As the order gradually stabilized.

The sale of Kaiqiao Dan has also officially started.

One customer after another walked up to the clerk, took out their own mansion card, registered inside, and then left contentedly.

But today Jubao Pavilion has limited purchases of Kaiqiao Pills.

Each person can only purchase one point of Kaiqiao Pills of various levels.

With the gradual increase in production in the future, the purchase quantity of Kai Kong Dan will be released a little bit.

This is to try to allow as many people as possible to purchase Kaiqiao Dan.

After all, even if you buy hundreds of pills at a time, it will take time to take Medicine Pill.

The medicinal power of the Ultimate Kaiqiao Pill is already the best to absorb, but even so, even if a Practitioner of the Opening Enlightenment Preceding Entry Stage takes all of the Ultimate Kaiqiao Pill to open Acupoints, it will definitely not be able to open Acupoints within more than half a month.

What's more, for other levels, it will only take more time to absorb the medicine.

Therefore, the play wanted to open up all the holes in "160" at once.

Take your time.

In addition, the ladies and sisters in charge of selling Medicine Pill in Jubao Pavilion will also tell you all the precautions for taking Kaiqiao Pill.

So the whole sales process went very smoothly from the beginning.

The guy in charge of registration didn't stop until a person stood at the entrance of Jubao Pavilion and took out the own mansion card.

He directly returned the man's house card.

"I'm sorry, but you are not qualified to purchase Kaiqiao Pill."

The man was stunned when he heard the man's words.

"Do you know who I am?"

He yelled at the guy.

The man was not afraid at all, nodded and said: "I know, a member of the Viscount's family."

"Knowing that you still dare to drive me away, our Patriarch is the Viscount."

This person is very arrogant, it seems that he does not use the name of Li Zijue to do things less on weekdays.

The waiter said disdainfully: "It's because you are from the Viscount Li's family that you are not eligible to buy it. Our boss has said that anyone from the Viscount Li's family or anyone related to the Viscount Li's family will not be entertained. By the way, There are also people from the law enforcement team not entertaining. If you are one of the guests in the queue, you don’t have to work hard, and it’s useless if you get there.

The words of the man are very harsh.

So what if your owner is Viscount Li, my family is still the Earl!

Am I proud! Am I arrogant!

As soon as the man said this, the people lining up around were in an uproar.

But anyone who is close to Li Zijue or his family, as well as members of the law enforcement team, will not sell Kaiqiao Pills.

This Treasure Pavilion is too courageous.

Neither of these two is easy to provoke.

"Why?" Someone asked loudly.

The buddy explained: "Our boss said he was unhappy with Li Zijue and Yao Ruicheng of the law enforcement team, so anyone who has anything to do with these two people is always on my Jubao Pavilion's blacklist."

In the crowd, voices of dissatisfaction increased.

They accused Jubao Pavilion of not being able to do business like this.

But the blame belongs to the blame, that is, no one leaves.

Just kidding, where can I buy Kaiqiao Pill after leaving.

In the face of these accusations, the buddy is not afraid of danger.

If you don't sell it, you won't sell it.

At this time, a few "understandable people" in the crowd began to popularize science for everyone.

"You know, the new owner of Jubao Pavilion is an earl."

"Enn, I've heard of it. Why do you think the earl got into a fight with Viscount Li and captain Yao of the law enforcement team? Do they have a grudge?"

"Of course, I will tell you in secret. I don't tell ordinary people."

"Well, I promise I won't tell the second person."

"The previous owner of this Jubao Pavilion was Viscount Li's family, you know."

"I heard it a little bit."

"I heard that ever since Viscount Li's family wanted to swallow Jubao Pavilion completely, who would have thought that they would be cut off by a mysterious man, that person is the new owner of Jubao Pavilion, but the Li family didn't know that the Daoist family was an earl, so in order to You snatched Jubao Pavilion back, and even went to the law enforcement team to falsely accuse him of colluding with foreigners, but who would have thought that he would reveal his identity as the earl when he arrived at the law enforcement team, and in the end, he would not be able to steal money. Let me explain it to others, but Captain Yao, who is in charge of this, shielded his subordinates and the Li family, and directly angered the earl, so they did this kind of thing today."

"Hey, I thought this earl was being unreasonable. I didn't expect that the Li family and Yao Ruicheng were the worst things. It's really a shame to frame an earl and cover up the culprit afterwards."

It's their fault that they can't buy Kaiqiao Pill. "

"That's right, it's a pity for those who were implicated by the two, don't you think this is a disaster without reason.

"Just so, the Li family should not be sons of men."


The crowd spread the word to ten, ten to hundreds, and soon everyone understood why Jubao Pavilion made such an irrational decision.

Anyone can step on the Earl's face?

Of course, the first person to spread the news among the crowd was arranged by Lu Qi himself.

He just wanted to let everyone in the school know that he was unhappy with the Li family and Yao Ruicheng.

But anyone who is related to these two people should not even think about buying Kailian Pill.

As for evidence and authenticity, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, Lu Qi is not in a hurry, there is plenty of time.

Just look at those people who can't buy Kaiqiao pills, how they feel after seeing others open Acupoints one by one to surpass themselves.

The scheme is not high.

Even explicit.

But it's simple and effective.

Xue Hanmo has been in the academy for hundreds of years, and he is clear about those families who have good relations with the Li family.

And there is another basic information in the house card.

But anyone with the right information will be excluded.

Of course, people from the Li family or the law enforcement team can also ask unrelated people to buy instead.

But there is a limit to the number of Awakening Pills each person can purchase.

How is it possible to buy enough Medicine Pills.

So Lu Qi wasn't afraid at all, the Li family and Yao Ruicheng were the ones who felt uncomfortable from today on.

His mood is very good now.

Those in the crowd who were related to the Li family began to withdraw from the purchase team unwillingly.

However, the popularity of Kaiqiao Dan's sales has not been affected at all.

Until it was getting dark, the number of people queuing up remained unchanged.

At this moment, a person rushed over from a distance.

He saw that person running directly to Xue Hanmo.

After looking at this person, Xue Hanmo said, "Isn't this shopkeeper Fan? Why are you here again? Didn't you tell me everything this morning, but 2.9 Anyone who has a relationship with the Li family is not eligible to buy Kaipi Pills."

Shopkeeper Fan's chamber of commerce develops in the school, not under Jubao Pavilion.

There are also many business contacts with the Li family on weekdays.

After Xue Hanmo finished speaking.

Shopkeeper Fan directly took out a piece of contract paper.

"Shopkeeper Xue, I have already terminated all cooperation contracts with the Li family, as evidenced by the world, there is absolutely no lie.

After finishing speaking, shopkeeper Fan flew a drop of Blood Essence into the contract, and the contract sacrificed to heaven, proving that what he said was true.

"Treasurer Xue, so I am eligible to buy the Awakening Pill."

Shopkeeper Fan looked at Xue Hanmo eagerly.

Don't blame him, his situation is actually similar to that of Ma Yingjie before.

There is only one only child in the family, but the only child's cultivation of Talent is really bad, and this is about to reach the end of life, and the Preceding Entry Stage is still open.

So in order to enlighten Dan, he is willing to pay any price. .

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