Martial Cultivator

Chapter 640: Just a game of chess

Taifu Wei is dead.

The teacher of Emperor Taizong, an old man who should have disappeared into the long river of history, finally returned to the dust tonight.

Emperor Daliang did not look at Taifu Wei's fallen body, but looked at the already embarrassed Dean of Tianyuyuan, with no much emotion in his eyes.

The dean of Tianyuyuan is extremely regretful at this moment. Before tonight, the head of the Wei family told him countless times what would happen and what the consequences would be. He also chose to believe it. But looking at it now, those stories turned out to be all fake.

That wonderful future only exists in the words of the head of the Wei family, not in reality.

"Your Majesty..." .🅆.

The dean of Tianyuyuan was silent for a moment, somewhat unwilling to speak.

The head of the Wei family shouted angrily: "Fellow Taoist, don't get distracted. It's true that Chen Che can kill people, but do you really think he will kill people so easily? Killing my ancestor of the Wei family will definitely consume a lot of money for him. If you persist, friend Taoist, In a moment, I will come to help you after I kill this eunuch!"

Seeing that the dean of Tianyuyuan was shaken, the head of the Wei family was also very anxious. Taifu Wei was dead. If he surrendered without a fight at this moment, it would be hard to tell the story after tonight, but he and the Wei family were afraid that they would be destroyed here in an instant.

Originally, they had gathered countless Wangyou strong men. No matter how many strong men there were on Emperor Liang's side, they could handle it. The final situation must be that three people surrounded and killed one person. However, they did not expect that there was still one person in the imperial city who had not been there all this time. Li Heng's appearance disrupted their plans.

Three people surrounded and killed one person, which turned into two people surrounding and killing one person. Moreover, the dean of Tianyuyuan was conserving his strength from the beginning, which led to such a situation.

Wei could foresee that they were now in the most dangerous situation.

If he can't get rid of Li Heng, the dean of Tianyuyuan will definitely die at the hands of Emperor Daliang. When Emperor Daliang frees up his hands to take action with Li Heng, then he will be nothing more than a dead man.

Death is not terrible, what is terrible is that you are destined to die.

Just when the dean of Tianyuyuan was about to speak, an infinite pressure fell down. The Emperor of Daliang, who had been looking ordinary before, seemed to suddenly rise ten thousand feet tall, like a big mountain standing between heaven and earth. People feel a great sense of oppression.

The dean of Tianyuyuan was hesitant just now about whether to resist, but now he suddenly felt such pressure. In just a moment, his Taoist heart began to sway. This was almost fatal to a strong man who had forgotten all his worries. blow.

Just when he lost his mind, the Emperor of Liang said with some indifference: "I treat you well. You eat my salary, but you can't keep you by doing such things!"

As the voice fell, Emperor Daliang waved his sleeves, and countless majestic qi forces were already suppressing him. Many Wangyou got the instructions from the head of the Wei family and wanted to block this attack on behalf of the dean of Tianyuyuan, but he did not expect that Before that qi machine, their Taoist skills had just been displayed, and they were torn apart by the qi machine mercilessly. They were also the strongest people in the world, but in front of that qi machine, there was nothing they could do.

All he could do was watch the qi machine move forward like a piece of cake.

The dean of Tianyuyuan was the first to bear the brunt, but he soon came to his senses and began to deal with it. Countless bright rays of light surged out from his fingertips, crashing into the qi machine with the aura of dominating the world at extremely fast speeds.

The qi machines of the two powerful men met here, and suddenly exploded in mid-air, and then layers of qi machines could be seen swinging away with the naked eye. The already somewhat broken square was once again affected by these powerful qi machines, and all the strong men present were shocked. You can see ripples visible to the naked eye in mid-air.

The sea of ​​clouds in the night sky also parted at this moment, revealing the bright moon that had been hidden all night.

The moonlight shone down, coating Emperor Liang's whole body with a silvery glow, making him look like a god from the nine heavens.


Dean Tianyuyuan suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and his face became extremely pale, as if he had been seriously injured in an instant.

