Martial Dao: My Cultivation Technique Can Simplify

Chapter 327: The Great Desolation Prisoner’S Sky Finger

Today's Cang is only a thin line away from the real strong man in the holy realm.

It is currently the strongest combat force on the land vehicle side.

Common's Nirvana Realm Practitioner did not pose any threat to him at all.

Therefore, in the entire Sky Slaughter Army, only the head of the Sky Slaughter Army could slightly make him want to do something.

Regardless of the number of people or strength, Lu Qi has an absolute advantage at this time.

The current situation on the field is basically dozens of Tongue Warriors besieging a Sky Slaughter Legion.

In this way, there are still many Warriors from the Ancient Desolate Race who cannot compete with their opponents.

It can be said to be a fully saturated attack.

Absolutely no one from the Heaven Slaughter Legion will be able to escape.

Finally, the head of the Heaven Slaughter Army couldn't bear it anymore.

He knew that if there was no other way, after today, there would be no more Heaven Slaughter Legion on the northern floor.

Glancing at the unpredictable Cang, the head of the Sky Slaughter Army made up his mind.

This is obviously his only lifeline.

Although from the perception of breath, he already knew that Cang was definitely stronger than him.

But as long as he can break through the sky's blockade, he will have a chance to escape.

As for the rest of the legion, he couldn't care less about it now.

As long as he is 103, the Sky Slaughter Legion will always have a day of reconstruction.

And if he could escape back to the Disaster Temple and bring back the news that the Ancient Desolate Clan possessed the Law of Power, it would be considered a great achievement to keep them intact.

It is unimaginable that the Lord of Disasters attaches great importance to the law of force.

This news alone can offset all his faults.

Thinking of this, the head of the Heaven Slaughter Army did not hesitate, and immediately rushed towards the tower.

Cang coldly looked at Sha Xiang's own head of the Heaven Slaughter Army, and lightly raised his finger.

A golden light appeared on his fingertips, and at the same time, the space around the entire Heaven Slaughter City began to vibrate.

That fingertip seemed to contain the entire world.

Just when the head of the Sky Slaughter Army flew halfway, he suddenly felt a murderous intent enveloping him.

This murderous intent doesn't just come from Cang, it seems to come from the whole world.

Then the dark clouds in the sky suddenly broke.

A giant finger that lifted the sky fell from the cloud, pointing directly at the head of the Sky Slaughter Army.

The size of this giant finger almost caught up with the entire Heaven Slaughter City.

The head of the Heaven Slaughter Army wanted to dodge, but he felt that the world was suppressing his body.

Then he looked at Cang with horrified eyes.

He knew what such a means was.

"Fit to heaven and earth!"

It turned out to fit the heavens and the earth, this is the Supernatural Power that can only be mastered by a Practitioner in the Holy Realm.

It turned out that what I was facing turned out to be a holy place.

The head of the Heaven Slaughter Army smiled wryly, he knew that there was absolutely no hope of escaping now.

Although there is only one Realm gap between the Nirvana Realm and the Holy Realm, the distance between them is higher than heaven and earth.

With his ability, absolutely cannot escape.

In fact, he didn't know that the reason why Cang was able to use the trick of "fitting the heaven and the earth" was because of the law of force and the ability of the bloodline of the ancient royal family.

This designation is called "The Great Wilderness Prisoner's Sky Finger".

It is the Bloodline Supernatural Power of the Ancient Desolate Clan, and it can only be mastered by the Cultivation Base in the Holy Realm.

However, due to the law of force, Cang was able to break through this limitation and use the Semi-Saint Realm's Cultivation Base to activate this move.

This is also the first time he used this trick.

It is just right to use a Nirvana peak to test the power of this move.

The giant fingers of Qingtian slowly fell, and the sky above the entire Tianshi City was completely frozen.

At this moment, except for the members of the Ancient Desolation Clan, no one else could move and split the stage.

Finally, it fell all the way down, lightly touching the body of the head of the Heaven Slaughter Army.

Then I saw his whole body shattered like glass.

However, the falling speed of the giant finger did not stop, and it still slowly descended downward.

But when encountering people from the Ancient Desolation Clan, the giant fingers would pass directly through their bodies as if they didn't exist.

But once they meet people from the Heaven Slaughter Army, their ending will be exactly the same as the head of the Sky Slaughter Army just now.

Seeing that the Great Desolation Prisoner Tianzhi was about to fall into the city.

At this time, the residents of the city were also trembling.

One by one (adfe) hold each other tightly.

If this continues to fall, at least half of the Tianshi City will be destroyed.

But at this moment, Cang withdrew his own finger and the finger disappeared immediately.

It seemed that everything just now seemed to be an illusion.

But after looking at the few remaining Heaven Slaughtering Legion in the Sky Slaughter City, everyone knew that it was true.

The finger just now has almost wiped out the Heaven Slaughter Army.

The land vehicle in the air was also surprised to see this scene.

Today he finally saw the ability of the Holy Realm Practitioner.

"Old man, you are too dishonest, let us leave the strongest to you, and you still want to rob us, it is too much." Overlord came to Cang's side cursing.

He expressed his dissatisfaction with Cang's behavior just now.

Originally there were still half of the Heaven Slaughter Legion, but under Cang's move, they were almost wiped out.

This really made him sad.

Cang's head-grabbing behavior must be resisted.

Otherwise, how can we play together in the future.

To be honest, Cang was also a little surprised.

After all, this is the first time he has used the Great Desolation Prisoner's Sky Finger, and its power is indeed beyond his imagination.

Especially after the Great Desolation Prisoner's Finger was blessed by the law of strength, Cang felt that its power was somewhat stronger than what was recorded in the clan.

Even Cang has a strange feeling.

It seems that the Dahuang Prisoner's Finger should be driven by the law of force.

However, Cang completely ignored the Overlord's complaints.

Hehe, why should I let go of the head I snatched with my ability.

Taking a proud look at Bawang, Cang turned his head and flew to Lu Qi's side.

"Master Shengzun, you don't care about this old man, it's too much to bully people with high Cultivation Base." Overlord followed closely and complained to the lander.

"Okay, don't be upset, there are a total of 100,000 people in the Heaven Slaughter Legion, and there were only half of them here just now. I think the other half should have gone to support other places. I guess they will come back soon. There are many opportunities to fight." Lu Qi Feel a little funny.

Hearing this, Overlord's eyes lit up, and he said again: "Holy Venerable, then we can't let the old man make a move this time. If he makes a move, we really have nothing to play."

"Okay, I'll leave it to you, I won't let Cang do anything." Lu Qi said helplessly.

Then he looked back at Lu Qi and saw Cang looking thoughtful.

"Old man, what's the matter? Is there something wrong?" Lu Qi asked.

Cang shook his head: "No, Holy One, when I was using the Great Desolate Prisoner's Sky Finger just now, I always had a subtle feeling."

Then Cang recounted the fact that he discovered that the law of force and the Dahuang Prisoner's Sky Finger fit very well.

After saying this, Lu Qi was also a little surprised.

Generally speaking, the Bloodline Supernatural Power naturally fits better with one's own Bloodline.

This lander was tested in the Star Sea.

Whether it is Xiaotian or Starry Sky, they all have their own Bloodline Supernatural Power.

Only through the power of its own bloodline can the power of this supernatural power be exerted to the extreme.

This is the most basic common sense of Bloodline Supernatural Power.

But now Cang's words suddenly aroused Lu Qi's interest. .

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