Naturally, Lu Qi didn't know anything about what happened in the academy after he left.

I'm afraid he wouldn't have expected to go to Tushan Realm this time. It was Shenwu Gong, the master of the palace, and Tushan Empress who dug a hole for him together.

I don't know what kind of expression he will have when he knows the truth.

Tu Shanjie.

Tu Shan.

Empress Palace.

"Your Majesty, is that land vessel really our last hope?"

Next to the empress, an old fox asked~asked.

It's a noun, not an adjective.

Empress Tu Shan, Ninth Stage Heavenly Practitioner in Life and Death Realm, is one of the most powerful Practitioners in the entire Star Ocean.

At the same time, she is also a nine-tailed fox who has lived since ancient times.

In ancient times, she had a lot of connections with Lord Shenwu, and the two once followed the same human race, Power.

However, the two of them disliked each other in ancient times, so there are not many intersections between the two in today's Star Sea.

But not long ago, the empress received a message from Lord Shenwu, saying that she had discovered a young man who had comprehended the law of force.

When receiving this news, the empress couldn't sit still at all.

Since ancient times, the Tushan clan has been waiting for a person who possesses the law of strength to appear.

Unfortunately, in thousands of Ten Thousand Years, no one can meet this requirement.

The empress, who had already expressed no hope for this matter, immediately sent a message to the master of the palace. After confirming that the news was true, there was cooperation in the future.

Hearing the old fox's question, the empress nodded: "I don't know either, but one thing is definitely not wrong, he is indeed the only one who has comprehended the law of power in these ten thousand years, compared to others , he had the best hope."

The old fox said: "Then, shall we still hold the wedding ceremony for the Little Princess? It was decided at the beginning to choose a suitable person to do the job. Now that we have found this person, it is probably meaningless for others to come. .”

The empress thought for a while and said: "The matter of recruiting relatives remains unchanged. Hundreds of clans have been notified a year ago. If it is canceled suddenly, what will some people think? Make sure that the one named Lu Qi goes to the end.

Before the co-lander came, the first place had already been booked by him.

This is a black box operation.

If Lu Qi found out, he might die happily.

But at this moment, two little foxes at the gate ran into the empress camp in a panic.

As soon as they entered the palace, the two foxes turned into human forms.

The body and appearance are top-notch.

"Report to Empress, it's not good, Little Princess has escaped." The two shouted in a hurry.

"Nonsense." The empress did not get angry, she raised her aura fiercely, and everyone in the empress palace trembled under the aura.

Then I saw the Empress stretch out her hand to grab it from the void, and the palm of her hand broke through the space and poked in. When she pulled it out, she was already holding the little fox with nine tails from First Stage in her hand.

"Do you think you can hide in the Tushan world?" The empress looked at the little fox angrily.

At this time, the little fox bared its teeth and claws, grinning at the empress.

"I don't want to marry, I don't want to marry anyway, if I want to marry you, marry me!~" A young girl's voice came out of the little fox's mouth.

The empress' face changed: "I can't help you, this matter concerns my life and death for Tu Shan. As a princess, it is your duty to protect Tu Shan!"

Hearing this, the little fox calmed down: "But mother, I really don't want to marry, if you want Xiao Jiu to marry someone she has never met, it would be better to kill Xiao Jiu.

"Jiu'er, I know that this matter has wronged you, but you also know a little about our current situation in Tushan. Let me tell you the truth, if no one can complete that matter, at most it will take Thousand Years, the entire Star The sea is here and there is no Tushan boundary, so what should these people in the clan do when the time comes." The empress persuaded the little fox patiently.

The little fox knew something about the current situation of Yu Tu Mountain, but she never thought it would be so serious.

Thousand Year time is but a blink of an eye.

"Mother, can I wander around Tushan Realm again during the last period of time? I promise, I will definitely appear in the Empress Palace on that day. Even if I don't come back, you can catch me back .” The little fox looked at the empress with begging eyes.

At this moment, the Empress softened her heart a little.

Finally the Empress nodded.

Let go of the little fox in his hand.

The little fox bowed to the empress, and then flew out of the empress's palace.

Looking at the back of the little fox, the empress sighed: "Oh, I hope that Lu Qi will be a good match.


After half a month, the spaceship team of the Starry Sky Landcraft stopped.

Looking at the empty starry sky in front of him, Lu Qi was a little puzzled.

"Is this the Tushan world?"

Obviously there is nothing, but the end point of the Feng Shui compass pointer is here.

Just when Lu Qi was puzzled, the Feng Shui compass in his hand suddenly lit up, and a ray of light shot into the void, and then a huge and incomparably huge portal suddenly appeared in front of Lu Qi.

He immediately understood that Tu Shanjie was inside.

"This Tushan world is really different." Lu Qi sighed.

What a magical method, I don't know which Power made it.

After the fleet stepped into the secret realm, the portal was instantly closed.

At this time, if someone could see Tu Shanjie, they would find that Tu Shanjie was hidden in the body of an unknown thing and moved with that thing.


What's more, if someone with Power can see the Shattering Void delirium, they will find that that unknown thing is actually a starry sky behemoth that can make itself invisible.

The entire Tushan world is in the belly of the starry sky behemoth.

And the incomparably huge portal just now was the slightly opened mouth of the giant starry sky beast.

This starry sky behemoth is constantly soaring in the sea of ​​stars.

However, in the recent period of time, there will always be some people or fleets stopping in front of the starry sky behemoth, and then taking out various things.

Finally into the mouth of the star behemoth.

Obviously, these people came to participate in the "grand meeting" of the Tu Shan clan.

After entering the Initiation door, the airship seemed to have come to a long tunnel, and the stars all over the sky disappeared completely, leaving only the bright light of the airship forward.

I don't know how long it took, everyone's eyes suddenly opened up, and a huge fireball appeared in the distance.

Not far from the fireball, there is a small continent floating in the air.

There is the Tushan world.

The overall area of ​​Tushan Realm is not very large, and it is about the same size as Canglan Island in Weishi Realm.

Compared to other worlds, this area is really pitifully small.

At this time, Lu Qi looked at the huge fireball for a long time.

For some reason, he always felt that the "sun" in Tushan Realm was weird, as if it had life.

It's really weird. .

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