Those bright brilliance didn't know what they encountered, they were broken and disappeared.

Under the moonlight, Emperor Daliang looked at the dean of Tianyuyuan who had been promoted by him with no expression on his face.

The head of the Wei family looked at the scene here with an extremely sad expression on his face.

The dean of Tianyuyuan was defeated.

He knew that the opponent would lose, but he didn't expect that the opponent would lose so quickly.

The head of the Wei family knew that after the defeat of the dean of the Tianyuyuan, it would be his turn next. Tonight's plan seemed to have fallen short, but he was still not willing to accept it, and was thinking desperately about the promise someone made to him. .

Emperor Daliang came to the dean of Tianyuyuan. The body in imperial robes looked very majestic. On the other hand, the dean of Tianyuyuan looked so small.

"This is impossible……"

The dean of Tianyuyuan murmured to himself. He was also at the end of Wangyou. No matter what, he never imagined that not only was he no match for the Emperor of Liang in front of him, he even had almost no power to resist.

There is a difference between Wangyou and Wangyou, and there is also a difference between Wangyou End and Wangyou End, but how can there be such a big gap?

He is already standing on the top of the mountain. Could it be that a figure like Emperor Liang has already gone above the sea of ​​clouds?

"The worst betrayal in my life is betrayal, so I will not only kill you, but I will also leave you with nothing before you die."

Emperor Daliang looked at the dean of Tianyuyuan in front of him, his eyes emotionless, but in an instant, a terrifying aura poured into the dean of Tianyuyuan's body, destroying all his acupoints in just an instant.

This strong man who had practiced hard for many years and finally reached this level was in inexplicable pain at this moment.

"No...Your Majesty..."

He struggled to beg for mercy. His cultivation was hard-earned and no one was willing to give it up. But at this moment, his fate was no longer in his hands.

\u003e How many people in the world can defy the will of the man in front of me?

The dean of Tianyuyuan didn't know, but he didn't have the ability to disobey anyway.

Seeing the energy in Dean Tianyuyuan's body drain away little by little, Emperor Liang suddenly felt a little bored, so he stretched out his hand and ended his life.

By now, the two Wangyou had died in the imperial city.

Those Wangyou strongmen who were still alive looked at that stalwart man and didn't know what they were thinking, but they must be very scared.

Emperor Liang didn't do anything, he just waved.

Someone came out of the hall, carrying a chair.

If that chair were placed anywhere outside the main hall, no one would think it was anything, but if it was in the main hall, it would mean a lot of things.

This world, this throne, is all about this chair.

Emperor Liang returned to the front of the hall and sat down slowly.

Some monks emerged from all around and started to take action.

Those Wangyou strong men who poured into the Imperial City tonight, no matter what their purpose is, as long as they appear here tonight, they will have no chance to leave.

Many people will die tonight, and those who die will be the strongest people in the world.

Such a story is destined to have a very strong mark in the annals of history.

But Emperor Liang knew very well that the Wei family, the biggest ghost in thousands of years and the deepest hidden ghost, was actually not important at all tonight.

They were just the ones who pushed open the door, and were not even qualified to go inside and take a look.

Those who are truly qualified to walk through that door have not yet come.

Emperor Liang looked at the people who were fighting and was silent for a long time. Then he rubbed his brow and raised his head to look at the night sky.

The scenery tonight is not bad, but unfortunately the woman next to him has been gone for a long time.

In the academy.

The dean looked at Wei Xu kneeling at the door of the small courtyard, with extremely complicated emotions in his eyes.

Suddenly, he turned his head and looked into the distance. There were many powerful auras coming from the imperial city, and many stories had happened there.

The dean wanted to leave here, but he couldn't.

He knew that after he left here, Wei Xu in front of him would die.

Maybe he didn't want to stop himself with his own death, but wanted to find a peaceful reason to die for himself.

Even his student had been prepared to die long ago. He could end his life just waiting for him to leave.

Among his many students, only Wei Xu has been with him the longest, so he knows his student very well, but how can the dean bear to watch him die after being with him for such a long time.

