Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1142: Fiery Newborn Emperor Fire

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Chapter 114: The Fierce Newborn Emperor Fire

Seeing Cheng Feng being so nervous, Mr. Dan didn't need to guess to know that something must have happened.

So I didn't ask much, and quickly spurred the power to fly towards the crimson mountains.

And Cheng Feng and Mr. Dan just flew away, hum ~~~

A super-powerful force erupted suddenly from the bottom of the crimson mountain peak.

Wait until it's completely vented, rumbling--

The crimson mountain peaks, hundreds of miles away, began to crumble like paper.

The tyrannical force spurred and opened, making the whole earth-centered world shake.

As if the geocentric world was about to collapse, the scene was terrifying!

"Fuck, what's going on?"

While flying, Mr. Dan was hit by the violent fire energy behind him.

Even if he urged Fu Longding to stand behind him, his blood would roll over.

The whole person was involuntarily rushed into the air and blasted into the distance.

Cheng Feng's condition is not much better there. People are flying and shooting.

A mouthful of blood was spit out of his mouth, and the internal organs had become dislocated.

And this is thanks to the protection of the God of War armor.

If there is no armor of war, you must die on the spot!

However, despite being hit hard, Cheng Feng smiled.

With both hands clasping a blood-red stone tightly, he seemed to grasp his fate!

Rumble ~~ Rumble ~~~

At this time, the hundreds of miles of crimson red mountain peaks were finally destroyed by the horrific fire released from the bottom of the mountain.

Afterwards, the billowing fire could rush towards the Quartet centered on the red mountain peaks.

Like the same huge wave, the entire geocentric world must be leveled.

Especially in the direction that Cheng Feng and Mr. Dan are flying horizontally, the power of the huge waves of fire energy is the most powerful, crushing everything in the world!

"Damn, this is the fire energy that bursts out of the fire below the ground!"

At this point, Mr. Dan has resolved the impact of the fire energy just now and started to fly to the outlet of the geocentric world.

When he saw the horrible fire coming from behind, his face could not help changing.

Looking at Cheng Feng not far from his side, he asked in shock: "Cheng Feng, what have you done?"

"How to make the pulse of fire at the bottom of the earth-centered world so fierce?"

"Khekeke ~~~"

Cheng Feng coughed violently, and every cough brought a ray of blood: "Sir, I didn't do anything."

"I just took a stone!"

During his speech, Cheng Feng waved the Emperor Flint that he was holding.

"Have you taken a stone?"

Mr. Dan's eyes glared, "Is this stone the one that devoured the star-flame Danhuo?"

Mr. Dan has not seen Emperor Flint, but has heard Cheng Feng describe what Emperor Flint looks like.

And at this moment, in the 'mouth' naturally formed by Emperor Flint, there is still a small strand of celestial fire that has not been swallowed.

When Mr. Dan saw it, he was furious.

Ignoring the horrible fire energy that rushed behind him, he flew to Cheng Feng as soon as possible, and snatched away the only small strand of the star-flame arson fire from the emperor's mouth.

"It's so violent!"

After taking away the star pattern Danhuo, Mr. Dan almost roared sadly.

Then he took out a small bottle made of nephrite and filled the small strand of celestial fire into the bottle.

Then carefully closed the small bottle.


He was snatched by Mr. Dan, and the emperor flint did not care at first.

But as the star-flank fire was filled into the bottle by Mr Dan, for a moment, Emperor Firestone was a little angry.

Like a irritable kid who has been robbed of food, he makes a low growl.

With it, the emperor flint was red, like a **** moon.

During the violent vibration, Cheng Feng should be shaken by the grasp of both hands to regain the celestial flame.

"What a powerful force, what a terrible fire!"

The emperor fire, the emperor in the fire, is overbearing.

Although the Emperor's Fire in the Emperor's Flint was just born, its power is very amazing.

Cheng Feng even evoked the power of nine true dragons, and also used the power of the War God armor.

The Emperor Flint almost shook his hands and flew away.

In particular, a terror fire broke through the defense of the God of War armor, giving Cheng Feng a feeling that the whole person was ignited!

"Fuck, this is terrible!"

His hands were numb with the flint of Emperor Flint, and Cheng Feng's face was bitter.

I did not expect that Emperor Flint, who was just right, would become so irritable after being taken away by Mr. Dan.

"Cheng Feng, the new emperor fire is like a child, you need to coax it."

At this time, Nalan Changsheng spoke: "If you harden with the new emperor, you will only arouse the opponent's strong resistance."


Cheng Feng had no experience and asked: "Uncle Nalan, how do you do that!"

"It's simple. The reason why the new emperor Emperor is so irritable at this moment is that Mr. Dan snatched its food."

Nalan Changsheng said: "As long as you return the food to it, the new emperor fire will naturally settle down."

"Return‘ food ’to Emperor Xinsheng?”

Cheng Feng glanced at Mr. Dan and smiled bitterly: "I'm afraid it's not easy."

The star-shaped flame of Dan is the lifeblood of Mr. Dan.

At this time, it was impossible for Mr. Dan to return the celestial pattern of Danhuo fire to Emperor Firestone.

"Cheng Feng, not just the star-flame fire."

Nalan Changsheng said: "In the eyes of the new emperor fire, any psychic fire is its food. The higher the level of the fire, the more delicious it is."

"If you can get a higher-level flame than the star pattern, the new emperor fire should be very happy."

"An alien fire with a higher rank than the star pattern?"

After hearing the words, Cheng Feng's eyes brightened, and then he looked at the sealed fire bottle in the soul ring.

Feeling Cheng Feng's gaze, the **** black flame in the fire bottle was suddenly cold.

"Cheng Feng, what do you think I do?"

"Cough, **** melanitis, I want to ask you a favor."

Cheng Feng coughed, "You see that the situation is now critical, but this Emperor Flint has ran out to add chaos. Can you please give me the source of your fire and appease him?

"Do you want to use my fire source to feed the new emperor fire?"

Hell's Heiyan's voice went black: "Cheng Feng, don't even think about it!"

"Hell black inflammation, don't rush to refuse first."

Cheng Feng enlightened: "I only need a little source of fire, and it will only soothe Emperor Firestone, it will not affect you at all."

"Further, if you help me this time, when I leave the geocentric world, I will immediately go to the Imperial City Jade."

"Redeem that treasure for you, so the Jedi counterattacks and defeats Earth Spirit Flame!"

"Are you sure?" Hei Heiyan's tone loosened.

"OK, very sure."

"That line."

After a moment's groaning, Hell's Heiyan agreed: "I'll help you this time. I hope you can keep your promise and help me redeem the baby as soon as possible."

Hearing that, Cheng Feng immediately took the sealed fire bottle out of the soul ring.

Wait until the lid of the fire bottle is slightly peeled off, hum ~~~

A small black and white flame suddenly flew out of the sealed bottle.

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