Entering the washbasin is a good thing, of course it is impossible for Xue Wuxi to be unwilling.

It's just that the number of people entering the body washing pool is limited every year, and tens of millions of merit points will be spent.

Although Jubao Pavilion is developing well in the school, it is still very difficult to get a place to enter the washing pool.

Xue Wuxi expressed her concerns.

Lu Xiao said: "You don't have to worry about the quota, senior sister, I'll take care of it for you."

Xue Wuxi asked: "How do you solve it? You are poorer than me, okay?"

Lu Xiao said: "Senior sister, have you forgotten that I have the title of earl."

"Could it be that this title can help me enter the washbasin?" Xue Wuxi asked.

After leaving Jubao Pavilion that day, Lu Qi carefully studied the role of titles.

Through the talisman, Divine Sense can be directly linked to the data Curry of the Celestial Secrets.

As long as you have the corresponding authority, you can basically find out anything you want to know on July 1st.

In it, Lu Qi saw the benefits of various titles.

Take the quota of the washbasin as an example, a first-class uncle has a quota for free entry every year.

As long as Lu Qi applied for it, Xue Wuxi could enter the washbasin without paying any price.

After listening to Lu Qi's explanation, Xue Wuxi rushed forward, hugged Lu Qi, and shouted excitedly:

"That's great, Junior Brother, you are really my love.

Apparently, this is a wonderful thing for her.

Now that the decision has been made, Lu Qi plans to sign up for Xue Wuxi tomorrow.

The washbasin is opened at the end of each year, and now it is not long before the end of the year, just in time to catch up.

The next day, Lu Xiao got up early in the morning.

First, it took a little time to complete the basic fitness technique.

Then he went out directly, preparing to fly towards the mission hall.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he went out, Lu Qi saw a familiar scene at the door.

A big black dog is scolding three little dogs.

This scene was exactly the same as what he saw that night three months ago.

Two puppies lowered their heads in aggrieved way, and one puppy held its head high.

Looks like three more puppies are giving the big dog trouble.

In fact, Lu Qi is definitely quite strange.

This black dog family is obviously a demon clan, and the cultivation base of the big black dog is definitely not weak.

But they have always appeared in the body.

This is still rare in colleges.

In the academy, all the monster races in the altar realm are basically in human form, and at most they retain a little bit of the monster race's characteristics.

In fact, not only in the academy, but also in the entire Star Sea, after the Cultivation Base reaches the altar level, they will basically survive in the form of human races.

It is said that only the human body is the most suitable for cultivation.

Therefore, the first thing Star Haibaizu did after they succeeded in Cultivation Base was to change form.

Although no one knows why this is so, everyone has been doing it since ancient times.

It seems that if you don't take human form, it will be difficult to achieve anything on the road of Martial Dao.

Therefore, Lu Qi felt very strange about the Black Dog family.

But it's just a curiosity. Although Lu Qi has stepped into the realm of no emperor now, when I look at the big black dog at this time, I still feel that he is unpredictable and completely incomprehensible.

The strength of this big black dog must be terrifying.

Lu Qi didn't pay too much attention to the big black dog's family, just took out the flying boat and flew towards the mission hall.

He didn't notice that the moment he flew away, the big black dog that had been concentrating on teaching his children suddenly stopped.

Then he turned his head and stared at the back of the air lander in the distance in shock.

At this time, the emotions in the big black dog's eyes were very complicated.

After a shock, he seemed to be caught in memory, as if he remembered something.

Just like this, the big black dog stared blankly at the back of the lander flying away, unable to recover for a long time.

At this moment, the most disobedient little black dog suddenly moved back slowly.

When the big black dog came back to his senses, he found that the little black dog had already disappeared.

"Woof! Woah! Woah!"

The big black dog barked all around, like an angry mother.

After arriving at the mission hall, Lu Qi went directly to the second floor.

The registration office for the washbasin is also on the second floor.

It's just that it's not Xiaowen's place last time, but another room.

Following the signs, Lu Qi found the place, opened the door and walked in.

A little girl in the room was writing something with her head down. After hearing the sound, the little girl raised her head and saw Lu Qi.

"Excuse me, is this the place to apply for this year's wash basin?" Lu Qi looked at the little girl and asked.

The little girl nodded: "It is indeed here, but this year's quota for the bathing pool is already full, if you want to apply, you can only wait for the next time, but even if it is next year, there is no chance, the quota within the Hundred Year has already been filled Booked out."

The little girl looked at Lu Xiao with some doubts in her eyes...

I think that the question she mentioned is basically known to the students in the school.

If you want to get a seat for a washbasin, you must apply at least a hundred years in advance.

After all, this spot is too sought-after.

"I want to apply for this year's wash pool." Lu Qi didn't explain, but went directly to the little girl, took out the own mansion card, and put it in front of her.

When the little girl was about to speak, Divine Sense subconsciously scanned Lu Qi's house card.

This is the work habit of the people in the task hall for many years. Whenever they see the house card appearing in front of them, they can't help but scan it.

There is no way, it is too skilled, it is completely instinct.

The next moment, the little girl forcibly swallowed what she was going to say.

She stood up abruptly from her chair and saluted the lander: "I have seen you, but I didn't know your identity just now, and I hope to make amends.

Of course Lu Qi wouldn't be unreasonable, the little girl didn't do anything, she was just doing business.

"Can I apply for this year's quota for the washing pool now?" Lu Qi asked with a smile.

The little girl took two deep breaths to suppress her excitement.

This is the earl, the living earl.

It actually appeared in front of him helplessly.

"Of course, sir, are you applying for yourself, or for your family and friends?"

The little girl's Cultivation Base is Deva, so she can naturally see through Lu's cultivation experience.

Basically the staff in the Mission Hall are Practitioners from the Celestial Realm.

Lu Qi said: "Apply to a friend."

After speaking, Lu Qi reported Xue Wuxi's 3.0 information.

The little girl quickly picked up the pen to register.

After a while, all the information is recorded.

Of course, not only Xue Wuxi's information, but also the recommender Lu Ji's information.

After all, she is only in charge of registration, and has no authority to directly determine the number of people entering the washbasin.

These things have to be reported in time.

After registering, the little girl said to the lander: "Your Majesty, it's ready. If there is no accident, when the washing pool opens at the end of the year, your friends can enter directly with the house card. What else can I do for you?" Did your lord do it?"

The little girl looked at the lander like a star chasing girl.

It's interesting.

"No more." Lu Qi smiled and shook his head: "Thank you."

After speaking, Lu Qi turned and left, and the quota for the washing pool was settled.

This title is really a good thing. .

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