He had no heirs, so he regarded every student as his own child.

Parents cannot help but watch their children die.

The dean sighed.


Suddenly, a voice sounded in the dark night, and a figure came here carrying a lantern.

It is Zhou Gouqi who comes from Weizhou.

This scholar who had been away from the divine capital for several years, if not counting that time when he came to see the princess, could only be considered his real return at this moment.

Wei Xu also heard this voice and became a little distracted.

The dean looked at Zhou Gouqi standing outside the small courtyard holding a lantern with a complicated expression, not knowing what to say.

Zhou Gouqi looked at Wei Xu who was kneeling outside the courtyard gate and said softly: "Junior brother Wei."

After all, they are all from the same school.

We used to study together, discuss Taoism together, and play chess together.

At that time, the fight between the two was a fight between gentlemen.

Just like he and Xie Nandu are now.

Wei Xu didn't say anything. He didn't even look at Zhou Gouqi because he really didn't know how to face his fellow disciple.

The Zhou family died at the hands of the Wei family.

Zhou Gouqi was not in a hurry, just looked at the dean and said: "Teacher, this is a matter between the disciple and Junior Brother Wei. The teacher should go where the teacher should go."

The dean said: "Where is the place I should go to?"

Zhou Gouqi smiled and said: "Since the teacher is a scholar, how come he doesn't know what he should do?"

Tonight, the Liang Dynasty is facing the biggest test in more than two hundred years. If His Majesty the Emperor dies, then the world will change, and it will be a great change.

The dean was silent.

"It is true that the academy has no affiliation with Daliang, but I'm afraid there will never be a majesty like you, and there will never be a Daliang like him again. Since we are reading books from sages, why don't we do something?"

Zhou Gouqi said calmly, "As for Junior Brother Wei, I don't think he will think about death so soon. We have a lot to talk about after so many years of grievances."

After saying this, Zhou Gouqi looked at the dean, waiting for his teacher's choice.

The dean did not express his position, but simply asked: "What else do you want to do tonight?"

"Naturally, let's see who is coming to kill His Majesty, and then stand by His Majesty's side."

Zhou Gouqi didn't hesitate and spoke calmly, as if he was talking about something trivial.

"Wei is a ghost

, but it is not the most important thing tonight. "

The dean looked at Zhou Gouqi and said, "You are very likely to die tonight."

Emperor Liang has reached this stage. There are many people who want to kill him, but not many who can kill him. If someone really makes up his mind to kill him, the people who come tonight will definitely be the most powerful people in the world. One of the people.

Zhou Wolfberry has just reached the end of Wangyou. He may be on par with the head of the Wei family, or even worse. In such a situation, it is not very effective.

"Is it to repay a favor?"

The dean looked at his student and asked.

Zhou Gouqi shook his head and said with some emotion: "How can someone like Your Majesty make people not want to follow him?"

The dean was a little silent when he heard this. He originally thought that his student would become more worldly after what he had experienced, but he did not expect that he would always be the same Zhou Xianshan, so ideal.

The dean stopped talking and just walked out of the courtyard. He did not stop beside Wei Xu, but came to Zhou Gouqi's side before stopping. .🅆.

Zhou Gouqi said: "Don't worry, sir."

After hearing this, the dean said: "I hope I can really rest assured."

After saying this, the scholar leader left here.

Only Zhou Gouqi and Wei Xu were left here.

Zhou Gouqi walked into the small courtyard and came to where the dean was sitting. He poured out two bowls of wine and then said with a smile: "Junior Brother Wei, there is no point in holding back some words. We have some time tonight, so we can talk One thing to say.”

Wei Xu didn't say anything, but stood up, silently walked to sit across from Zhou Gouqi.

It has been a long time since these two fellow disciples have sat opposite each other like this.

Before that incident, the relationship between the two could not be said to be excellent, but at least it was not bad. Now that they are sitting opposite each other, times have changed.

"I remember that the last game of chess was not finished yet. I wonder if there is a chance to finish the unfinished game now?"

