"Xiaoxi is back, come in quickly, let the concubine take a good look.

A woman's voice came from inside the bamboo house.

"Mother, sister is back." The little girl first jumped into Xue Wuxi's arms, and then ran in with a pair of short legs, shouting loudly.

Xue Wuxi walked in, followed by Lu Qi.

The inside of the bamboo building is a little different from the outside, there is no maid or anything.

"Mother likes to be clean, so my father built this bamboo building for her in the palace." Chong Wuxi explained as she walked.

Soon the two walked into the bamboo building.

The first thing I saw was a woman in white.

His appearance is five points similar to that of Xue Wuxi.

The snow-dancing Little Sister is beside her at this time.

Lu Qi was slightly taken aback.

Xue Wuxi's mother exuded an extremely strong bookish air all over her body.

It doesn't look like a merchant born or a nobleman in the palace at all.

It looks like a gentleman who has read a lot of poetry and books.

Looking around again, all the eyes are all kinds of books.

"Mom, I'm back today.

Xue Wuxi stepped forward and hugged her mother's arm affectionately, acting like a little girl.

"Just come back, who is this?" The imperial concubine stroked Xue Wuxi's smiling face, then turned to look at Lu Qi.

"Lu Qi, I have seen the imperial concubine."

Lu Qi reported his family name and saluted the imperial concubine.

"Mother, this is my junior brother. He is here to help me participate in Naibi." Chong Stage also said at this time.

As soon as the words came out, the imperial concubine suddenly became much more cordial: "Oh! It turns out that they are Wushang's disciples, and they are all from her own family. Don't call me the imperial concubine anymore. You can call me Aunt Qing as long as you are innocent. Several of my apprentices call me that.

No injury?

They are so acquainted, is there some story between the Master and the concubine?

Lu Qi's thoughts were suddenly twisted.

It seems that he has seen through Lu Qi's thoughts.

When the imperial concubine flicked in the air, Lu Qi felt a pain in his forehead.

"What are you thinking about, you little brat? I watched Wushang grow up, and it was because of this relationship that I made Xi'er worship him as a teacher."

As soon as these words came out, Lu Qi knew that he was different, but the master was already a thousand years old, and the concubine actually watched him grow up, so at this age...


Just halfway through the thought, Lu Xiao covered his forehead again.

Looking up, I saw the young concubine's expression on her face.

I'll go, could it be that the imperial concubine can read minds.

"I don't know how to read minds." The imperial concubine said directly: "But when the Cultivation Base reaches the Celestial Realm, it can slightly perceive other people's thoughts. You boy, you are so close to writing your thoughts on your face. Can I read them?" come out."

Xue Wuxi kept covering her mouth and giggling beside her.

It seems that this result has been known for a long time.

Lu Xiao hurriedly apologized with a smile: "Aunt Qing, Junior knew he was wrong."

Terrible, this is a strong Celestial Realm.

However, after such a small episode, everyone suddenly became familiar with it.

It is not an exaggeration to say that they are relatives.

With the relationship of Master, Lu Zi is not restrained at all.

Chatted with Aunt Qing for a while.

Only then did Lu Qi learn a lot about her relationship with the Master.

Aunt Qing was good friends with Master's parents when she was young.

However, due to an accident, Master's parents passed away early, and Master was still in his infancy at that time.

Aunt Qing raised him.

Later he was sent to the Canglan Sect.

This is how the present Jin Wushang came about.

Speaking of which, Aunt Qing is the adoptive mother of the Master.

Later, Aunt Qing left Canglan and came to Beizhou to make a living, and met the current Emperor Tianfeng.

At that time, Emperor Tianfeng was only a prince, and the two of them could be regarded as close friends.

Aunt Qing helped Tianfeng Emperor a lot.

Although in the Tianfeng Dynasty, Aunt Qing was not the empress, but in this palace, even the empress had to give her three points.

Of course, it has a lot to do with the strength of her own Celestial Realm.

There are more than three thousand emperors in the harem, but there is only one concubine in Celestial Realm, Aunt Qing.

Several people chatted for about an hour.

It wasn't until it was getting late that Aunt Qing called someone to take Lu Qi down to rest.

Then she called Xue Wuxi to her side.

"Mother, I see that you have been a little absent-minded today. Is there something wrong with the royal competition this time?"

There was Lu Qi just now, so it was inconvenient for Xue Wuxi to ask.

Now that Lu Qi was leaving, Tuan asked the doubts in his heart.

"En." Aunt Qing nodded.

"What's wrong? Could it be that you are worried about Little Sister."

Xue Wuxi thought.

Her Little Sister is only eight years old, and to be honest, it is really unfair to Little Sister to participate in the royal competition.

With Little Sister's aptitude, if he was at his age and participated in Nebi, he would definitely be able to win the championship.

It's a pity that the rules are like this, due to luck, there is nothing you can do if you are unlucky.

"Not only you Little Sister, but also you." Aunt Qing said.

"Don't worry, mother, I'm already at the peak of the Divine Stage Realm. As long as I practice with the Enlightenment Stage during this period of time, I will definitely be able to break through to the Brightness Realm. At that time, I dare not say that I will be the first, at least the top three will be sure." Xue Xue Wu Xi said confidently.

She knows most of the Tianjiao disciples of the royal family, so she still has this confidence.

Unexpectedly, Aunt Qing said: "This time it's different, and I don't know why your father is so mad that he changed the rules of Nebi this time and canceled the personal battle.

There was a whiff of complaint in his tone.

"What, canceled the personal battle?" Xue Wuxi said in surprise.

"Well, this matter was just announced two days ago, but you are already on your way back, so I didn't notify you." Aunt Qing said.

"What's going on here?" Xue Wuxi asked quickly.

"Your father said that individual battles are boring and you can't see the real strength of the royal children, so you ask all the royal children to participate in the team battle together, and the winner will be determined in one battle.

Aunt Qing was really dissatisfied.

Individual battles are fine, they are all internal competitions among the royal family, and they are held in public. Even if some people want to, they dare not make a deadly move.

But group battles are different, they are usually held somewhere in a secret realm.

Even if the safety measures are in place, there will still be many casualties in each session.

How could she let her two children participate with confidence?

She has a special status in the palace. Although she is not an empress, her power is not below that of an empress.

Said that she wanted to live in a cleaner place, Dijun immediately demolished the original palace, and built this bamboo building for her.

Regardless of the fact that this is a bamboo building, every single bead in it can be called Heavenly and Mortal Treasures.

Just take one out and sell it, and you can exchange it for a treasure or something.

It is precisely because of this that there are many people in the palace who are jealous of her.

But she is the Celestial Realm Cultivation Base, no matter how unaccustomed she is, these people in the harem have to endure it.

But this time it's different, after entering the secret realm, people outside can't see what's going on inside.

Even if someone attacked her two daughters, she would not know.

This is not unfounded worry.

is definitely going to happen.

She knows how many people she has offended over the years.

Back then, her temper was not as good as it is now. Whoever dares to offend her will definitely serve Mao with an iron fist.

May I ask which concubine in the harem has not been favored by her.

But after giving birth to a child in these years, I felt that I had to cultivate myself and read more books, so I gradually lost my temper.

Alas, thinking of this, Aunt Qing's headache grew more and more. .

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