Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 3615 The situation is tense

In the world of Xiyue Cave, the fierce battle between the disciples of the ancient gods and the winged gods was just an episode.

Although it attracted a lot of attention, it was quickly overshadowed by the news of Zhuzhao.

The disciples of Taishen and Bodhidharma, who arrived later, immediately attacked Zhuzhao's habitat, but were also repelled by the guardian beasts and suffered heavy losses.

But at the same time, the news that Zhuzhao was in a weak state and was protected by these divine beasts was also confirmed.

All of a sudden, this news was swept away by various means of communication against the heavens, seeking a way to overcome it.

The entire Nanting Great Forbidden Heaven boiled up.

All the innate gods and spirit groups of Nanting Great Forbidden Heaven are sending more people, and even with other Great Forbidden Heavens, there are creatures who can't sit still and come across the Great Forbidden Heaven.

Zhuzhao, however, is a divine beast that can be on an equal footing with the top innate gods, and its influence is naturally unprecedented.

Bringing Zhuzhao into one's own camp may change the future direction of a group of innate gods.

Compared with it, other grievances are naturally not worth mentioning.

As time passed, the atmosphere in the world of Xiyue Cave became suffocatingly oppressive.

However, how can Zhuzhao's habitat be so easily conquered? Even if the opponent is currently in a weak state, it is not an acquired spirit that can be offended.

The creatures who launched an attack on this ancient city were all blocked back, and the losses were extremely heavy.


The years are ruthless, and ten years pass in a blink of an eye.


A corpse floating in the void of Xiyue Cave trembled slightly, and a tall and straight human man rushed out of it cautiously.

This is Xiao Ye.

In the ten years outside, he has spent five thousand years in the sixth floor of the Tower of Time, and the wounds left by the battle with the Wing God's disciples in the past have been repaired.

The tower of time has a seal left by the master of time himself,

Even the innate gods are hard to find, let alone the North Metal Phase.

"In the world of Xiyue Cave, the situation is becoming more and more tense!"

"In addition to the creatures from Reincarnation and Nanting, there are other creatures from Great Forbidden Heaven who have arrived in recent years. Even Bei Jinxiang was forced to stop hunting down two years ago."

Xiao Ye looked far into the depths of Xiyue Cave, his eyes were extremely dignified.

Over the years, he has been hiding in the sixth floor of the Tower of Time, but he has also secretly released the will of the gods to investigate the situation of the outside world and gain insight into a lot of news.

"I don't know what happened to Senior Brother Yuyuchi and the others..."

Xiao Ye suppressed the urge to rush back to have a look.

The great battle in the past has long since ended, and he has no way of knowing the result. If he rushes back to look for it now, it will be tantamount to death.

"Now all the creatures who have arrived in the world of Xiyue Cave are trying to conquer that ancient city, just to get in touch with Zhuzhao. I can find an opportunity to act!"

"Only by strengthening your strength can you take revenge and find Xiaobai!"

Xiao Ye thought to himself.

At that moment, after realizing that there were no other living beings around, Xiao Ye waved his hand and immediately released the Jinhuan God Mouse.


As soon as the Jinhuan Divine Rat was released, it was extremely excited, flapped its wings, and turned into a ray of light, rushing straight forward.

Xiyue Cave, as a famous and dangerous place in Nanting Great Forbidden Sky, is extremely mysterious, and no one can explain its origin clearly.

But there is no doubt that Xiyue Cave is absolutely mysterious, otherwise it would not be illuminated by divine beasts as a shelter.

Now the creatures who have arrived at the Sunset Moon Cave are all gathered in the depths of this world, which is also convenient for Xiao Ye.

He took the Jinhuan God Mouse and searched in the outer area, but no creatures intercepted it.

In a blink of an eye, half a month has passed.

"It is indeed too difficult to find the treasure that can make the high-ranking Taoist gods across the superimposed era break through in strength. I still overestimate Xiyue Cave."

Xiao Ye's figure stopped suddenly, with a wry smile on his face.

After half a month of searching with Jinhuan Shenshu, he did find something in the world of Xiyue Cave, just like he was in the ancient treasure pavilion where he wandered through the realm of the ancient gods.

But the treasures he found were far from treasures.

Treasures of that level are indeed of great use to the high-level Taoist gods who joined the Dao in this stack.

But he is an exception.

He has broken through the barriers of the stacked period, and his strength can be called the upper Taoist god at the peak of the third level.

"However, over the years, more and more creatures have stepped into the Xiyue Cave, which has also increased the number of corpses here."

At this moment, with a wave of the palm, the corpses floating in front of him were directly crushed by the powerful force, and treasures flew out of them.

In addition to the magic path leaves and artifacts, there are also all kinds of strange and strange treasures of chaos.

"In the chaotic world, the treasures born in each Great Forbidden Heaven are different."

"It seems that in the Nanting Great Forbidden Sky, many treasures have been born that can cultivate the fourth-level Zhenhao Chaos Body."

Xiao Ye's eyes flickered, making a selection.

The creatures who can be controlled by the mysterious power in Xiyue Cave, killing each other and falling, are naturally not much stronger.

The treasures on his body are of course not high-level, but Xiao Ye has repeatedly discovered treasures that can be used to cultivate the fourth-level Zhenhao Chaos Body.

This point is indeed stronger than Reincarnation Great Forbidden Heaven.

"Back then, Senior Brother Kumierji gave me a total of 40,000 kinds of Chaos Treasures, plus my gains during this period, I have already collected 50,000 kinds."

"But it's not enough!" Xiao Ye secretly said, extremely unwilling.


At this moment, the Jinhuan Divine Mouse, who had been flying in front, seemed to have sensed something, and rushed forward quickly, extremely excited.

"Another discovery?"

Xiao Ye hurriedly followed.

The world of Xiyue Cave is extremely empty and far away, and the land is vast and sparsely populated. Following Xiao Ye's flight with the Jinhuan God Mouse, he found a large shadow in the cold night sky.

This shadow turned out to be a piece of undulating mountains, which is not very majestic, far from being called a chaotic spectacle, but shrouded in the hazy light pouring down from the high crescent moon, it exudes a sense of mystery. It was quiet, like the night had merged into one.


The Jinhuan Divine Mouse had already charged into the mountains, shouting excitedly.

"It seems that this place can't be born, too high-level treasure."

Xiao Ye sighed slightly, but still teleported over, standing in the sky above the mountains, but his expression changed slightly the next moment.

Because at this moment, a special wave suddenly burst out from the chest position of his body.

This is obviously the induction from the seventh floor of the Tower of Time - Time Ruler Dojo.

In the past, when Xiao Ye encountered Chaos Psychedelic Fruit for the first time, such fluctuations erupted in the Time Ruler Dojo, but this time it was much stronger.

"The recovery time dominates the dojo, and three kinds of chaos treasures are needed, and the chaos fruit is just one of them."

"Could it be that there are two other treasures here?"

Xiao Ye was slightly taken aback, and then his breathing became short of breath.

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