Martial Dao: My Cultivation Technique Can Simplify

Three Hundred And Twentieth Chapters Ready To Attack

"Enemy attack!" The team leader shouted immediately.

But it was too late.

Overlord has already entered the team with two thousand personal guards.

On the Heaven Slaughter team, except for the captain who is a Cultivation Base in the Nirvana Realm, the rest of the team has less than a hundred people in the Other Shore Realm, and all the others are in the Life and Death Realm.

As for the guards here, it is the Cultivation Base of the other side.

Although there is no Nirvana state, each of them has practiced the law of the calendar.

The Overlord alone can easily deal with the captain of the Nirvana Realm.

After all, the squad leader is only a Common Nirvana Cultivation Base, and the level of the same general is far behind.

When the number and strength occupy an absolute advantage, it is completely one-sided massacre.

The Heaven Slaughter Team simply couldn't organize effective resistance.

However, more than half of the people were killed or injured by the time of cup of tea.

At this time, the team leader finally recognized the origin of the enemy.

"Why the hell is it the Ancient Desolate Clan!" the captain cursed in his heart.

Seeing that the situation in front of him became more and more unfavorable, the team leader was about to send a distress signal to the sky immediately.

Here is not far from the camp, as long as the signal can be sent out, support will arrive soon.

But the Overlord is always watching his actions.

Just when he was about to send a signal, a Dharma Phase arm suddenly appeared behind the Overlord, grabbing the little captain.

Under the wrapping of the Law of Force, the team leader could only struggle feebly and let out a miserable cry.

A moment later, the personal guards had annihilated the remaining members of the Heaven Slaughter Squad.

The Overlord let go of his hand.

The squad leader fell to the ground like a puddle of mud.

At this time, all the bones in his body were broken, and the power of the law of force was constantly destroying in his body, hindering his self-healing ability.

The battle damage ratio is zero to one thousand.

complete victory.

"Withdraw!" the Overlord ordered.

Then he left quickly with the slushy squad leader.

The whole process took no more than The next moment.

When he returned to Lu Qi's side, the team leader had already released more air and less air in.

Lu Qi reluctantly took out a healing pill, which temporarily stabilized his injury.

"If you let you catch the living, you just give me back such a thing, and you wasted a Medicine Pill." Sighed at the overlord.

Overlord said embarrassingly: "I couldn't control it for a while, who knew he would be so unstoppable in a chaotic environment.

It's really inexperienced. Compared with those Nirvana-level clansmen who compete with each other on weekdays, the squad leader of the Heaven Slaughter Squad is really too weak.

Even if one of the guards is randomly selected, he can be dealt with.

"Don't even think about it. You all understand the law of power. How dare you compare with this Common Nirvana environment. It seems that the special training for you is not enough. You will double it when you go back." Lu Qi said.

As soon as this sentence was said, the overlord's face turned black.

Naturally, there was only that kind of special training that Lu Qi talked about.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for them to comprehend the Law of Force to Great Completion so quickly.

Overlord just likes to fight, he doesn't like to be beaten.

In the beginning, every time Lu Qi started special training for them, Overlord rushed to the front with a howl, hoping to fight with Lu Qi for a few more rounds.

But later, everything changed.

Every time the special training is mentioned, Yinjia's expression is like that of a dead father.

That is called a sad.

No way, who told everyone to comprehend the law of force.

Two people who understand the same law fight against each other.

For the one with the higher Realm, the increase in combat power is unimaginable.

Even the law of comparison has a greater suppression on the law of annihilation.

Nor is it suppressed.

To be precise, when land vehicles are fighting against them, they are completely immune to their law of force attacks.

That's why Overlord would be like this when he heard Lu Qi say that the special training was doubled.

"Okay, I can't die for the time being, let's drag it down for a good interrogation, and ask about the specific situation of the Sky Slaughter Army." This time Lu Qi said to Man.

There is absolutely no problem in entrusting him with the interrogation.

Man and their methods against the Scourge Clan are much more ruthless than Lu Qi himself.

Especially when Lu Qi saw them dealing with hatred and resentment a few days ago.

To be honest, Lu Qi almost felt compassion at that time.

Sure enough, it didn't take long before Man walked back with regret on his face.

"Overlord is right, these people are really shameful to the Nirvana Realm without being beaten."

Apparently, the squad leader is dead.

He doesn't care about the life and death of the captain's lander, he only cares about whether the intelligence has been collected.

At this time, Man walked up to Lu Qi and took out a map of the Northern Wilderness.

Then pointed to a position above.

"My lord, the headquarters of the Heaven Slaughter Legion is here, but if you want to break through, you must first deal with the subordinate troops outside."

0...ask for flowers.

After finishing speaking, Man pointed out a few times on the only roads leading to the base camp of the Heaven Slaughter Army.

"These positions are stationed with the affiliated troops of the Heaven Slaughter Legion, and it is completely impossible to go around them."

Very dissatisfied with this result.

On the contrary, Lu Qi had expected it.

The opponent is the leader of the four major armies of the Temple of Disaster.

Definitely not a wine bag.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to follow the Lord of Disasters to conquer so many small thousand worlds.

"In this case, let's break through directly, from here." Lu Qi pointed to a place.

"Northern wilderness?" Quite recognized it.

There is only one huge plain in the northern wilderness, and the entire plain can be seen almost at a glance for thousands of miles.


It can be said that it is very unsuitable for hiding.

"That's right, with the Elder regiment leading the way, we went straight in, didn't care about fighting, and pointed directly at the headquarters of the Heaven Slaughter Army, catching them by surprise," Lu Qi said.

The combat power of the affiliated troops is not strong.

With the Nirvana Realm Practitioner as the sharp blade, they can easily tear open a gap.

Don't seek to annihilate the affiliated army, just seek to pass quickly.

Arrive at the base camp of the Heaven Slaughter Legion as quickly as possible.

As long as the core strength of the Heaven Slaughter Army is wiped out before the support of other affiliated legions arrives, the battle will be stable.

"In addition, Man you dispatched some people to launch an attack on these places first before we charge into the battle, mainly to harass and distract the attention of the Heaven Slaughter Army."

While talking, Lu Qi repeatedly pointed to several places, all of which were the only way to the base camp of the Heaven Slaughter Army.

As for letting them attack first, it was to convey wrong information to the Sky Slaughter Legion.

As long as it can influence the judgment of the Heaven Slaughter Legion.

After discussing the countermeasures, the troops began to divide into two groups.

The first wave is the main force, occupying three million troops.

The other wave was divided into ten teams, each with 200,000 people, responsible for harassment operations.

After giving all these orders, everyone agreed on a surprise attack time, and then the whole army started marching again.

An hour later, Lu Qi had arrived at the border of the northern wilderness.

In the very center of the northern wilderness, there is a huge fortress.

That's where the affiliated troops of the Heaven Slaughter Legion are stationed.

Lu Qi quietly waited for the appointed time. .

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