Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 3521 Ignorance

"what is this?"

"Could it be that the reinforcements sent by the ancient gods have arrived?"

At the same time, the ten creatures who chased and killed Du Dongyu also noticed the hundred Taoist formations.

They were all straddlers, and their vision was naturally outstanding, and they could see the clues at a glance, and their eyes became suspicious.


"Whoever he is, kill Du Dongyu first, and now the high-level Taoist gods of all major groups are trying to find ways to get in touch with Zhuzhao. There are not many such opportunities, and those who are late will change!"

At that moment, a low roar resounded.


Pieces of chaotic light flooded the world, and a terrifying bloodline momentum erupted. A huge figure with three heads, three appearances, and three bodies in one body suddenly emerged.

This is the mansion of the three-faced god!

The appearance of the three-faced god mansion is lifelike, triggering the sympathy of chaos and heaven. Below it, a disciple of the three-faced god can be seen standing upright.

He is the strongest among these ten beings, and his strength has barely reached the fourth level of the upper Taoist god.

At this moment, the disciple of the three-faced god did not intend to stop fighting, but still wanted to make a move, wanting to get rid of Du Dongyu as quickly as possible.

"It should be a disciple of the ancient god who is cultivating here. I don't know who it is?"

At this moment, Du Dongyu didn't give in, his eyes stood upside down, and the light in the depths of his pupils became more intense, forcing his strength to rise into the air, trying to guide the powerful enemy away from this place.


However, at this moment, the disciple of the Three-faced God had already swooped in, and the Three-faced God's mansion behind him erupted with terrifying power, resonating with his bloodline, bursting out a power of bloodline supernatural power, which actually made the surrounding space freeze.


Du Dongyu counterattacked, and then he was injured too badly, the power of the seven-star ancient god bloodline was greatly reduced, his speed dropped sharply at this moment, and he almost fell down.



The other nine creatures did not stand by and approached together.

"I, Du Dongyu, am I really going to fall here?"

Surrounded by ten creatures, Du Dongyu was very desperate. The scenes of his cultivation in the four superimposed periods came to mind one by one, with a look of unwillingness on his face.


At the critical moment, there was a sudden abnormal sound.

I saw the hundreds of Taoist formations not far away, all trembling at this moment, and the surging formations within them quickly disappeared.


I saw a tall and straight figure appearing, his whole body shrouded in divine light, as if he had been transformed into light, at an unbelievably fast speed, rushing straight like a bolt of lightning, forcibly rushing into the arena, shaking the three-faced disciple's body away The supernatural power of blood protected Du Dongyu.


Du Dongyu's eyes widened, looking at the figure that suddenly appeared in front of him.

It was a human man in black clothes and black hair. His tall and straight figure was like a pillar that could support the universe through the ages.

"He... is he Xiao Ye, a disciple of the Ancient God?"

"This guy is still here!"

At this moment, the ten creatures chasing and killing Du Dongyu all had shocked expressions and recognized the person who came.

How could they not know Xiao Ye, the disciple of the ancient god who broke the barrier of the stacked period in the Reincarnation Great Forbidden Heaven?

Back then, Yu Yuchi, Du Dongyu and other top ten powerhouses of the ancient god group had risked their lives to fight against Yishen's disciples to create a chance for Xiao Ye to escape. They also heard about it.

After so many years, Xiao Ye actually appeared here?

"Brother Du Dongyu, you are still alive!"

At this moment, Xiao Ye turned around and looked at Du Dongyu, his eyes were red, revealing his true feelings.

He retreated in the Tower of Time, but also secretly activated the Chaos Spirit, and launched a guard around him. When Du Dongyu was hunted down here, he could not sit still after learning about it, and immediately appeared.

"Xiao... Junior Brother Xiao Ye?"

"Why didn't you leave?"

The next moment, Du Dongyu came back to his senses and roared angrily.

How dangerous is Xiyue Cave now? As a result, Xiao Ye hadn't left yet, if the Yishen disciples knew about it, they would definitely not let it go.

In this way, all their efforts and sacrifices back then will be in vain. How can he not be angry?

"Brother Du Dongyu..."

Facing Du Dongyu's scolding, Xiao Ye didn't take it seriously. He stared at the other party's bruised appearance, and after understanding the situation in the field, his expression became gloomy.

Among the disciples of the ancient gods, those who can possess the blood of the seven-star ancient gods are extremely rare, and those who can refine them to perfection are even rarer.

And Du Dongyu is definitely a person with great perseverance, and he did not hesitate to spend three epochs to achieve this step.

In the end, he was almost wiped out by a group of creatures who took advantage of others?

"Since we have met Xiao Ye from the ancient god group, let's take the opportunity to destroy them together!" At this moment, the ten creatures had calmed down, and they all shouted coldly, rushing towards this direction.

If they met an ancient god disciple who was comparable to Du Dongyu, they might all retreat.

But although the Xiao Ye in front of him was astonishing, after all, he had only practiced for a short time, and the ten beings joined forces, and they were not afraid at all.

"Senior Brother Du Dongyu, wait until I kill these jumping clowns, and then talk about the old days."

Facing this scene, Xiao Yeyi was not afraid, she protected Du Dongyu behind her, and stepped forward to meet him.

"Junior Brother Xiao Ye, be careful..."

Du Dongyu's expression changed slightly, and he reminded with a low growl.

However, before he finished speaking, an amazing scene happened.


Xiao Ye's whole body was filled with a purple haze, and his divine body was elevated, directly showing the body of an ancient god, stretching across the world, like a vast universe, with stars lit up.

That was the origin created by the ancient gods and the Dao of Heaven, and now it has broken through the million mark, like a million chaotic worlds stretching out, and the divine power that is swallowed up is like raging waves and raging seas, and each strand contains five kinds of energy. The Avenue of Chaos suddenly expanded towards the surroundings.

At this moment, the ten creatures rushing towards this side were just approaching, and all of them were sanguine. The weaker ones were crackling all over, like butterflies in a storm, screaming and being knocked away.

Before Xiao Ye could make a move, their divine bodies continued to shatter, their divine blood spattered, and they were severely injured.

Even the Mansion of the Three-faced God standing high in the sky was dissipated by the impact, and the most powerful disciple of the Three-faced God was also affected, as if he had fallen into a quagmire, struggling to move forward.

" is this possible!"

"How did he become so strong!"

The disciple of the three-faced god was in a daze, and a chill rushed to his mind from the soles of his feet, and his calf was cramping.

Not to mention Xiao Ye's burst of high-level divine power, even the origin of the divine rank is extremely turbulent, even much higher than him.

This completely exceeded his expectations.

"Just relying on you, dare to kill senior brother Du Dongyu? I don't know what to do!"

At this moment, a loud roar resounded through the air, and the vision of these ten creatures dimmed.

It was Xiao Ye's body of the ancient god who had already moved over, casting a large shadow and covering them.

(Second update arrives!)

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