Zhou Gouqi looked at Wei Xu with a smile, and then stretched out his fingers to trace across the table. Between the crisscrosses, a chessboard landed on it.

Wei Xu looked at the chessboard and remained silent.

However, Zhou Gouqi had already clicked many places on the chessboard based on his memory, and chess pieces naturally appeared where he clicked.

Wei Xu also stretched out his hand and left many chess pieces behind.

Both of them are the most amazing scholars in the world. They can clearly remember the chess game even a few years ago.

This is not a problem.

Zhou Gouqi glanced at the chessboard and said: "I had the upper hand in the situation back then, but I haven't played chess in these years, so I think my chess skills are no longer as good as yours. After all, you are in the capital of the gods, and you can still compete with Junior Brother Su from time to time."

Su Yi is also the dean's disciple, and perhaps the best chess player in the world.

"If we are tied together, I'm afraid none of us can be a match for Junior Brother Su."

Zhou Gouqi sighed with emotion and said with a smile: "It's true that I haven't seen him in many years."

Wei Xu looked pale and tried to open his mouth several times, but couldn't say anything.

Zhou Gouqi said: "There are many things in life that are difficult to choose, but you still have to choose. But no matter how you choose, don't make it difficult for yourself, otherwise you will be like Junior Brother Wei now, confused."

Wei Xu suddenly said: "In this situation, if it were you, what would you choose?"

Zhou Gouqi glanced at Wei Xu and said calmly: "Of course I have to stop him. If I can't stop him, I will die in his hands."

"Do you really want to give up the things in your blood?"

Wei Xu was a little confused, his eyes were full of confusion.

"Didn't that boy named Chen Chao just kill his brother? Why do you think he killed him?"

Zhou Gouqi said: "Of course it's about right and wrong, nothing else."

Wei Xu listened to Chen Chao's name and was silent for a long time before saying, "He is indeed a person that is incomprehensible."

Zhou Gouqi said: "Actually, it's easy to understand. It's just that right and wrong are more important in his mind than many other things."

"Wei Xu, you are not a bad person, you can even be said to be a good person, but you are too cowardly. You must know that in such a big matter, a cowardly person cannot make the right choice, and your choice will not matter. To a large extent, it will bring huge consequences, and by the way, it should be my turn.”

Zhou Gouqi stretched out his hand to place the piece on the chessboard and said with a smile: "You have thought well and stopped Sir. Then His Majesty will be alone and helpless and will die in your hands tonight. But in fact, since the Wei family has been a ghost for so many years, he has already died." It illustrates a truth, that is, you are not important, at least give up, you are the first to be given up."

Wei Xu said: "They are all chess pieces."

He also lost one piece.

"But you still did something wrong, that is, you were willing to stay on the chessboard as a pawn. I'm afraid the teacher's hesitation over the years is also because of this."

Zhou Wolfberry seems to be smiling but not smiling.

"I don't deserve to be the dean."

Wei Xu was very calm, but the emotions in his eyes showed that he didn't know whether he was calm or not.

Zhou Gouqi said: "The academy is a spiritual sect and a place where a group of scholars gather. In this case, whoever can be the sect leader may not necessarily be the dean, because in addition to seeking the survival of the academy, we also have to uphold the sage from generation to generation. It’s passed down right or wrong, so it seems that junior sister is a good candidate.”

Wei Xu said nothing.

Zhou Gouqi sighed and looked at his junior brother. In fact, there was no grudge between them. He already knew about all that but Wei Xu did not.


r\u003e  Now, as my junior brother, I am just trying to make a trap.

"My surname is Wei after all."

Wei Xu looked at Zhou Gouqi and said, "I owe you a lot."

Zhou Gouqi smiled and was not prepared to say more. He just reached out and dropped another chess piece and said: "I know you are begging for death. Death in my hands may be your best way to escape. Let's do this. This game Chess, if you beat me, I will satisfy you."

"The grudge between us only exists tonight, only in this game of chess."

Zhou Gouqi looked at the night in the distance.

Nothing more was said.

