"What mark is it?" Lu Qi asked.

"A white deer, that man has a white deer tattooed on his collar, exactly the same as the white deer in the White Deer Academy." Zhang Ying quickly replied.

White Deer Academy is the No. 1 Sect in the Chenghai world.

In essence, there is no difference from those big Sects.

On the way here, it was specifically mentioned in the information about the Chenghai world provided by the school.

It is naturally not easy for White Deer Academy to be specially marked by the school's information.

"Do you still remember the appearance of that man?" Lu Qi asked again.

Zhang Ying nodded.

"Okay, now you draw him for me."

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Ying showed a embarrassed expression on his bird face. It was really not easy for him to show this expression. Obviously, he seemed unable to meet Lu Qi's request.

Before Lu Qi could ask again, he raised his own sleeves.

Showed his hand.

The next moment Lander was a little speechless.

Because what appeared in front of him were two eagle wings, not real hands.

That pitiful inferior transformation pill.

Then Zhang Ying stared at Lu Qi with two yellow pupils and Black eyes, and said after a while: "Why don't I tell the story, senior you draw it yourself?"

Lu Qi said: "I won't!"

The atmosphere fell silent again.

After a while, Lu Qi said, "Do you know the best painter in Danqing Town?"

Zhang Ying nodded again and again, looking very funny.

Well, that's all for now.

Lu Qi stepped forward and grabbed Zhang Ying, and then flew him out of the room to the sky above Danqing Town.

"over there?"

Zhang Ying pointed in a direction, and Lu Qi arrived there in an instant.

At this moment, Zhang Ying looked at Lu Qi with some horror.

A human Practitioner who can fly in the air, that is the existence of the Innate realm!

Please forgive Zhang Ying's insight, the Innate realm is already the limit he can imagine.

After finding the painter, under Zhang Ying's description, not long after, a lifelike portrait appeared in front of Lu Qi.

After putting away the painting, Lu Qi said to Zhang Ying: "Thank you, this thing is a thank you gift."

After speaking, he threw a transformation pill towards Zhang Ying.

The ultimate transformation pill.

Wasn't Landcraft researching the new Medicine Pill a few days ago?

In order to understand by analogy, he refined all the Medicine Pills he knew.

So now he has some of the various Medicine Pills in stock.

This high-grade Transformation Pill can just help Zhang Ying.

For Zhang Ying, Lu Qi's move was completely out of the blue.

He may not be able to recognize other Heavenly Rank Medicine Pills, but every demon race in Transformation Pills will recognize them.

Zhang Ying held the Transformation Pill in his hand as if he had obtained a treasure, and wanted to thank Lu Qi.

But when he looked up, the land vehicle had disappeared.

Really tall man!

Zhang Ying sighed.

At this time, the land tool had already flown back to the sky over Danqing Town, and took out the Sect to sense the breath of the gods to sense the surrounding area.

Although even if the Protoss really came here, the breath will dissipate in three months.

But Lu Qi is just trying.

What if the man didn't actually leave?

Unexpectedly, there was no response from the spirit weapon.

Lu Qi is not in a hurry, there are already clues, just follow along to check.

He took out the map to confirm the location of Bailu Academy, and he flew directly in the direction of Bailu Academy.

Bang! Bang! Bang...

After several sonic booms in succession, Lu Xiao's speed became faster and faster.

After another ten days of continuous flying, Lu Qi came to Bailu Academy.

This academy really deserves to be the number one Sect in Chenghai Realm.

As soon as he got close to Lu Qi, he sensed the presence of four longevity-level auras in the academy.

And their Cultivation Base is not weak, and one of them has the breath of the fourth stage of longevity.

For a broken world, the background of this White Deer Academy is indeed profound, and it feels stronger than Liuyue Dynasty.

"I will meet with Lu Qi from the Taiyin Academy."

Lu Qi didn't shout, and landed at the gate of Bailu Academy first, and then transmitted sound to the four immortal-level Practitioners of Bailu Academy through Divine Sense.

He is only here to find people, not to find trouble, so naturally he must have the consciousness of being a guest.

After a while, a refined middle-aged man came out.

This person is the immortal-level Fourth Stage Heavenly Practitioner that Lu Qi sensed just now.

"Chen Liu of White Deer Academy has met the envoy of the school."

Obviously, Chen Liu knew the identity of Lu Qi.

Otherwise, he would not directly call Lu Qi the envoy.

"You know me?" Lu Qi wondered.

Chen Liu nodded: "The school sent an envoy to my Chenghai Realm to investigate the traces of the Protoss. When the envoy came, several fellow daoists from the Liuyue Dynasty gave us people permission. How dare you ask the envoy to come to my academy?" For this?"

Lu Qi understood.

But everyone who has been to the school has a house card, and this thing will not be taken back even if you leave the school.

Therefore, it is not surprising that they can know the land vehicle so quickly.

"It is indeed for this matter. I want to find someone in the academy." Lu Lu nodded.

"Looking for someone?" Chen Liu was a little confused.

Lu Xiao said: "I found out that the opponent who fought against the suspected protoss that day had your logo of White Deer Academy tattooed on him, so I want to confirm it."

Hearing this, Chen Liu said directly: "Impossible, the person who fought that day was definitely not my White Deer Academy."

Chen Liu's tone was very affirmative.

It's not like he's trying to shirk.

If people from the Protoss really came to Chenghai Realm and people from Bailu Academy fought against them, they would never hide it.

Because this is not something to be seen in the first place.

On the contrary, they will be very proud to admit this kind of thing.

Take the initiative to admit and confirm that there must be reward resources from the real and fake schools.

The resources of the school are rare for any force in the broken world.

"Brother Chen, don't rush to deny it. Let me ask a question first, but will everyone in your White Deer Academy have this pattern embroidered on their collars?"

When Lu Qi spoke, he pointed to Chen Liu's collar.

There is also a white deer embroidered on his collar.

Chen Liu nodded and said, "Indeed, but all the disciples of my White Deer Academy will have this pattern."

"That's right, look at this. 21

This time, Lu Qi confirmed that the person who fought was definitely related to Bailu Academy (what?), and he took out the portrait as he spoke.

But after the drawing was unfolded, Chen Liu's face fell into deep thought.

At this time, he can also be sure that the person depicted in the picture is really related to Bailu Academy.

Because the white deer on the man's collar is exactly the same as his own.

But he himself didn't have the slightest impression of that person.

"Strange? Strange?" Chen Liu said to himself: "I obviously don't know this person, but why does he feel familiar.

After thinking for a long time, Chen Liu really couldn't remember who this person was, and then he said to Lu Qi: "The envoy, please enter the academy and wait for a while, I will ask other people to ask.

Lu Qi nodded in agreement.

Following Chen Liu into the White Deer Academy, after a while, Chen Liu gathered all the Practitioners above the Deva level in the entire academy.

Then take out the painting of Lu Qi and let everyone start to identify it.

Unfortunately, after seeing the portrait, everyone shook their heads one after another, expressing that they had never seen this person.

The investigation was once again at an impasse. .

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