Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 910: Scary Red Robe Woman

The warriors who watched the battle were all horrified!

In the collision just now, Xiao Ye seemed to be on equal terms with Chi Yan Tianjiao!

But in fact, Xiao Ye's situation is very bad.

With his current cultivation base and the heaven-defying skills of the Four Emperors, he can barely display the four emperor-level combat skills, but he can't help Chiyan Tianjiao. If the duel continues, he will undoubtedly lose.

Outsiders don't know, but Xiao Ye himself knows it very well.

However, he didn't flinch in the slightest!

You Chiyan Tianjiao want to fight, then I, Xiao Ye, will accompany you to fight, even if you lose, you must lose frankly!

Warriors, only after experiencing the baptism of various battles and washing away all their lead, can they reach a higher level.


At this moment, Chiyan Tianjiao stepped repeatedly in the void, with an incomparably violent aura, and crushed towards Xiao Ye with an incomparable aura.

"Emperor-level combat skills, Prisoner Sky Finger!"

Xiao Ye's whole body was lifted to the peak, and he raised the remaining power of Wang Wu fusion, ready to activate another emperor-level combat skill, and once again started a duel with Chi Yan Tianjiao.

But at this moment——


A flamboyant jade hand appeared, and with just a slight wave in the void, the space was distorted immediately, and an invisible wall of energy appeared in front of the berserk Chiyan Tianjiao.

At the same time, the space in all directions was crazily suppressed, rolling towards Chiyan Tianjiao, making his expression distorted instantly, his figure was forced to stop in the void, and was imprisoned in place. In his eyes, There was a flash of fear.

"what happened?"

Seeing this sudden change, Xiao Ye's pupils suddenly shrank.

What level of powerhouse can subdue Chiyan Tianjiao with a single palm, it is simply terrifying.

The next moment, the hairs all over Xiao Ye's body stood on end, staring at a beautiful figure in a red robe that appeared between him and Chi Yan Tianjiao.

It was a beautiful,

A young woman who charms all living beings.

She looks extremely young, as if she is in her twenties, her long ink-like hair hangs down, her skin is as creamy, her body is slender and hot, she looks beautiful, her delicate face has no flaws, just like that without fireworks Tasteful, floating above the sky.

Just looking at it casually made the blood in Xiao Ye's body boil.

Xiao Ye was shocked, and a sense of crisis swept over his whole body, making him feel cold all over.

The woman didn't release any breath, and he didn't even notice when she appeared. If the other party wanted to attack him, they would have succeeded long ago.

"Hey, Chi Yan, I haven't seen you for a long time. Your temper is still so hot. If you don't agree with me, you will take someone's life. This is a bit humiliating to your identity!" With a light all over, the suppression was lifted.

The woman's chuckle, heard in Chi Yan Tianjiao's ears, seemed to be urging him to die, making his face turn green on the spot, and beads of sweat like soybeans flowed down on the spot, and he didn't dare to refute a word, yes Looking at the woman, she lowered her head.

In the inner domain, he is not afraid of heaven and earth, but among his peers, he is only afraid of this woman.

Originally arrogant and domineering, Chi Yan Tianjiao, who had a murderous intent towards Xiao Ye, was actually scared like a kitten in front of a woman, which made everyone dumbfounded, with disbelief all over their faces.


"I was very relieved to hear that you went out to practice and confront the geniuses of those hidden forces."

"I didn't expect you to be as timid as before. You didn't dare to speak when you saw me. What a disappointment."

"But forget it, I came here on behalf of my master, the duel between you and Xiao Ye is over, now you can leave on your own, or I will take action and send you away."

The red-robed woman shook her head helplessly, stretched her waist lazily, revealing her seductive curves, attracting countless fiery eyes from all around, she said lightly.


"I'll go by myself, I'll go by myself!"

Hearing the red-robed woman's words, Chi Yan Tianjiao seemed to be pardoned, his figure turned into a flame, turned around and ran away, wishing he could teleport away, and shocked all the eyes.

"Hehe, I'm really useless." Seeing this, the red-robed woman covered her mouth again and became petite. The next moment she stopped laughing, she looked at Xiao Ye with her beautiful eyes.

"Xiao Ye, your strength is still so-so, and you have met the requirements of the master. Are you going to follow me by yourself, or should I knock you unconscious and take you away?" The red-robed woman gently Said.

Depend on!

This was the first word that came to Xiao Ye's mind after hearing this woman's words.

This woman looks delicate and charming, but she is so violent.

But judging from Chiyan Tianjiao's reaction, this woman is probably very scary, definitely not something he can match. The most important thing is that he can't see through this woman at all, and the other party didn't even release a trace of breath.

"Girl, I don't know where you want to take me?" Xiao Ye took a deep breath and asked politely.

In fact, he was still confused.

This red-robed woman suddenly appeared, forced him to end the duel with Chiyan Tianjiao, and even took him away, any normal person would be puzzled.

"Why do you have so many questions? You'll know if you don't come with me."

"Could it be that you are a man, and you are afraid that you will not be eaten by a woman?"

Hearing this, the red-robed woman gave Ye Xiao a blank look, and her every move was charming to Tian Cheng, making Xiao Ye's breathing heavy again.

Xiao Ye smiled wryly, it seemed that he was really unlucky today.

In the fierce battle with Chiyan Tianjiao, he has already exhausted a lot, and he can't beat this woman, but it would be too embarrassing to follow the other party and leave because of a word from the other party.

"Junior Brother Xiao Ye, agree quickly and leave with her. This woman must be from the Inner Region, maybe she was sent by the Elder's Pavilion in the Inner Region to arrange for you." At this moment, Zhou An sent a voice transmission to Ye Xiao, There was a hint of excitement in the voice.

Xiao Ye was shocked when he heard the words, and immediately woke up.

That's right!

This woman is most likely sent by the elders' pavilion in the inner domain!

"Hey, hey, let me tell you, have you made up your mind? If you delay any longer, I can knock you unconscious and drag you away. My girl, I hate waiting for others." At this moment, the red-robed woman urged impatiently. .

"Okay, I'll go with you." Xiao Ye smiled helplessly.

If the other party was sent by the elders' pavilion in the inner domain, then he would have to go there.

"Okay, then come with me." The red-robed woman nodded in satisfaction, flung her delicate body, and flew forward, while Xiao Ye hurriedly followed.

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