Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 3343: Joining the Battle Strongly

Xiao... Xiao Ye is already so strong! "

"He is a new branch disciple who hasn't even stepped into the Daoist Pavilion. Where did he get the super magical powers that fit the four Chaos Dao!"

The figures of Xiao Ye and Kuang Pei disappeared, but the seven disciples of the descendants of the ancient gods outside did not relax. Instead, their chests seemed to be pressed by a boulder, and they couldn't breathe. They even forgot to heal their wounds and just looked at them in panic. The god jar not far away.

Although this god pot is only a space artifact, the god material it casts is not simple, and it can prevent them from probing with god-level will.

And from hearing that Xuan Disi fell under Xiao Ye's hands, to the fierce battle between Xiao Ye and Kuang Pei, all of this is beyond his imagination.

To know.

From Reincarnation Great Forbidden Heaven to Shen Xing Little Forbidden Heaven, their attitude towards Xiao Ye is not much better.

Even when he learned that Xiao Ye rushed to Ke Ye's kingdom alone, he called for money to withdraw his troops, and retreated with Ao Jue, putting the other party in danger.

"What are you panicking about!"

"It's not that easy for Xiao Ye to defeat Kuang Pei. Maybe both will suffer in the end."

Ao Jue panted heavily and let out a low growl, like a wild beast.

"That would disappoint senior brother Ao Jue."

"Xiao is not so easy to lose."

At this moment, a calm voice came, making Ao Jue suffocate.


The space trembled, and I saw a tall and strong figure falling out of the void, the golden blood of the gods splashed, lifeless, and turned into a cold corpse.

This is the corpse of Kuang Pei.

The Haotian Dao armor on his body has been shattered, dim, and has lost its due charm.


Xiao Lingba's figure also appeared, with thick hair flying around, stained with a layer of purple light, his eyes swept over, making Ao Jue take a few steps back, heartbroken.

The world was silent.

The other six disciples of the descendants of the ancient gods were also trying their best to control the fear in their hearts.


How long has it been since they witnessed Xiao Ye and Kuang Pei rushing into the jar together?

In the end, Kuang Pei turned into a living corpse, how could they not be shocked?

"Xiao... Junior brother Xiao Ye, we did something wrong before. We apologize to you. If there is anything we can use in the future, we will be on assignment."

"That's right, Junior Brother Xiao Ye, if you want to blame you, you can only blame Ao Jue. It was he who instigated us, and that's why he deliberately alienated you!"


Seeing Xiao Ye's half-smile, not making a sound, the six disciples of the descendants of the ancient god couldn't help but hurriedly scolded Ao Jue.

There was even a posture that as soon as Xiao Ye gave an order, he would immediately turn against each other.


Ao Jue was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Once upon a time, how flattering and flattering these descendant disciples were to him, but now they have become a fool.

"You should be thankful that in this mid-level group mission, I didn't directly attack me, so I don't bother to care about you like you."

"Otherwise, you wouldn't be alive at all."

"If you commit another crime in the future, even if you are descendant disciples, I will still kill you."

Xiao Ye's cold words made Ao Jue's body tremble slightly.

The contempt that Xiao Ye showed at this moment was more uncomfortable than shooting him directly.

At this moment, Xiao Ye didn't bother to pay attention to these descendant disciples, but flew to Kuang Pei's body, checking the treasures in the opponent's body.

Although it is said that Kuang Pei is from the Bodhidharma clan, and he can't use divine weapons and supernatural powers, there may be other treasures on him.

as expected.

After some searching, Xiao Ye found 5,000 high-grade Chaos Stones.

High-grade Chaos Stone, regardless of bloodlines, can be used by any descendant of innate gods. Xiao Ye has tried it a long time ago. This treasure is indeed miraculous in recovering wear and tear and cultivating Dao divine power, so naturally he accepts it unceremoniously.

Five thousand high-level Chaos Stones is a good fortune compared to descendant disciples. Kuang Pei must have accumulated it for a long time, and now Xiao Ye is fulfilled.

"This time, I killed Kuang Pei without using the Chaos Spirit that inherited the time-ruling bloodline."

"Kang Pei's 'Haotian Dao Armor' has really terrible defensive power, it can block the full blow of the middle Taoist god."

"After I go back this time, I'm going to enter the Gubao Pavilion under Master's seat to pick out treasures."

Xiao Ye thought to himself.

Even Kuang Pei was killed by him, this time the mid-level group mission has actually been completed.

Everything else is variable and beyond the scope of this mission.

As for what kind of waves he would cause by showing the four poles in public, he was also mentally prepared.

"It's just that before that, we still have to repel the hundred disciples who are descendants of God Bodhidharma!" Xiao Ye's gaze was looking in the direction of Mount Sumeru.

At this moment, the fierce battle between the disciples of the two groups is still going on.

Especially Chun Mieyang, alone against the disciples of Bodhidharma headed by Fei Xiao, the battle was fierce, everything withered wherever he went, the Ke Ye Kingdom had been shaken to pieces, and even Fei Xiao had been injured.


Xiao Ye refined the high-level Chaos Stone, and after returning to the peak state again, his figure flashed, and he rushed towards the direction of Mount Sumeru.

"Junior Brother Xiao Ye..."

Wearing animal skin, Mu Ze, who was born with six eyes, led a dozen disciples of ancient gods, and was fighting dozens of disciples of Bodhidharma. His eyes looked at Xiao Ye, who was approaching quickly, with turbulent eyes, and his heart was full of waves.

While fighting fiercely, he was also paying attention to Xiao Ye's movements, and he naturally noticed that Kuang Pei, who was almost as powerful as him, had been killed.

"Xiao Ye, you... dare to kill Kuang Pei!"

"If you offend our Bodhidharma group, you will surely die!"


At the same time, dozens of Bodhidharma disciples who were facing Mu Ze all spoke out in anger.

They came from the Great Reincarnation Forbidden Heaven, not only did they have nothing to gain, but they were full of resentment towards Kuang Pei.

But the other party died in Xiao Ye's hands, and it was the shame of the Bodhidharma clan. After they went back, they couldn't explain it at all.

In addition, Xuan Disi and other thirteen descendant disciples also fell. This loss is too heavy.

"Since I have already offended you Bodhidharma group, I naturally don't mind going further."

"It's better to let you all stay in Shen Xing's little forbidden sky."

Xiao Ye's eyes flickered slightly, and the words he uttered made the hearts of these dozens of Bodhidharma's disciples jump wildly.

The dozen or so disciples of the ancient gods, including Mu Ze, were already very strong. Relying on their superiority in numbers, they held back Mu Ze, preventing him from rescuing Xiao Ye.

But Kuang Pei was killed by Xiao Ye.

The opponent's strength is naturally no small matter, this participation in the battle can definitely change the direction of the battle.


Before they could react, Xiao Ye had already rushed over forcefully, and the power of the triple dao domain and the bloodline of the seven-star ancient god exploded at the same time, enveloping them.

(Second update arrives!)

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