Martial Dao: My Cultivation Technique Can Simplify

Chapter 419: Ancient Desolate City Is Too Domineering

After taking over the Spirit Stones from Chen Luo, the man began to introduce the ancient deserted city to Chen Luo.

"Three brothers, since the heaven and earth changed two years ago, the ancient deserted city has become the holy land of Practitioners in the whole Great Wilderness. Compared with the benefits here, you have already seen a little superficial. unbelievable."

Listening to the man's introduction, the three nodded in unison.

Indeed, the richness of Spiritual Qi alone can support the word "sacred place".

"But this is just the tip of the iceberg of the ancient deserted city. Have you seen these houses in the city?" The man pointed around.

The three nodded again.

The way the houses in the ancient deserted city were built was completely different from what they had seen before.

All of them are towering among the clouds, even the shortest ones are dozens of floors high.

And they can see that the "April 17" is not just one family living in these high-rise buildings.

There is no need to use Divine Sense to check. Chen Luo can clearly feel that there are at least hundreds of thousands of people living on each tall building just by the sense of breath.

But don't worry about being crowded.

When these houses were built, they all refer to the secret realm development method. They look small from the outside, but the space inside is actually very large.

"These houses were built more than a year ago. This house was designed by the Ancient Desolate Clan, and Master Formation Dao from Jubao Pavilion was invited to arrange the top-level Spiritual Qi Formation. The Spiritual Qi inside the house is still several times outside. Above." The man continued to explain.

Don't feel that multiples are very few.

This is already the limit.

The richness of Spiritual Qi has an upper limit.

Nowadays, the intensity of Spiritual Qi in the entire Great Wilderness is no longer below that of the Great Thousand World, and the level of the Ancient Deserted City is even comparable to the ancestral lands of those top powers.

On this basis, it can be improved several times, which is already very remarkable.

Listening to the man's words, the three of Chen Luo looked at the surrounding houses and couldn't help but yearn for them.

Chen Luo hurriedly asked: "senior, how can we outsiders have such a house in the ancient deserted city?"

Chen Luo is not stupid, it must be extremely difficult to own such a house in the ancient deserted city.

Although there is no concept of real estate in Great Wilderness, the essence of the bigger the city is, the more expensive the houses are.

The man smiled and said: "It's actually very simple to live in the outer city, as long as you have Spirit Stones, these houses in the outer city do not belong to individuals, they are built by the Lord of the Northern Wilderness specially for foreign Practitioners, so as long as you spend Spirit Stones Stones can live in it.

At this time, Chen Luo asked: "The Lord of the Northern Wilderness? Senior can be said to be the ancient power of the ancient wilderness that triggered the vision of the Sixth Stage Heavenly Dao? Senior, have you seen the Lord of the Northern Wilderness?"

In the past two years, the most famous name in the entire Great Wilderness has been the Lord of the Northern Wilderness.

As for any Practitioner, there is no one who has never heard of it.

Legendary has the talents of the world, Martial Dao Talent is unprecedented.

A combat power can go straight to the sky.

No Practitioner doubts this.

Fifth Stage heaven and earth vision can achieve invincible Heavenly Dao realm.

The sixth stage vision of heaven and earth is naturally above it.

Some people even speculate that the Lord of the Northern Wilderness is probably a Practitioner whose Cultivation Base is infinitely close to the Dao Realm.

The man shook his head: "Where do I have such a blessing, the Lord of the Northern Wilderness is not something I can see as a little enlightened Practitioner, have you seen it?"

The man pointed to the Holy Venerable Hall in the distance.

Chen Luo nodded.

"It's called the Holy Venerable Hall. Two years ago, the Lord of the Northern Wilderness became invincible in the Holy Venerable Hall. If you want to see him, you have to enter there to have a glimmer of hope. However, we outsiders are probably not qualified to enter the Holy Venerable in this life. Palace." When the man said this, his face was full of longing and yearning.

At the same time, the three of Chen Luo also looked up at the Holy Venerable Hall, and couldn't help but think in their hearts:

"If you can become the power of the Lord of the Northern Wilderness in this life, then you will really die without regret."

After a while, the four came back to their senses.

Chen Luo then asked: "senior, you just said that the houses here can be lived in as long as you spend Spirit Stones, but how many Spirit Stones are needed? And you just said the outer city, so is there an inner city?"

The man continued to explain: "The price of houses in the outer city is 10,000 per day. Spirit Stones are low-grade. As for the inner city, you don't have to think about it for the time being. You can go shopping at ordinary times, but if you want to live in the inner city, unless you are with the Ancient Desolate Clan Maybe Jubao Pavilion has something to do with it, otherwise no matter how many Spirit Stones you have, you won't be able to live in it.

100,000 daily prize Spirit Stones?

Chen Luo thought for a while, but it wasn't very expensive.

In those cities outside the Northern Wilderness, the prices of the best rooms in some of the top inns are much more expensive than here.

Ten thousand Zhongpin Spirit Stones one-night inn They have all heard of 0...

Compared with the two, it is much more cost-effective here.

At least the Spiritual Qi in those top inns is definitely not as strong as here.

But at this time, Chen Luo became even more curious about the inner city of the ancient deserted city.

"Senior, Junior can understand the friendship with the Ancient Desolation Clan, but why is there such a thing as Jubao Pavilion?"

The Ancient Desolate City is the site of the Ancient Desolate Clan, they are the masters of the Ancient Desolate City, and with the Lord of the Northern Desolation here, outsiders would never dare to be presumptuous.

But it is good that Jubao Pavilion has a semicolon in the heavens and myriad worlds, but they have always been a neutral force, and they have never heard of any force that they are close to.

The man shook his head: "I'm not too sure about this, but the Lord of the Northern Wilderness of Legendary has a very good personal relationship with Jubao Pavilion, so the people in Jubao Pavilion in Ancient Desolation City enjoy the same treatment as the Ancient Desolation Clan.

"I see." Chen Luo nodded.

Next, the man continued to introduce: "In fact, there is nothing to introduce in the outer city. All of them are residential buildings of this kind. If you plan to rent a house later, you can go to the inner city to deal with it. There are managers in charge of these things.

At this time, Chen Luo thought of another question: "senior, if you don't pay the money, can you stay in the ancient deserted city?"

Although Chen Luo can still get 10,000 low-grade Spirit Stones a day, but wouldn't it be better if you can get free tickets without paying the money.

At most, as his third brother said at the beginning, he would sleep directly on the street.

Anyway, the three brothers have done a lot of eating and sleeping in the open all these years. 5.0

The man smiled: "I understand your thoughts, but I advise you not to do this. When you entered the city just now, did the guards at the gate of the city give each of you an identity badge?"

Chen Luo nodded.

More than that?

The three of them also paid the entry fee of 30,000 lower-rank Spirit Stones.

At that time, the three of them kept cursing that the ancient deserted city was too dark.

But this point of dissatisfaction completely disappeared the moment they stepped into the ancient deserted city.

The man continued: "This identity jade card can only guarantee that you stay in the ancient deserted city for one day. If you don't leave after one day, the ancient deserted city law enforcement team will find you and expel you directly, and you will be completely lost after entering the ancient deserted city." Qualifications."

"Is the ancient deserted city so overbearing!" Chen Luo exclaimed.

Good guy, if you expel him directly, you won’t be able to enter in the future, aren’t you afraid of causing public outrage?

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