a month later.

At this time, the barbarian tribe has already taken on a new look.

From the second day after the horn of the Ancient Desolation was sounded, people from the Ancient Desolation Clan began to migrate over.

The first to come was naturally the nearest bear tribe.

The Bear tribe can be said to be a family migration, let alone people,

That is, all the chickens, ducks, geese and dogs domesticated in the tribe were brought together.

After that, many people from the ancient wilderness came every day.

As few as hundreds, as many as thousands.

It can be seen that the people of the ancient wilderness outside have lived very hard.

However, the problems that followed naturally began to increase.

First, of course, is the housing issue.

The barbarian tribe was not big in the first place, and when there were few people in the beginning, everyone could make do with it.

But after the number of people came up, the previous barbarian tribe naturally couldn't hold so many people.

Fortunately, for this problem, Lu Qi has long been prepared.

Since the bear tribe appeared on the first day, the barbarian tribe began to vigorously develop infrastructure.

After taking the crystal heart fruit, the Warriors of the barbarian tribe are no longer afraid of disasters.

In just one month, the territory of the Man tribe has grown more than a hundred times.

And the disasters within Fang Yuan's ten thousand miles were directly emptied.

Secondly, there is the issue of food.

It is basically impossible for the barbarian tribe to feed so many people by itself.

Fortunately, the newly joined Ancient Desolate people also have a lot of combat power, and the barbarian tribe's hunting team has naturally expanded a lot.

Now there are more than one hundred Bawen Warriors alone in the tribe.

There are more than a dozen nine patterns.

There are even three existences beyond the Nine Patterns, that is, the Nirvana Realm.

It can be said that the strength has increased greatly, and it can be regarded as a benign development.

However, Lei obviously miscalculated the number of Ancient Desolate Clan.

He said earlier that there could be millions of people coming for refuge.

But the real number is that the number of people has exceeded tens of millions so far.

It's not weird.

In fact, he did not expect that the tribe outside would be so difficult.

There are many tribes that are basically on the brink of extinction.

If Man hadn't blew the horn of the Ancient Desolation this time, the number of the Ancient Desolation Clan in the Northern Wilderness would have been halved in the next few years.

This is still a good estimate.

For some unknown reason, the Disaster Temple has frequently ordered the Disaster to attack various tribes in the past few years.

In fact, Lu Qi didn't know that all of this had something to do with him.

Because of him, the seeds planted by the Temple of Disaster in Star Sea were destroyed.

Therefore, out of fear of accidents, the Lord of Disasters ordered his subordinates to make every effort to build a channel between the two worlds.

However, building a two-world channel requires resources.

And this resource is the soul power of the Ancient Desolate Clan.

The Ancient Desolation Clan is the oldest race in the Great Desolation, and they have a very special connection with the Great Desolation.

The two-world channel constructed through their soul power is the most stable.

Of course, the Disaster Temple can also choose to build a channel between the two worlds by consuming the world's origin.

It's just that the cost will be much higher.

And the souls of the Ancient Desolate people are completely renewable resources for them.

This is also one of the reasons why the ancient wilderness family can still spread all over the northern wilderness despite being suppressed for so long.

After accepting the newly joined Ancient Desolate people, Lu Qi naturally prepared crystal core fruits for them all.

A total of more than ten million pieces.

That is to say, Lu Qi is rich and powerful.

Of course, it is not free.

But everyone who ate the crystal heart fruit had sworn in the name of Dahuang.

Now they are all their own.

Lu Qi was very generous to his own people.

In order to train the 14th team back then, no expense was spared.

Of course, the same is true for the Ancient Desolate Clan now.

Bound by the Heavenly Dao oath, Lu Qi is not afraid that they will betray him.

Besides, even if those newcomers from the Ancient Desolation didn't choose to regard Lu Qi as their master, as long as they were willing to make enemies of the Disaster Temple, Lu Qi would help them.

At most, it will not be as hard as it is now.

"Manzi, when do you think the Holy One is going to lead us to launch a counterattack against the Disaster Temple?

The Bear Chief before the Talking Man.

Of course, he is not the leader now, he can only be called "Bear".

The people of the Ancient Desolation Clan are very interesting, and their names are basically one word.

So there are a lot of people whose names are repeated.

Especially after the number of barbarian tribes increased, they often called a person's name on the street, and dozens or hundreds of people would respond.

Xiong is an example. Now there are 80 or 100 people in the tribe called Xiong.

Naturally, Lu Qi solved this problem in the simplest way.

Add numbers directly after the name.

The bear leader is the first "bear" to come to the barbarian tribe, so he is naturally called Xiong Dalai.

Others are arranged in the order of Bear 2, Bear 3, and Bear 4.

The savage that Xiong Da talked about was naturally a savage.

Man's name has not been changed. He is the leader of the Man tribe and has special privileges.

0...asking for flowers...

In fact, it is no longer appropriate to be called a barbarian tribe.

It should be called the Ancient Desolate Clan directly.

After all, tens of millions of Ancient Desolate people have joined in.

It is also called a tribe, so it is a bit petty.

Xiong Da and Man knew each other from the beginning.

Certainly not because they are neighbors.

It's because they were once from the same tribe.

As I said before, when the number of a certain tribe of the Ancient Desolate Clan reaches a certain limit, a part of the tribe will be separated and let them form a new tribe.

This is the case with two people.

It is a pity that their previous tribe has already disappeared in the long river of time.

For this reason, Man was sad for several hours.

That's a lot already.

The Ancient Desolate Clan has long been accustomed to the separation of life and death.

Because of the acquaintance between the two, Xiong Da spoke more casually to Man.

He wasn't the only one who wanted to ask the sentence he asked just now.

It can be said to be the voice of all the newly joined Ancient Desolate people.

I thought that in these countless years, everyone saw the hope of revenge for the first time.

Naturally, everyone was eager to seek revenge from the Disaster Temple.

Man replied: "Don't worry, the Holy One said, within Hundred Years at the latest."

"Hundred Year!" Xiong Da called out at once.

"Why wait for Hundred Year? We now have the power of life, and those bastards in the Disaster Temple are definitely not our opponents." Xiong Da said excitedly.

"Do you dare to disobey the meaning of the Lord?" Man asked.

Xiong Da quickly shook his head: "I just feel sad seeing the enemy in front of me, but unable to make a move."

Man said: "Your Majesty has said that our enemy has never been the disaster temple, but the minister of disaster."

"Now we do have the qualifications to fight recklessly with the Disaster Temple, but the result is the same as the previous four times. As long as the Lord of Disaster makes a move in the end, we will still fail, so if we are not sure of defeating the Lord of Disaster Before, the only thing we could do was to improve our own strength."

After hearing these words, Xiong Da calmed down.

In fact, everyone knows this in their hearts.

It's just that the emotions in my heart have been suppressed for too many years.

After getting the new power, I didn't think about it for a while.

The two continued to move forward, and when they reached the gate of the tribe, they found that there seemed to be a quarrel over the position of the gate. .

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