Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 3491: Summoned by the Ancient God

Reincarnation Great Forbidden Heaven.

Twenty high-ranking Taoist gods including Chun Mieyang, and more than 10,000 disciples of the ancient gods, including Xiao Ye, who walked out of the superimposed battlefield alive, gathered together, and they rushed towards the realm of the ancient gods together.

Soon, the result of the 100,000-year fight between all the median Taoist gods swept away like a shocking storm, causing an uproar with extremely far-reaching effects.

"The median Taoist god of our Taishen group was slaughtered, how is this possible?"

"None of the two million median Taoist gods of my shadow god group survived, and all died in the superimposed battlefield."


The high-level Taoist gods from all major groups were all horrified when they heard the news.

Fighting on the superimposed battlefield is terrifying.

However, such a large-scale fall of the median Taoist god is extremely rare in the history of the chaotic world.

What's more, there are still some of them who have a very deep understanding of the Dao, and they can be called the reserve force of the upper Taoist gods.

Now it's all gone.

This will definitely affect the major groups to meet the impact of the subsequent alternation of the stack.

Of course, there are also creatures who are quite gloating.

Because of rumors, Luo Kui of the Winged God Clan broke through to the upper Dao God Realm, and should have swept away all the middle Dao Gods, but fell because of Xiao Ye's strong rise, which became a pity.

The Winged God Clan and the Ancient God Clan have been hostile for a long time, how could they let it go so easily?

And that's exactly what happened.

At this time, there were disciples of Yishen appearing and disappearing in various places in the Great Forbidden Heaven of Reincarnation, gathering together like a storm.

"That kid from the ancient god group has become an immeasurable high-ranking Taoist god, and even killed Luo Kui!"

"We must not let him go!"

In a dangerous place, a group of more than a dozen creatures with chaotic wings on their backs all soared into the sky, bursting out with unrivaled divine power, which made the whole world tremble.


It is the upper Taoist god of the Yishen group, who, like Chun Mieyang, has survived the tragic fight.

"This son has not yet returned to the realm of the ancient gods, go, and follow me to intercept and kill him!"

One of the creatures roared angrily.

His realm is extremely high, and he has gone quite far in the upper Dao God realm, and he has the blood of the Seven Star Wing God, and his level of refinement surpasses Dacheng. Every word can shake the heavens and worlds, which is extremely terrifying.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

As he roared, the other Yishen disciples immediately moved, and the Chaos God's wings stretched out behind them, ready to go across the sky with the other party and snipe and kill Xiao Ye.

right now


The sky and the earth trembled, a violent momentum rose up, and a chaotic mist rolled towards this side.

In this chaotic mist, a group of creatures can be seen. They are protected from the head to the soles of the feet by black scales, full of chilling and strange aura.

These are the innate creatures of the chaotic world, and they have all reached the high-level Dao God realm.

At this moment, this group of innate beings are lifting up a bronze temple and moving forward.

This bronze temple is not big, and the whole body is covered with complex and incomprehensible, tadpole-like god fonts, with a sense of thickness accumulated over time.

If Xiao Ye was here, he would definitely recognize it.

This is exactly the Bronze Temple that rushed out of the Star Market.

"Hey, the disciple of the ancient god who was lucky enough to escape from the hands of the three 'ghost gods' back then has grown to such a level. He really has some skills!"

"Wait, stop."

At this moment, a cold voice came from the bronze temple, containing a kind of supernatural power, which immediately made the dozen or so Wing God disciples shudder, and they all stopped, showing fear on their faces. Color, not even dare to let out the atmosphere.

Because they knew very well that the owner of this bronze temple was in their position among the winged gods.

Even if they are high-level Taoist gods, they are incomparable.

"Now the first phase of the impact of the alternation of the stacks is over, and the next period is the truce period, so don't do it again."

"When the second stage arrives, I may go to meet this ancient god disciple named Xiao Ye in person."

In the bronze temple, a sound came out again, causing all the heavens and myriad worlds to rumble.


Xiao Ye was naturally unaware of this.

They used the Heaven Forbidden Formation, and it took only a few years to reach the realm of the ancient gods.

"finally came back!"

Staring at the familiar eighty-five ancient god pillars, not to mention You Lan, Mu Ze, Wu Tao and other ancient god disciples, even the existence of the upper Dao God Realm was full of joy.

The impact of the alternation of the stacks is really too terrifying.

Nearly a million Taoist gods went out together, but now only about 10,000 of them have returned alive. Many senior brothers and sisters have fallen and are never seen again.

The time since they left this time seems to be particularly long, and it feels like a world away.

"Junior brother Xiao Ye, thank you for your protection in the superimposed battlefield, farewell!"

"When the second stage is ushered in, I will come back and fight side by side."


At the moment, many of the median Taoist gods who walked out of the superimposed battlefield with Xiao Ye clasped their fists to thank Xiao Ye one by one, and then quickly dispersed and headed for their own residences.

This hundred thousand years of fighting is over.

There is still a buffer period of more than 30,000 years before the second stage will be ushered in. It will definitely be more dangerous at that time, and they are all eager to improve their strength.

The fallen creatures are no longer visible, and the surviving creatures will naturally work harder.

"Junior brother Xiao Ye, you are now an infinite high-ranking Taoist god, and I will fight side by side in the future."

The high-ranking Taoist God who was walking with Chun Mieyang also smiled and parted from Xiao Ye, and regarded him as an existence of the same level.

Soon, beside Xiao Ye, there were only Chun Mieyang, You Lan and other disciples under Che Yuanhou's seat, and they flew towards his residence side by side.

With the successive return of the disciples of the ancient gods from all walks of life, the world of the ancient gods, which was originally withered and quiet, became lively again.

As for the first stage, the news of the disciples of the same realm fighting each other under the sects of various congenital gods also spread all over the sky.

Among them, the deeds about Xiao Ye's rising against the sky, becoming an immeasurable high-ranking Taoist god, and killing all directions in the superimposed battlefield were even mentioned by countless disciples of the ancient gods.

At such a time, the ancient god group can give birth to an infinite high-ranking Taoist god, which undoubtedly seems to be a booster for people, which is exciting.

Soon, the residual heat of these news was replaced by a fanatical atmosphere.

The disciples of the ancient gods who successfully returned alive this time are all considered to have made meritorious service to the ancient gods.

From the immeasurable high-level Taoist disciples to the ordinary middle-level Taoist disciples, after meritorious deeds and rewards, they all received generous rewards distributed by Mingshu Pavilion.

However, Xiao Ye, who performed extremely brilliantly, did not receive a reward from Mingshu Pavilion, but he did get a summons.

Ancient God Che Yuanhou

Summon Xiao Ye in person!

(The first update!)

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