The sounds in the imperial city gradually died down.

The head of the Wei family collapsed on the ground, his face pale.

Blood was flowing under Li Heng's clothes, dripping to the ground.

The head of the chamberlain defeated the head of the Wei family in front of him. Although he paid a huge price, it was still worth it to him.

He looked at the head of the Wei family, and he didn't know when a knife appeared in his hand.

He had cut off Zhao Sanbao's flesh piece by piece before, and now he also wanted to cut off the Wei family head's flesh.

I don’t know the difference between the flesh of the strong man at the end of Wangyou and the flesh of ordinary people.

But Li Heng knew that the head of the Wei family would live longer and suffer more.

The head of the Wei family was a little confused. The plan tonight was actually going very well. Except for the variable that he didn't know about Li Heng, everything else was pretty good. At least the dean didn't appear here.

But he still lost.

In fact, it is nothing more than planning, but it is not strong enough.

It's not that he isn't strong enough, it's that Emperor Liang is too strong.

Such a gap is difficult to resolve through planning.

The head of the Wei family smiled helplessly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Emperor Liang suddenly looked ahead.

In the night, a young man carrying a lantern came here.

He was wearing a black shirt and holding a white head in his hand.

There was some blood on his face, but more in his hair. The blood had condensed and he could not continue to fall.

After arriving at the square, he threw out the white head.

Emperor Daliang, who was sitting on the dragon throne, looked at Chen Chao in front of him and said with a smile: "What did you do?"

Chen Chao said: "Kill people."

All the masters of the Wei family arrived in the imperial city.

So what about the rest?

Naturally in the ancestral home of the Wei family.

"I entered through the middle door and killed everyone I saw. I don't know how many I killed."

Chen Chao was a little tired. There were no innocent people in the Wei family, and even Wei Xu could hardly be called innocent.

Emperor Liang said: "You are more straightforward."

Chen Chao shook his head, "I don't like killing people."

Emperor Daliang knew what it meant, so he didn't say much. He just waved and said, "Come, stand next to me."

Chen Chao did not hesitate and walked over holding a lantern.

Just when he walked to Emperor Liang's side, it was almost dawn.

So Chen Chao blew out the lantern.

Emperor Liang said: "Sometimes I really think you are my son."

Chen Chao smiled and said: "Uncle, he is also a father."

There was a middle-aged Taoist who came down from the mountain one day and came all the way to the capital of gods.

There are many Taoists in the world, but no one is more important than him.

He is the master of a Taoist temple, the leader of a Taoist sect, and one of the most effective people in the world.

Of course, apart from these dazzling names, he is also a very powerful monk.

He became famous many years ago, and then reached the end of Wangyou. For many years, he continued to walk on that path of spiritual practice.

I don’t know how fast or slow it is, but I’m always moving forward.

In the early years, he occasionally took action and killed some evil masters. In the later years, there were not many people worthy of his action, so he did not take action frequently and stayed in the Taoist temple.

Look at the morning glow, the sunset glow, the Taoist ancestor's handwritten notes, and the Taoist teachings in the scripture collection pavilion.

A few years ago, someone asked him to go and see someone. He didn't care about the people who invited him, but he was somewhat interested in that person, so he went to see him anyway.

Later, he saw the man again and felt that the man was terrible, so he thought about how to kill him.

Now, he knew that he couldn't kill that person, so he made some preparations, and then set out from the view to prepare to kill.

Over the years, none of the people he wanted to kill survived, and he thought this time would be no exception.

But that person is very difficult to kill.

So when he left, he thought about many things.

Until now, he had finished thinking about those things, it was almost dawn, and he also saw the majestic city.

Looking at the city, the Taoist smiled, then came to the gate, and the gate fell down.

He wanted to kill, never in a sneaky way.

So I entered through the city gate, passed through the entire divine city, and then entered the palace. It was just dawn at that time.

It's dawn, which is a good time to kill.


For this plot recently, I try to write as long chapters as possible, unless I have to break it off, but if the chapters are long, there won’t be many chapters.

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