. I speculate that it is the root of the rise of the Ke Ye Kingdom."

"Let's not talk about the middle Taoist realm, I'm afraid the upper Taoist gods will not be able to vacate, and they will need to walk up the mountain."

"And that mysterious place is at the foot of that great Buddha."

At this moment, Kong Ming said with emotion.

It wasn't the first time he came to Mount Sumeru, but it still had a great impact on his heart.

"This Mount Sumeru is indeed very strange. No wonder it was born in that mysterious place."

Xiao Ye nodded without any hesitation, letting Kong Ming lead the way and climbing the mountain.

Mount Sumeru is majestic, and the stone steps have long been covered with moss, winding upwards to the top of the mountain.

Xiao Ye and Kong Ming stepped forward, like devout believers, with a feeling that their hearts have been washed, and they became extremely ethereal, as if they were isolated from the outside world, and they could not notice the passage of time.

"You, as expected, still found this place."

I don't know how long it has passed, but on Mount Sumeru, there is actually the divine pattern of the teleportation array of the Kingdom of God flickering. In the dazzling light, an ascetic monk in a tattered gray robe can be seen stepping out of it. Vientiane stopped in front of Xiao Ye.

It was Xuan Desi who arrived.

Beside him, there are also five disciples who are descendants of Bodhidharma.

"Do you think you can stop me?" Xiao Ye raised his eyes and said calmly, without any surprise.

Calculating the time, Xuan Desi should also arrive, he has already made preparations.

"Hehe, you are in deep danger but you don't know it. Do you think you can escape?"

Xuan Disi smiled coldly, the teleportation array of the Kingdom of God flickered behind him, and five disciples of the descendants of God Bodhidharma walked out.

Behind Xiao Ye, seven disciples of Bodhidharma's descendants also appeared, staring at Xiao Ye with unfriendly expressions.


At this time, the silence near Mount Sumeru had been broken, only divine light was shining, banners were unfurling, and crowds of creatures came across the sky.

These, astonishingly, were the army of Ke Ye Divine Kingdom, who just appeared directly like this, sacrificed hundreds of millions of Taoist formations, sealed the world, and enveloped the entire Mount Sumeru.

Xiao Ye is like a turtle in a urn, not to mention rushing out, even the god-level will can't penetrate it.


Kong Ming's remnant body was like chaff, with a look of fear on his face.

He had known for a long time that bringing Xiao Ye to this place was no less than breaking into a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, but when this moment really came, he still couldn't help being afraid.

With his approach, once he falls into the hands of Xuan Disi, even death may be a luxury.

"Pile together endless Taoist formations to seal the entire Sumeru Mountain?"

At this moment, Xiao Ye's expression became weird.

With the four Chaos Psychedelic Fruits, he once again revived for a part of the time to dominate the dojo. How big is the harvest?

The fight with Xuan Desi can only be regarded as a small test, and he dare not reveal too much.

Now that this group of Bodhidharma disciples are acting like this, it makes him a lot less scruples.

"The defeated general is not worthy of being brave. If you want to seek death, then come."

With a wave of Xiao Ye's palm, he directly put the half-disabled Kong Ming into the space artifact, and then looked at Xuan Disi indifferently.

(The third one is here!)

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