Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 3542: The Secret of the Last Stratum


Underground of Onitsuka City, in the small chaotic world, the battle fluctuates for nine days, and the void is trembling for hundreds of millions of miles, as if it will be shattered at any time.

Fifty corpses shone brightly. They displayed their former strength and launched an impact under the control of the residual power of the Alternate Period Impact, but they were resisted by the eighty divine beast Wu Xuanlong, and they could not threaten Xiao Xiao at all. leaf.


Eighty divine beasts and black dragons roared in unison. Although the corpses of these ancient god disciples were powerful, they were shaken to pieces one after another, and they were no match at all.

For this battle, Xiao Ye didn't take it seriously at all.

He divided part of his mind and urged the divine beast Wuxuanlong from the air, and he has already rushed towards those treasures.

These treasures are indeed preserved from the last stack, and they are still well preserved after years of baptism.

A piece of divine path leaf carries many dao supernatural powers. There are several kinds of seven-star ancient god bloodline supernatural powers and super dao supernatural powers.

As for Chaos Treasures, there are all kinds of them. For example, there are many high-level Chaos Stones, which have very different effects and are extremely astonishing.

Of course, what Xiao Ye is most interested in is undoubtedly those Dao artifacts.

"There are as many as four million of these Dao artifacts in total, and almost all of them can be activated. Although the levels are different, any one of them can hurt the upper Dao gods across the stack."

"Including the 600,000 Dao artifacts left on my body, I can just make up 5 million pieces!"

After Xiao Ye checked it out, he immediately cheered up.

The first level of supernatural powers to control devices can only activate a million artifacts at the same time.

But with his years of training, even if he hasn't mastered the second level of supernatural powers, it shouldn't be a big problem to activate five million divine weapons in the future.


Xiao Ye was not polite, and collected all these treasures into the divine body.

"What else is there?"

Xiao Ye ignored the fight between Wu Xuanlong and the fifty corpses,

His eyes looked into the depths.

The corpses here are all left behind by the fall of the disciples of the ancient gods across the superimposed era, but why were they sealed in the ground of Onitsuka City by the formation?


At this moment, this small chaotic world shook, the sky and the earth were all purple, and there was a purple river of blood that was boundless, reaching everywhere, sweeping forward mightily, pressing down on Xiao Ye.

"Ancient God Shenhe?"

A bright light flashed in Xiao Ye's eyes, but he didn't move, but a beam of purple light burst out from the cap of the sky, turning into the river of ancient gods, each beam flowing with immortal divine light, and directly greeted it.


Two completely different ancient gods, Shenhe, collided fiercely, and the terrifying power burst out, forming a devastating wave and sweeping away.

In an instant, the corpses of the disciples of the ancient gods who fought with Wu Xuanlong were seen, and several of them were directly affected and exploded.


The ancient god Shenhe that was pressing on Xiao Ye was shaken away, and a huge bone claw tore through the sky, followed closely, and grabbed at the top of his head.


Xiao Ye quickly counterattacked, only to see the origins of his divine body emerge, and after these years of practice, the number has skyrocketed to as many as 1.2 million. sky.

Fists and claws collided, and there was a dull rumbling sound, but Xiao Ye's figure shook for a while, and he couldn't stop taking a few steps back.

He looked up, but saw a corpse in front of him.

This corpse is very extraordinary. Although the flesh and blood are withered, it is wearing a golden armored battle suit. The sound of the Great Dao surrounds it. It can be seen that the five threads of the Dao of Chaos are rising, and they have already entered the fifth level.

"So strong!"

Seeing this, Xiao Ye's pupils shrank immediately.

The owner of this corpse was also a disciple of the ancient god, and he judged at a glance that the other party had also become an ancient immeasurable upper Taoist god, and his strength during his lifetime was absolutely astonishing, at least on the same level as Yu Yuchi.

"Our ancient gods have a disciple like you, no wonder you can break through the blockade of Shi Gong's corpse, break through the formation, and come here!"

The corpse's eyes were shining with a monstrous purple light, and it was also looking at Xiao Ye, and said with a soft voice.


Xiao Ye didn't dare to be careless, and a dark red bead appeared in his hand, with a terrifying aura flowing on its surface.


Whoosh whoosh!

The huge body of the divine beast Wuxuanlong, which had already killed the fifty corpses to pieces, charged over and stood by its side.

Xiao Ye is also full of fighting spirit.

The corpse in front of him is truly shocking. On his own, without using the Way of Time, he is indeed not an opponent.

But he is not afraid at all.

"It's true that the waves behind the Yangtze River are pushing the waves ahead. Think of me as 'Kefu' who is in chaos, but now I am threatened by a junior brother."

Seeing this, the corpse immediately raised its head and laughed loudly, and the threads of the avenue around it disappeared.

This scene made Xiao Ye slightly taken aback.

It wasn't until this moment that he realized that the corpse in front of him hadn't been affected by the residual power of the last stack's alternation impact, and had no killing intent on him.

The attack just now was more like a temptation.

But he almost used the divine beast Wu Xuanlong to kill the opponent.

"Junior Brother Xiao Ye, meet Senior Brother Kefu!"

At that moment, Xiao Ye blushed for a while, but also withdrew his divine power, clasped his fists and saluted.

"The reason why I set up the formation and rushed here with the corpses of these junior brothers is that I don't want to become a puppet that slaughters living beings."

Kofer, the corpse in front of him, said in a low voice.

Now that he has fallen, the consciousness of his life was imprisoned in the corpse, which is indeed very sad.

"Senior Brother Kefer, in the last stack, what happened to cause so many disciples of the ancient gods to fall?"

"Could it be that there is an existence beyond the Dao God Realm, who disregarded the rules and made a move?"

Xiao Ye couldn't help asking tentatively.

In the last stack, there must have been a big change, otherwise their ancient god group, even the fifth-level upper Taoist gods, would not have all fallen.

Now that he was back on Onizuka, he was even more curious.

Yu Yuchi and other creatures naturally also participated in the massacre in the last stack, but they were not affected, otherwise they would not have lived to this day, so it is not clear.

"The last stack?"

The corpse named Kefu in front of him looked at Xiao Ye with sad eyes, but he didn't hide it, "That's because other innate gods and spirits, through the accumulation of one generation after another, appeared to inherit their own bloodlines. All the Chaos Avenues have realized the terrifying existence of the seventh level!"

"Comprehend to level seven?"

Xiao Ye was shocked all over and took a breath.

You know, according to what Yu Yuchi said, as a disciple of the top innate gods, if they want to step into the fifth level of the upper Taoist gods, they only need to comprehend the sixth level of the Chaos Dao of blood inheritance.

And the acquired spirits can comprehend the Dao of Chaos through their own blood, but they can only comprehend the seventh level at the highest.

In his opinion, this is already the limit of acquired creatures' control over the Chaos Avenue.

How strong such an existence is, he can't imagine.

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