At this moment, the creatures of the three major groups who came hand in hand all had different expressions.

"Having you is enough?"

Qu Dingyue, with fluttering red hair, had a condensed expression.

In the past, after being knocked out of his body by Xiao Ye, in order to get revenge, he ran around in the battlefield of the superimposed era, and finally led the three major groups to join forces and decided to deal with the disciples of the ancient gods together, and strangled Xiao Ye.

For this day, they plotted secretly for a long time, and arranged such a large-scale Divine Kingdom formation around them, just to prevent Xiao Ye from having any chance of life.

However, at this moment, there was no panic on Xiao Ye's face, only calmness and the courage to fight alone.

"I'd like to see what else you can do to turn the world around!" Qu Dingyue growled.

The disciples of God Yi and Bodhidharma all had cold eyes, ready to strike at any time.

"Don't worry, since you are here for Xiao, let my seniors leave here first."

"I will stay and fight with you!"

Xiao Ye stopped in the sky, faced the creatures of the three major groups, and spoke calmly.

Such a large Buddhist formation is indeed too terrifying. Once activated, these disciples of the ancient gods in front of them will definitely suffer heavy losses.


As soon as this remark came out, the eyes of the creatures of the three major groups froze.

Xiao Ye did this to put himself in danger.

"Junior Brother Xiao Ye, no!"

Yu Yuchi, Du Dongyu, Nan Yuan, Chun Mieyang and other creatures had already rushed over, and they all turned pale with shock when they heard the words.

How could they really let Xiao Ye fight alone?

"Hahaha, okay, then I will do as you say!"

At this moment, Qu Dingyue and the creatures of the three major races had already raised their heads and laughed grinningly after communicating through sound transmission.

They plotted so long,

Except for Xiao Ye, the other disciples of the ancient gods naturally didn't want to let it go, and wanted to solve it together.

And Yu Yuchi and other disciples of the ancient gods who spanned the multi-epoch were not weak. If the three groups of them joined forces, they could naturally wash them all together, but they would definitely have to bear some losses.

And let Yu Yuchi and other ancient god disciples leave first, he naturally couldn't wish for it.

After all, after solving Xiao Ye's biggest trouble, wouldn't it be much easier to deal with this group of ancient god disciples and take measures to defeat them one by one?


At this moment, a disciple of Bodhidharma came out.

His head was bald, and his whole body was bathed in the peaceful Buddha's light. As he activated his supernatural powers, all the ten thousand Buddha's bodies scattered in the surrounding space all trembled, and a channel was opened to connect to the outside battlefield.

"Senior brother Yu Yuchi, my strength has broken through, and I am sure to deal with it. You guys leave first!"

Only then did Xiao Ye turn around and look at Yu Yuchi, and said via voice transmission.


"Could it be..."

Yu Yuchi, who was in a hurry, was stunned when he heard the words, and then a storm broke out in his heart.

Hundreds of years ago, when Xiao Ye and Qu Dingyue fought against each other, they had already stood at the peak of the fourth level of the upper Taoist god.

And now, what does Xiao Ye's so-called breakthrough mean?

"it is good!"

"Junior Brother Xiao Ye, I will watch the battle from the outside. If the situation is not good, we will fight them to the death."

Yu Yuchi's expression changed several times before he finally made a decision.

If what Xiao Ye said was true, they would indeed distract Xiao Ye if they stayed.

At that moment, Yu Yuchi communicated with other disciples of the ancient god several times, passed through the passage together, and flew towards the outside world.

At this point, the superimposed battlefield in the outside world has already boiled.

The surviving creatures, already alarmed by the news of these three groups joining forces, came one after another to watch the battle from afar.


When the disciples of the ancient gods headed by Yu Yuchi appeared in the outside world, they immediately looked at them with amazed eyes.

"Yu Yuchi, Junior Brother Xiao Ye's strength has really broken through?"

However, these disciples of the ancient gods didn't care about the turmoil in the outside world, and hurriedly sent voice transmissions to inquire.

Ku Mie Ji, Nan Yuan and other ancient god disciples also stared at Yu Yuchi with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Their ancient god disciples had a great bloodline advantage, but it was also more difficult to break through to the fifth level of the upper Taoist gods.

Hundreds of years ago, Xiao Ye was still lacking in comprehending the five avenues of chaos to the fifth level, but now he has achieved it?

This news, let alone them, even if the innate gods heard it, they would not be able to sit still.

Because it is simply impossible!

Facing the inquiries from these ancient god disciples, Yu Yuchi could only respond in silence.

Because of this news, it was also a dream for him!

If he hadn't seen Xiao Ye's confidence, he would never have left like this.


at the same time.

The area covered by the ten thousand Buddha bodies has been closed again.

boom! boom! boom!

And with the urging of Bodhidharma's disciples, the ten thousand Buddha bodies all over the void shook together, flowing out of burning patterns, and the Buddha's voice was mighty, directly evolving into a super Buddha kingdom, directly suppressing this area.

In an instant—


Looking around, I can see that everything in this area bursts out with dazzling light, from the big Chaos God Star to the small flowers and grass, they are all forcibly decomposed, returning to the original, and nothing exists.

As for Xiao Ye, he was the first to bear the brunt.

He snorted, the divine body has been shrouded by blazing light, is being shrouded by the Buddha Kingdom array, and is about to be disintegrated by the feather.


In Xiao Yeshen's body, a huge purple crystal could be seen beating, bursting out a powerful beating.

This is the eruption of the power of the bloodline of the seven-star ancient gods. It has already been tempered to surpass Dacheng, but it cannot resist the power of the big formation.

Something even worse happened.

The creatures of the three major groups have all moved towards Xiao Ye, and their bodies erupted with magical fluctuations.

"Xiao Ye, are you ready to die?"

Qu Dingyue, whose body was so blue that it covered the sky, couldn't sit still, and was the first to strike.

He was traveling through the space, and he was the first to kill.

"Even though you have the ability to defy the sky, you are still a creature of this superimposed age, and you will definitely die this time!"

Qu Dingyue roared furiously, the space around her was distorted, urging the hands of space, and slapped Xiao Ye viciously, venting the killing intent in her heart.


The big hand of space covered the sky and covered the sun, and it was said to be indestructible. It fell directly, and even pierced Xiao Ye directly, causing a bloody glow.


At this moment, not only Qu Dingyue, but also the other creatures of the three major races felt a little unbelievable.

The formation of the Buddha Kingdom arranged by the Bodhidharma group is indeed terrifying.

But Xiao Ye is not simple, he has many methods, and he can fight against the strong who have stepped into the fifth level of the upper Taoist god.

Now it's so easy to be killed by Qu Dingyue's palm?


It seems a little too easy.

"Qu Dingyue, be careful, this is not Xiao Ye's real body!"

At this moment, a low voice came.

It was the powerful man in the blue cloak among the Taishen group, who was roaring in warning.


Qu Dingyue looked up, her expression changed drastically.

I saw that the 'Xiao Ye' who had been blasted turned into a figure with a metallic luster. At this moment, he was blown to pieces and lost his charm.

However, this is just a Chaos Soul!

(First update!)

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