There is no need to worry about whether the puppet is smart or not.

After getting acquainted with the door of the room, Lu Qi and the two did not rest directly.

Instead, he started to walk around the entire flying boat.

The entire airship is divided into five areas.

The bottom two floors should be the cabin and driving area, except for the staff on the airship, passengers are not allowed to enter.

As for the other three floors, there are not so many restrictions. Each floor is divided into several small parts for accommodation, entertainment, and food.

The only difference is the price point.

The ticket price is just the ticket price, and does not include food or other services.

If you want to enjoy other benefits, you have to pay extra.

Of course, if you bring your own food, you can also eat what you bring.

The staff will not force everyone to consume.

It's just that the food on the flying boat is all produced in the Star Sea. Even a bowl of Common rice contains sufficient vitality of heaven and earth.

No, it is no longer on the ground.

The vitality of heaven and earth also needs to be changed.

It is Spiritual Qi.

But any food on the flying boat, if you put it in Weiyang Realm, it also belongs to the existence of Heavenly and Mortal Treasures.

Definitely a bargain to be able to get something like this with Spirit Stones.

But these things are also really expensive.

There are thousands of Spirit Stones for any bowl of rice.

If you order two more special dishes, it will be over ten thousand.

This is not something ordinary people can afford.

I don't know if it's just the price in Feizhou, or it's the same price in Taiyin Academy.

If the price of goods in Taiyin Academy is so high, then the more than nine million Spirit Stones on Lu Qi's body are really not many at all.

In addition to these Spirit Stones, the airship also provides passengers with services such as hot springs and practice rooms.

Of course it can't be Common's hot springs or training rooms.

There is plenty of Spiritual Qi in those things.

It is of great help to Practitioner.

After turning around for several hours, Lu Qi tried everything that could be tried first.

It has to be said that Taiyin Academy's methods are really amazing.

The effect of the hot spring and training room alone is excellent, and the speed of practicing inside is several times faster than outside.

After inquiring about it, it took a whole month from never going to the Taiyin Academy.

After learning the news, Lu Qi did not hesitate to spend 500,000 Spirit Stones to open the hot spring and training services for his own room for three months.

The entire spaceship is a whole, interlinked by various complex formations.

As long as the service is activated, the formation will run automatically, and Lu Qi can enjoy the bonus services of hot springs and training rooms in the room.

This is very humane.

At this time, sisters Xue Wuxi also stayed in the "Presidential Suite" in another area on the fifth floor of the flying boat.

Our princess is not short of money.

Five hundred thousand Spirit Stones is nothing more than a trifle.

Not only that, Xue Wuxi also spent one million Spirit Stones to open the "Presidential Suite" service business.

You get what you pay for, and the training effect of the "Presidential Package" is several times higher than that of the "Business Package".

At this time, neither of them knew that the other party was on the same spaceship as themselves.

In the next three months, Lu Qi and Mo Tu basically didn't leave the room, they were hurrying to practice.

After a full three-month journey, the flying boat finally arrived at the destination of this trip.

Taiyin Academy.

During these three months of training, Lu Qi's Cultivation Base has reached the peak of the Brightness Realm.

And Mo Tu also broke through from the Divine Platform Realm to the Bright Bright Realm.

It can be said that these three months alone are already worth a year of penance on weekdays.

On this point, this trip is absolutely worthless.

The only pity is that the airship is closed, so I can't enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Star Sea along the way.

But Lu Qi didn't know it at this time, after the flying boat entered the scope of Taiyin Academy.

Countless messages were transmitted from the flying boat to a treasure of Taiyin Academy.

The Celestial Secrets disc, the treasure of the Taiyin Academy, is also the treasure of the human race.

This object has the ability to calculate Celestial Secrets. In ancient times, the human race was able to survive the catastrophe, and the role of Celestial Secrets is indispensable.

And now the Celestial Secrets disc exists as the center of the entire Taiyin Academy.

But for those who have signed the Gold paper, all the information will appear in the Celestial Secrets disk.

The biggest effect of doing this is to identify the spies of hundreds of ethnic groups.

In addition to this position, there are many other benefits.

I won't tell you one by one now.

At this time, in a huge palace in the core area of ​​the Taiyin Academy, the main body of the Celestial Secrets disc was suspended in the air, and countless messages flew from it to the surrounding Jade Slip, and then turned into projections and appeared in front of the eyes of the various academy personnel in the palace.

"In the Meridian Thirteenth area, the flying boat No. 3784 is docked, and the breath of the monster race has been detected on it. The disciples of the nearby law enforcement team should go and check."

"In the area of ​​Sichen 76, the aura of the immortal clan has been detected to fluctuate, please dispatch the nearby law enforcement team quickly.

"The Star Sea is in chaos. A Human Cultivator is sending out a distress signal. Please help your fellow clansmen nearby."

The messages were sorted out one by one by the staff of the academy, and then sent out to Taiyin Academy in all directions through the messenger Jade Slip, and the coverage of the messages covered the entire Star Sea.

This is the role of the Celestial Secrets amulet, and countless spies from hundreds of clans are discovered by the Celestial Secrets amulet every day.

Similarly, countless human Practitioners are saved every day because of the Celestial Secrets.

Just when all the people were processing various messages according to the daily procedures, suddenly the Celestial Secrets disk floating in the air suddenly shone with dazzling light.

At this moment, the speed of other messages in the Great Hall suddenly stopped, and only one message kept turning in the Celestial Secrets dial.

Everyone suddenly understood that something happened one day.

Whenever there is such a change in the Celestial Secrets disc, it means that the Celestial Secrets disc has received a great message just now, and it needs to occupy most of the power to deduce the changes brought about by this message.

Everyone stopped their work and stared nervously at the Celestial Secrets disk.

Because they don't know whether the news that just appeared is good news or bad news (Zhao Le's).

But no matter what it is, it must be something that will have a huge impact on the entire human race.

As time passed, the divine light of the last Celestial Secrets gradually faded.

Only eight characters remained on it for a moment, and then disappeared.

々Human Race Daxing, Martial Dao Daxing. "

After these eight characters disappeared, the news that was transmitted to the Celestial Secrets divine disk was also directly sealed and judged by the Celestial Secrets divine disk.

From today onwards, only the masters of the Taiyin Academy are qualified to view this message.

But the people in the Great Hall finally felt relieved at this moment.

Although they still don't know the specific content of the news just now.

But just looking at those eight characters, you know it must be a good thing.

As for the news being sealed, it was because the protection mechanism of the Celestial Secrets disc was triggered. Whenever someone in the human race made a huge contribution, the Celestial Secrets disc would block that person's specific information.

This is of course to protect that person. .

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