Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 3489: Xiao Ye Enlightened

Comprehending the chaotic world, any kind of avenue, is not easy, and it takes too much time to settle.

Not to mention, it is also the avenue representing time in the chaotic world.

This kind of avenue, even the five chaotic avenues inherited by the blood of the ancient gods, is incomparable and unique.

In the past, Xiao Ye tried to comprehend more than once, but in the end they all ended in failure due to insufficient realm.

At this moment, Xiao Ye was sitting cross-legged on the futon of the gazebo, like a statue of a god, with a solemn treasure, always motionless.

On the ground of the gazebo, countless rainbow lights flowed, and the aura emitted was somewhat similar to that in the Tower of Time, but it was more direct, showing the original form of an avenue.

Because time is the master, I once practiced and enlightened in this pavilion, so there are bursts of sound of the avenue, passing through the long river of time, and resounding here.

Compared with the past, the sound of the Dao still fills the ears, but it is not as amazing as before. It just makes Xiao Ye's body tremble, and his godhead is also trembling.

He persisted.

"I can really understand the power of time!"

Xiao Ye's mood was fluctuating, and his face was full of excitement. He had already released his god-level will and enveloped the gazebo.

With Xiao Ye's current god-level will, he can already easily cover the entire battlefield of the superimposed era. Now that he is concentrated in this pavilion, everything seems to be clearly visible.


His god-level will shrouded the surging rainbow light on the ground, and he was constantly deducing it.

"What do these rainbow lights represent, and what does their trajectory represent?"


"Still wrong!"


Xiao Ye deduced it over and over again, but he didn't have any clue at all.

In the chaotic world, the power of time is too profound, even if it emits a trace of breath, it is difficult for Xiao Ye to detect it.

I don't know how long I went there.

Gradually, Xiao Ye's vision changed, and his god-level will seemed to be swallowed by a vortex.

In a trance, his god-level will came to the first opening of the chaotic world, and once again witnessed the evolution of many avenues in the chaotic world.

Immediately afterwards, his vision changed again, and he saw many chaotic avenues intertwined and transformed into innate gods.

Different from the past, at this time his god-level will was attached to an innate god and participated in it.

He witnessed with his own eyes that these innate gods were either fighting each other, or opening up countless first-level worlds with their innate gods, breeding descendants, and passing on bloodlines.

During this period, the Seven Small Forbidden Heavens and the Five Great Forbidden Heavens were formed in the chaotic world, and countless first-level worlds were born.

Soon, his god-level will was put into the Seven Small Forbidden Heavens and the Five Great Forbidden Heavens.

His god-level will may be attached to an acquired creature, or attached to a divine beast, or even become a spirit-level creature.

He seemed to be immersed in reincarnation, his god-level will continued to sink, and he was participating in the changes and evolution of the chaotic world, witnessing and understanding a lot.

Xiao Ye's mood also gradually calmed down from the ups and downs at the beginning.

The years are long.

Xiao Ye's mind changed again, and the god-level will was actually attached to an ordinary seed.

This seed is buried deep in the ground, listening to the pulse of the earth, absorbing nutrients, slowly pulling out roots and growing.

Finally, he broke through the ground on a mortal continent, and the branches and buds he pulled out not only absorbed the nutrients of the earth, but also greedily absorbed the sunlight, and even actively absorbed the mysterious power in the void.

On the other hand, the surrounding flowers, plants and trees, withered and flourishing over the years, come to the end of their life and return to the soil for the next reincarnation.

Only Xiao Ye is still growing.

After years of changes, he grew into a big tree with luxuriant branches and leaves, and the annual rings gradually increased. He became the famous tree king on this continent.

He stands high in the clouds, not only witnessing the blooming and fading of the surrounding flowers, but also witnessing the prosperity and evolution of this continent.

There are young children and dolls who fall to the ground, and there are strong men who are dying.

"I seem to feel a great power!"

Xiao Ye emptied his mind, as if he had really turned into a big tree in the sky, he couldn't move, but he was stretching his branches and leaves, to feel all this silently.

His annual rings are gradually increasing, and his branches and leaves are also withering. Even if he tries hard to absorb nutrients, he eventually becomes old and begins to decline.

In the end, he withered and returned to the earth, and the will attached to it also returned to the body.

Xiao Ye opened his eyes in the gazebo of the dojo.

"Years, time..."

There was a trace of confusion in Xiao Ye's eyes.

He had experienced too much during this meditation, and when he woke up this time, he felt like he didn't know what year it was.

He still hasn't touched the power of time, but he has a lot of insights. If his god-level will is not strong enough, he may have already sunk.

Moreover, Xiao Ye speculates that these perceptions may be the key to his comprehension of the power of time.

Xiao Ye didn't release his god-level will anymore, instead he left the Dojo of Time Ruler and came to the outside world, where he sat cross-legged in the blood-red universe, digesting silently.

Over the years, many things have happened outside.

As many as 10,000 disciples of the ancient gods, under the leadership of Mosha, Feng Ruoye and other heaven-defying mid-level dao gods, have completely wiped out the entire stacking battlefield.

Now, they all wait, the last days of the stacked battlefields are over.


"Junior Brother Xiao Ye, what are you doing?"

At this moment, Xiao Ye's appearance immediately alarmed these ancient god disciples, and they came one after another.

"Junior brother Xiao Ye, maybe he is enlightening, don't disturb him!"

Mu Ze and others hurriedly stopped them, not letting the disciples of the ancient gods approach, and just watched from afar.

In the blink of an eye, another hundred years passed, but Xiao Ye remained the same, sitting cross-legged like this, without any change, as if he had melted away.

If it weren't for Xiao Ye's aura, which sometimes became dull and vigorous, many disciples of the ancient gods had already stepped forward to wake him up.

But these disciples of the ancient gods were still terrified.

Because I have never heard of any supernatural powers in the world that can make living beings have such breath changes.


Another hundred years passed, and suddenly the entire blood-red universe trembled crazily, and a blazing divine light lingered over, penetrating the entire stacked battlefield.

"One hundred thousand years have passed!"

At this moment, all the disciples of the ancient gods were awakened with a start, and when they looked up at the sky, they all became excited.

The 100,000-year fighting on the superimposed battlefield has finally come to an end.

Especially the weaker disciples of the ancient gods roared excitedly.

They survived and became the biggest winners in the fight on the stacked battlefield.

This also means that they have successfully passed the first stage of the Alternate Period.


Suddenly, all the disciples of the ancient gods felt something in their hearts and suddenly looked in a certain direction.

There, Xiao Ye, who had been sitting withered for hundreds of years, got up at some point, and there seemed to be a change in his breath even though he was standing there.

(Second update arrives!)

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